Imaginal Machines: Autonomy & Self-organization in the Revolutions of Everyday Life

Minor Compositions, 2009 - 255 หน้า
All power to the imagination? Over the past forty years to invoke the imagination as a basis for radical politics has become a cliche: a rhetorical utilization of ideas already in circulation, invoking the mythic unfolding of this self-institutionalizing process. But what exactly is radical imagination? Drawing from autonomist politics, class composition analysis, and avant-garde arts, Imaginal Machines explores the emergence, functioning, and constant breakdown of the embodied forms of radical imagination.

What does it mean to invoke the power of the imagination when it seems that the imagination has already seized power through the power of the spectacle? Does any subversive potentiality remain? Perhaps it is only honest to think in terms of a temporally-bounded subversive power. It might be that imaginal machines only work by breaking down. That is, their functioning is only possible, paradoxically, by their malfunctioning. By reopening the question of recuperation, the inevitable drive to integrate the power of social insurgency back into the working of capital and the state, we create possibilities for a politics continually reconstituted against and through the dynamics of recuperation: to keep open an antagonism without closure.



Of Imaginal Machines Compositional Inquiries
Plan 9 from the Capitalist Workplace

10 เนื้อหาอื่นๆ ไม่ได้แสดงไว้


เกี่ยวกับผู้แต่ง (2009)

Stevphen Shukaitis is an editor at Autonomedia and lecturer at the University of Essex. He is the author of Imaginal Machines: Autonomy & Self-Organization in the Revolutions of Everyday Life (Autonomedia, 2009) and editor (with Erika Biddle and David Graeber) of CONSTITUENT IMAGINATION: MILITANT INVESTIGATIONS, COLLECTIVE THEORIZATION (AK Press, 2007). His research focuses on the emergence of collective imagination in social movements and the changing compositions of cultural and artistic labor.
