Karmic Rendition: A Novel of Pancho Villa Avenged

Bangkok Book House, 6 มิ.ย. 2012 - 302 หน้า
Karmic Rendition: A Novel of Pancho Villa Avenged is a graphic depiction of the ruthlessness that permeates our Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branches of government; hence, it’s about the loose cannon bureaucrats who run our beloved and sacred Constitutional form of government. It’s a novel where ‘East meets West’ in a vile and cunning way. Karmic Rendition is all about Karma. From Japan to the United States, and from Canada to Mexico, Karmic Rendition exposes and deals with extraordinary rendition on a personal level, which soon spirals out of control. A Burma Triangle of sorts, starring private detective Rick Olson, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Rhinehart, and Pancho Villa (V) who must fight to overcome insurmountable odds because of their fate-extraordinary rendition-that’s right, government sanctioned kidnapping. And in today’s terrorist environment, any of us could be swallowed up by the forces of so-called good, and swept away in the middle of the night to a dark dungeon never to see the light of day again. Has America become them (the USSR) and they’ve become us (the USA)? The emperor has clothes, or is that sheep’s clothing? It doesn’t matter: The spirit of Pancho Villa permeates and resides in every aspect of this novel. Is there such a thing as: Karma? Think of it this way: What goes around comes around… Can Pancho Villa’s tarnished reputation be revived from the savage annals’ of history? Time will tell… That it will.

เกี่ยวกับผู้แต่ง (2012)

F. Scott Sinclair is retired and loves writing novels. He’s a graduate of the University of Washington where he majored in psychology. He is a Thai Vietnam veteran (an American stationed in Thailand during the Vietnam War), who was told in his special security instructions that he was “expendable.” In other words, whether he lived or died was of no concern to his government. His job was to detect and report; thereafter, he was on his own. And now, in F. Scott’s final years, he has returned to the place he was forsaken by his own government. Yes, to the place where he was told that his life was meaningless: expendable, a devastating word for anyone to endure. But defending the lives of the warmest and most loving people in the world, the Thai people, wasn’t meaningless. If he’d lost his life, the sacrifice would have been worth it. Freedom and liberty are difficult things to secure in this world: even in America. May God bless Thailand…!
