Successful Small-scale Farming: An Organic Approach

Storey Communications, 1991 - 134 หน้า

"My advice is as old as the plow."  So says author, Karl Schwenke of his guide to making a full- or part-time living on the land, a book for anyone who plans to own a small farm.  With sections on soil management, farm practices, cash crop selections, machinery, and many other topics, as well as comprehensive series of appendices, the author touches upon the basics of getting started with one's own small-scale farm.  Schwenke, himself a small farm owner, has provided a great practical resource for the beginning cash crop grower.  Get started on acquiring "the hodgepodge of knowledge blended with a plethora of skills" necessary to becoming a successful organic farmer.

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เกี่ยวกับผู้แต่ง (1991)

Karl Schwenke is a professional writer who lives with wife Sue on a farm in Newbury, Vermont, where they have raised strawberries, pigs and hay among other crops. Together, this couple has written the book Build Your Own Stone House, and Karl wrote the Storey title Successful Small-Scale Farming. His other work includes Sierra North and Sierra South from Wilderness Press, an organization in Berkeley, California, that he co-founded after graduating from college. Karl has also written In a Pig's Eye (Chelsea Green Publishing).
