
Now, by the Queen's advice, I ask your leave
To dine to-morrow with the Mayor of London :
If I obtain your leave, I have another boon
To ask, which is the favour of your company.
I fear Lord Percy will not give me leave.


Dear Sir, a prince should always keep his state,
And grant his favours with a sparing hand,
Or they are never rightly valued.

These are my thoughts: yet it were best to go;
But keep a proper dignity, for now

You represent the sacred person of

Your father; 'tis with princes as 'tis with the sun;
If not sometimes o'erclouded, we grow weary
Of his officious glory.


Then you will give me leave to shine sometimes, My Lord?

LORD (aside).

Thou has a gallant spirit which I fear

Will be imposed on by the closer sort.


Well, I'll endeavour to take

Lord Percy's advice; I have been used so much
To dignity that I'm sick on't.


Fie, fie, Lord Clarence you proceed not to business,

But speak of your own pleasures.

I hope their lordships will excuse your giddiness.


My Lords, the French have fitted out many
Small ships of war that, like to raving wolves,
Infest our English seas, devouring all

Our burdened vessels, spoiling our naval flocks.
The merchants do complain, and beg our aid.


The merchants are rich enough;

Can they not help themselves?


They can, and may; but how to gain their will
Requires our countenance and help.


When that they find they must, my Lord, they will
Let them but suffer awhile, and you shall see
They will bestir themselves.


Lord Percy cannot mean that we should suffer
This disgrace. If so, we are not sovereigns
Of the sea-our right, that heaven gave
To England, when at the birth of Nature
She was seated in the deep; the Ocean ceased
His mighty roar, and, fawning, played around
Her snowy feet, and owned his awful Queen.
Lord Percy, if the heart is sick, the head
Must be aggrieved; if but one member suffer,
The heart doth fail. You say, my Lord, the

Can, if they will, defend themselves against

These rovers this is a noble scheme,
Worthy the brave Lord Percy, and as worthy
His generous aid to put it into practice.


Lord Bishop, what was rash in me is wise
In you; I dare not own the plan. 'Tis not
Mine. Yet will I, if you please,

Quickly to the Lord Mayor, and work him onward
To this most glorious voyage; on which cast
I'll set my whole estate,

But we will bring these Gallic rovers under.


Thanks, brave Lord Percy; you have the thanks Of England's Queen, and will, ere long, of England.


SCENE.-At Cressy.



Good-morrow, brave Sir Thomas; the bright morn

Smiles on our army, and the gallant sun
Springs from the hills like a young hero
Into the battle, shaking his golden locks
Exultingly this is a promising day.


Why, my Lord Audley, I don't know.

Give me your hand, and now I'll tell you what

I think you do not know. Edward's afraid of Philip.


Ha, ha! Sir Thomas! you but joke ;

Did you e'er see him fear? At Blanchetaque,
When almost singly he drove six thousand

French from the ford, did he fear then ?

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