Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen?: Exit Polls, Election Fraud, and the Official CountSeven Stories Press, 4 Á.¤. 2011 - 288 ˹éÒ On the afternoon of election day 2004, the world was abuzz with the news: exit polls indicated that John Kerry would decisively win the election and become the next president of the United States. That proved not to be the case. According to the official count—the number of votes tallied, not necessarily the number of votes cast—George W. Bush beat Kerry by a margin of three million votes. The exit polls, however, had predicted a margin of victory for Kerry of five million votes. Occurrences of vote manipulation, vote suppression, and outright election fraud were alleged at the local level in many precincts throughout Ohio and other "battleground" states. Where the controversy of the 2000 presidential election had come about as the result of an extremely close race, in 2004 the irregularities were widespread and appeared to follow a clear pattern. Why then did the Democrats concede the election early the next morning? Why has there been no investigation by any major news organization? What does it say about our democracy when the slot machine industry is more strictly regulated than our electronic voting machines? Was the 2004 Presidential Election Stolen? analyzes the available data, and attempts to answer the question of whether America's sitting president was inaugurated after winning, or losing the 2004 presidential race. |
Florida Sets the Stage in 2000 | |
An Invitation for Fraud | |
Biased Polls or Biased Count? | |
The Inauguration Eve ExitPoll Report | |
How Did America Really Vote? | |
Responsible Journalism Versus Conspiracy Theory | |
There Can Be No Moving | |
APPENDIX A German Exit Polls | |
Notes | |
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2004 presidential election absentee ballots African Americans battleground Blackwell Board of Elections Bush voters Bush's campaign candidate cast Clermont County conducted conspiracy Conyers democracy Democratic Diebold disenfranchisement DRE voting DRE voting machines Edison/Mitofsky Election Day Election Day 2004 election officials election results Election Systems electoral electronic voting machines electronic voting systems exit polls exit-poll data exit-poll discrepancy exit-poll results felons Florida Gallup Gore Greg Palast Hocking County indicated interviewer investigation John John Zogby Kerry voters Kerry’s Lenski margin of error million votes Mitofsky November numbers official count Ohio optical-scan Palm Beach County paper ballots participate party percentage points political polling place pollsters pre-election precincts predicted president problems Project provisional ballots questions recount registration Reluctant Bush Respondent Republican response rates sample Sequoia Snohomish statistical stickers survey tallies telephone polls turnout U.S. presidential election undervotes vote for Kerry Voting Technology Washington Post Zogby