Epidemic: America's Trade in Child RapeTrineDay, 22 ¡.Â. 2017 - 184 ˹éÒ The problem of child sex abuse and its cover-up is real. A generation of American children are being destroyed. If you think this happens to someone else’s children and your children are safe, you are mistaken. Your children might be enduring sexual abuse right now while you remain dangerously ignorant. America’s appetite for child pornography puts all our children at risk. Your children and mine. Whether you acknowledge it or not. This book is a wake-up call about a subject too few people want to discuss. That is, while no one was watching, America has become a child pornography nation. |
Infants and Toddlers | 5 |
Race and Child Pornography | 20 |
The Legal Profession | 2002 |
Educators | 2000 |
Pedophile Magnets | 2013 |
The Way Forward | 2005 |
Text Boxes Tables Pictures Graphs | 2013 |
accessed July 15 Air Force America April arrested on child Attorney August caught child abuse Child Exploitation child porn child porn charges child pornography arrests child pornography charges child pornography possession child pornography related Child Protection child rape child sex abuse child sexual abuse County crime Criminal Complaint database December Department of Justice District Court Document emails employees arrested epidemic Europol February federal law enforcement Former girl global government computers government employees guilty to child Homeland Security Huffington Post images images/videos infants and toddlers Internet Internet Watch Foundation investigation January journalists June Justice Statistics justice system lawyer March Medium profile military misconduct national security networks November October online child pedophiles Pedophilia pled guilty prosecution rape and torture September sexual assault staff supervised release trading in child U.S. government United States Government USA Today victims videos Washington DC York