Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook

SAGE Publications, 12 ม.ค. 1994 - 338 หน้า

The latest edition of this best-selling textbook by Miles and Huberman not only is considerably expanded in content, but is now available in paperback. Bringing the art of qualitative analysis up-to-date, this edition adds hundreds of new techniques, ideas and references developed in the past decade. The increase in the use of computers in qualitative analysis is also reflected in this volume. There is an extensive appendix on criteria to choose from among the currently available analysis packages. Through examples from a host of social science and professional disciplines, Qualitative Data Analysis remains the most comprehensive and complete treatment of this topic currently available to scholars and applied researchers.



Focusing and Bounding the Collection
Early Steps in Analysis
Improvement Field Study Initial Version

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ฉบับอื่นๆ - ดูทั้งหมด



เกี่ยวกับผู้แต่ง (1994)

Matthew B. Miles, a social psychologist, had a career-long interest in strategies for educational reform. His work focused on planned change in education, group and organizational studies, and the dissemination and implementation of research findings. His first major research project was a four-year study of six new, innovative public schools. A. Michael Hubermanrsquo;s long-term interests were in scientific epistemology and adult cognition and knowledge use. His work focused on education policy, school reform, and the practical translation of research knowledge into effective school practice. His first extensive project was a four-year study of an experimental elementary schoolrsquo;s implementation of Piagetian theories into classroom practice..
