
we could have no adjectives to limit, verbs to express the actions of, conjunctions to connect, prepositions, showing relations between, or pronouns standing for beings which have no existence, any more than we could have a world without a God, or a part of any thing without a whole to which it is related. God never made a part without a whole: he did not make a part of a man, namely, the head, and ordain that it should be sustained from four to seven feet in altitude, above the earth, without a body to sustain or limbs to support it, and hold learned discussions on philology and its anomalies. This business of creating parts without a whole, of making parts of speech without syntax, seems to have devolved upon the learned grammarian.


1. The student will give the word which he wishes to parse, its true relation, by pronouncing it, together with the word or words with which it is connected.

2. He will then place the word on the parsing table after the same figure that is placed over the word, and parse it, filling the blank or blanks with the word or words with which he has previously joined it on the plate, and apply the rule; fill the blanks with the word he is parsing, and the word or words on which it depends as a part of speech, and if he will continue these exercises until he has perfectly committed these parsing lessons to memory, he will find no difficulty in learning grammar.

1 MIDNICHT, a 1-is an adjective, having a single relation to, and restricting the extension of


RULE 1. Every adjective belongs to a noun;

2. MɔON, n-is a noun, the name of a thing,
c-common, not applied to individuals,
f-feminine gender, personified by smiles,
3-third person, spoken of,

s-singular number; it denotes but one object,
2-nominative case, it precedes the verb

RULE 2. The nominative case precedes the verb; as,

9. SMILES, V-is a verb; it denotes existence, r-regular; it forms its past tense in ed, in-intransitive, having a single relation to ind-indicative mood; it simply indicates or declares pr-present tense; it represents present time, 3 s-third person, singular; to agree with RULE 9. A verb agrees with its nominative case, in number and person; as,

12. SERENELY, adv—an adverb, having a single relation to, and qualifying —.

RULE 12. Adverbs qualify verbs; as,——

14. O'ER, prep-a preposition, having a double relation and giving its phrase an adverbial relation to the verb



When the antecedent of a preposition is a verb, the phrase con. taining the preposition has an adverbial relation to that verb; and when the antecedent is a noun, the phrase which the preposition heads, has an adjective relation to that noun-thus:

Moon smiles o'er nature's soft repose.

Smiles there.

Heaven hides the Book of Fate.

Fatal book.

Where fatal is equivalent to "Book of Fate," and there to nature's soft repose;" thus showing the relation.

(6 'O'er

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Relation-Book of Fate.

13. OF, prep-a preposition, having a double relation to and, giving its phrase an adjective

relation to the noun

5. NATURE's, n-is a noun; name of a thing.
c-common; not applied to individuals.
n-neuter gender; it denotes neither sex.
3-third person; spoken of.

s-singular number; it denotes but one object.
5-possessive case; it precedes the noun

RULE 5. The possessive case precedes the

noun; as,


7. REPOSE, n-is a noun; name of a thing.

c-common; not applied to individuals.
n-neuter gender; it denotes neither sex.
3-third person; spoken of.

s-singular number; it denotes but one object.
7-objective case; governed by the preposition.

RULE 7. Prepositions govern the objective

case; as,

2. CLOUD, n-is a noun; name of a thing.

c-common; not applied to individuals.
n-neuter gender; it denotes neither sex.
3-third person; spoken of.

s-singular number; it denotes but one object.
2-nom. case; it precedes the verb

; Rule 2.

10. OBSCURES, v-verb; it denotes an action performed. r-regular; it forms its past tense in ed. tr-transitive; having a double relation to ind-indicative mood; it indicates or declares. pr-present tense; it represents present time. 3 s-third person sing. ; to agree with 6. Sky, n-is a noun; name of a thing. c-common; not applied to individuals. n-neuter gender; it denotes neither sex. 3-third person; spoken of.

; Rule 9

s-singular number; it denotes but one object.
6-objective case, governed by the transitive verb —.

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