
RULE 6. Transitive verbs govern the objec

tive case; as,

Relation-Mexico was conquered.

11 WAS CONQUERED, v-verb; denoting action received. r-regular; it forms its past tense in ed.

pas-passive; expressing action received by its


ind—indicative mood; it indicates or declares.
imp-imperfect tense; represents past time.
3 s-third person singular; to agree

Sentence and relation.

with — ;

Rule 9

John, (went to Albany, where) he (8 & 2) will remain.

8. HE, pp-is a personal pronoun, standing for and agreein gender, person and number; no

ing with
minative case; it precedes the verb

Sentence aud relation.

-; Rule 2.

Cloud obscures sky, NOR tempest blows.

16. NOR, con-is a conjunction, having a double relation to, and connecting the sentences,


RULE 16. Conjunctions connect words and sentences; as,

—, (con.)

17. ALAS! int-is an interjection; a word having no relation.

Sentence and relation.

George 2 regards 10 his lesson 6.

2. GEORGE, n-is a noun; name of a person. p-proper; applied to individuals.

m-masculine gender; it denotes males.

3-third person; spoken of.

s-singular number; it denotes but one object.

2-nominative case; it precedes the verb —; Rule 2.

Sentence-He is the person whom (Ɛ & 6) I saw.
Relation-Person whom 8-saw whom 6.

8. WHOм, г p-is a relative pronoun, having a double relation to person, with which it agrees in gender, number and person, and to saw, by which it is governed; Rule 7.


Sentences and relation.

John can 18 write much 20 better on a very 19 pleasant day, than in a storm.

James went almost 21 to New York.

18. CAN-is an auxiliary verb, forming the potential present of write.

19. VERY--is an auxiliary adjective, qualifying pleasant. 20. MUCH-is an auxiliary adverb, and qualifies better. 21. ALMOST-is an auxiliary preposition, and qualifies to. RULE 18. An auxiliary holds a single relation to its principal; as,



Mary, 3 can you write a letter for me?

Moon 3 that meets the orient sun 6.

The general 4 being killed, the army was routed.

3. MARY, f-feminine gender; it denotes females. 2-second person; spoken to.

ind-case independent.

RULE 3. All nouns of the second person, are in the case independent; as, O

4. GENERAL, 4-in the case absolute, preceding the participle

RULE 4. The case absolute precedes the participle; as,

3. MOON, f-feminine gender, by personification. 6. SUN, m-masculine gender, by personification.

Sentence-Heaven (from all creatures) hides the Book (of Fate.)

1. HEAVEN 2 HIDES 10 the Book, 6-is a transitive sentence, because it contains three sentence words. [Hides 2] from all creatures-is a prepositional phrase, having a single adverbial relation to its antecedent verb

[Book] of Fate-is a prepositional phrase, having a single adjective relation to its antecedent noun.

Sentence-Our Father, who art in heaven.

WHO 2 ART 9 in heaven-is an intransitive sentence, because it contains but two sentence words, having a single adjective relation to its antecedent noun

Sentence-Mr. Jones, respected (1 & 11) by his friends, was elected sheriff.

Relation-Respected 1 Jones-Jones, who was respected. RESPECTED, part-is a participle, having two distir ct relations by virtue of which it becomes either an adjective or verb.


We often meet with what are called "Corresponding" and "Exile" conjunctions; but they all have the same relation that OR 16 has in the table; thus:

As16 the young bears seized on the repast, so16 we snatch our fill.

Now, this word as is a corresponding conjunction; corresponding to so, and expressing a comparison of equality between the two sentences, like the sign of equality (not plus nor minus,) in Mathematics; thus:

2, as 16 bears seized repast

1, so 16 we snatch fill

If you wish to make as a conjunction, invert the terms 2 and 1, thus:

1, So 16 we snatch our fill,

2, As 16 the bears seized on the rich repast.

In all cases, one of the corresponding conjunctions must be exiled or thrown out of its proper place. These conjunctions may both be inserted between the two sentences, thus:

The bears seized on the repast, so as we snatch our fill.

By rendering this sentence plenary, (full,) both conjunctions will have their proper place and relation:


The bears seized on the repast, so 16 we snatch our fill;

We snatch our fill, as 16 the bears seized the repast.

In the following sentences:

2, Ir 16 you wish to be a grammarian,

1, You must study.

F is exiled from its proper place. Now, invert the sentences, thus:

1, You must study,

2, IF you wish to be a grammarian.

1, A youth would boast his skill to curb the steed;
And, 16 (3, as16 he passed the gazing throng,)
2, The idiot wonder they expressed, was praise.

Now transpose,

1, Youth would boast, &c. 2, AND16 2, Wonder was, &c
As16 3, he passed the gazing throng.

Jacob went up into a mountain, and,16 as16 the sun rose, he worworshipped the Lord.

As16 no part of English, Latin or Greek Grammar is of more importance, or more difficult to acquire, than 16 an actual knowledge of the relation of the conjunction, without, which it is impossible, either16 to write or 16 punctuate correctly: therefore, 16 we have extended these remarks to great length. The common method of learning the conjunctions BY THE LIST!! instead of relation, is an insult upon, and16 degrading to, human nature. You will, therefore, see the necessity of first establishing the fact, that 16 the conjunction actually connects (from con, together, nectĕre, to link,) sentences, before 16 you can have any conception of its being a con-junction, (a con et jungere,) a-joiner-together-of-sentences.

We have extended these remarks, As no part is more difficult.
part is more difficult THAN knowledge of this relation (is.)
It is impossible to punctuate, EITHER it is impossible to write.
It is impossible to write, or it is impossible to punctuate.

As no part of grammar is more difficult, THEREFORE we have, &c.
Method of learning is an insult, AND method of learning is degrading.
You will see the necessity, &c., THAT the conjunction connects, &c.
Y will see that the conjunction, &c., BEFORE you can have any, &c.

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