Physiology of Sport and ExerciseHuman Kinetics, 5 µ.¤. 2021 - 672 ˹éÒ Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Eighth Edition With HKPropel Access, continues its legacy as a top physiology textbook and favorite of instructors and students alike. Combining research with extensive visual aids, this resource offers a simple way for students to explore the body’s response to various types and intensities of exercise and sports. Written by a team of distinguished researchers, all past presidents of the American College of Sports Medicine, this eighth edition has been updated based on the most recent standards and guidelines in the field of exercise physiology. The text builds upon the previous edition’s high standards for illustrations, photos, and medical artwork with a refreshed, more sophisticated look to encourage a deep understanding of complex topics. Related multimedia components delivered through HKPropel further enrich the learning experience with 26 animations that offer a dynamic way to experience physiological concepts and 66 audio clips that offer explanations of elaborate physiological processes. Leaders in the field help students connect theoretical and practical concepts in 27 video clips. Various types of online learning activities, key term flash card reviews, and key term quizzes offer interactive opportunities to engage with the content—all of which can be assigned, and progress tracked, by instructors directly through HKPropel. In addition, chapter quizzes (assessments) may also be assigned; these are automatically graded to test comprehension of critical concepts. QR codes throughout the text notify students when complementary digital components are available. Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Eighth Edition, features the following enhancements based on the latest research in the field:
Physiology of Sport and Exercise has been a pivotal textbook in the field of exercise physiology. Through this edition’s dynamic and interactive learning activities, easy-to-follow layouts, and research-oriented content enriched with visual supplements, students and instructors will find this an invaluable resource for their continued education. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is not included with this ebook but may be purchased separately. |
Exercising Muscle | 25 |
Structure and Function of Exercising Muscle | 26 |
Fuel for Exercise Bioenergetics and Muscle Metabolism | 50 |
Neural Control of Exercising Muscle | 74 |
Hormonal Control During Exercise | 96 |
Muscle Energy | 121 |
Energy Expenditure | 122 |
Fatigue Muscle Soreness and Muscle Cramps | 144 |
Exercise in Hot and Cold Environments | 340 |
Altitude Hyperbaric Environments and Microgravity | 370 |
Optimizing Performance in Sport | 405 |
Training for Sport | 406 |
Nutrition Body Composition and Obesity | 430 |
Ergogenic Aids in Sport | 480 |
Special Considerations in Sport Exercise and Physical Activity | 511 |
Children and Adolescents in Sport and Exercise | 512 |
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Function | 165 |
The Cardiovascular System and Its Control | 166 |
The Respiratory System and Its Regulation | 190 |
Cardiorespriatory Responses to Acute Exercise | 214 |
Exercise Training | 241 |
Principles of Exercise Training | 242 |
Adaptions to Resistance Training | 262 |
Adaptations to Aerobic and Anaerobic Training | 282 |
Prescription of Exercise for Health and Fitness | 316 |
Environmental Influences on Performance | 339 |
Aging in Sport and Exercise | 534 |
Sex Differences in Sport and Exercise | 560 |
Cardiovascular Disease and Physical Activity | 582 |
Glossary | 605 |
619 | |
637 | |
About the Authors | 650 |
Back Page Ad | 652 |
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Physiology of Sport and Exercise W. Larry Kenney,Jack H. Wilmore,David L. Costill ªÁºÒ§Êèǹ¢Í§Ë¹Ñ§Ê×Í - 2022 |
Physiology of Sport and Exercise W. Larry Kenney,Jack H. Wilmore,David L. Costill äÁèÁÕµÑÇÍÂèÒ§ - 2021 |
Physiology of Sport and Exercise W. Larry Kenney,Jack H. Wilmore,David L. Costill äÁèÁÕµÑÇÍÂèÒ§ - 2021 |
2max 2max acid action potential adaptations adults aerobic exercise altitude anaerobic Applied Physiology arterial associated athletes blood flow blood pressure body composition body weight bout capacity carbohydrate cardiac output cardiorespiratory cardiovascular cause changes chapter concentrations contraction cycle decrease disease effects endurance training energy expenditure enzyme ergogenic exercise intensity exercise physiology exercise training factors fatigue fiber types fluid function glucose glycogen heart rate heat hemoglobin high-intensity hormones hypertrophy improve increase individuals intake lactate loss lungs maximal membrane metabolic min¯¹ mitochondrial mmHg molecules motor units muscle fibers muscle glycogen muscle mass muscular nervous system neuron obesity occur overtraining oxidative oxygen performance physical activity potential protein pulmonary receptors red blood cells reduced resistance training respiratory response rest result risk runners sarcomere Science in Sports skeletal muscle Sports and Exercise steroids strength stroke volume studies submaximal sweat temperature tissue type I fibers VO2max women