Vietnam ZipposThames & Hudson, 2007 - 180 ˹éÒ "We are the unwilling, led by the unqualified, doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful" --from an engraving on a Vietnam-era Zippo lighter. In 1965, journalist Morley Safer followed the United States Marines on a search and destroy mission into Cam Ne. When the Marines he accompanied reached the village, they ordered the civilians there to evacuate their homes--grass huts whose thatched roofs they set ablaze with Zippo lighters. Safer's report on the event soon aired on CBS and was among the first to paint a harrowing portrait of the war in Vietnam. LBJ responded to the segment furiously, accusing Safer of having "shat on the American flag." For the first time since World War II, American boys in uniform had been portrayed as murderers instead of liberators. Our perception of the war--and the Zippo lighter--would never be the same. But as this stunning book attests, the Zippo was far more than an instrument of death and destruction. |
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173RD AIRBORNE BRIGADE Afro-American AFVN anti-war BATTALION BITCH BLACK POWER Bradford Edwards Broadcasting BURY ME FACE CHARLIE CHU LAI COASTAL combat Da Nang Dave Rabbit Death Card DUTY UNKNOWN PLACE enemy engraved EVILEST FEAR NO EVIL FEED YOUR HEAD Fes Cannady FRAG FUCK Glossary of Military HELL helmet Image Bettmann/CORBIS in-country Infantry JIMI HENDRIX LIFERS Marijuana Military Terms NAME UNKNOWN UNIT NANG NHA TRANG Nickname NUMBER Original caption Peace Signs PEACE SYMBOL PLACE VIETNAM Playboy President Lyndon Radio First Termer Red Baron Republic of Vietnam Saigon SHADOW OF DEATH Sherry Buchanan SHIT sixties SMOKE Snoopy soldiers South Vietnam SURF Terms & Slang Tet Offensive Thailand TOUR OF DUTY U.S. ARMY U.S. military U.S. NAVY UNIT UNKNOWN TOUR UNKNOWN PLACE UNSPECIFIED UNKNOWN UNIT UNKNOWN USMC VALLEY Viet Cong Vietnam War Vietnam War Veteran Vietnam Zippos Vietnamese VUNG TAU WORLD Zig Zag ZIPPO INSCRIPTION Zippo lighters ZIPPO STORY