Einführung in das Studium der Malariakrankheiten: mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Technik

Fischer, 1906 - 420 ˹éÒ

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˹éÒ 370 - WHAT IS MALARIA ? AND WHY IS IT MOST INTENSE IN HOT CLIMATES ? An explanation of the Nature and Cause of the so-called Marsh Poison, with the Principles to be observed for the Preservation of Health in Tropical Climates and Malarious Districts.
˹éÒ 370 - Studies in relation to malaria. II. The structure and biology of Anopheles (Anopheles maculipennis).
˹éÒ 276 - Chiuinprophylaxe die Malaria und mit ihr — in der überwiegenden Mehrzahl der Fälle — das Schwarzwasserfieber ausgerottet werden kann. Eine unvollständige Chininprophylaxe, die nicht ausreichend vor Malaria schützt, prädispouirt hingegen zum Schwarzwasserfieber, denn nun wirken Plasmodien und Chinin vereint schädigend auf den Organismus.
˹éÒ 378 - The diagnostic value of the variations in the leucocytes and other blood changes in typhoid and malarial remittent fevers respectively.
˹éÒ 340 - Anophèles dans le canton du Valais, en relation avec les anciens foyers de Malaria.
˹éÒ 380 - THE inaugural lecture on the possibility of extirpating malaria from certain localities by a new method, delivered by Major Ronald Ross at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, is published in the British Medical Journal.
˹éÒ 378 - Abstract of a Paper on the Relationship of Drinking Water; — Water-Logging and the Distribution of Anopheles Mosquitoes respectively to the Prevalence of Malaria North of Calcntta (Ind.
˹éÒ 378 - The Relation of Variations in the Level of the Ground-Water to the Incidence and Seasonal distribution of Malaria.
˹éÒ 355 - Sur un nouveau parasite trouve^ dans le sang des malades atteints de fievre palustre.
˹éÒ 333 - Some Observations on the Common Anopheles of British Central Africa, the Haunts and Habits of their Larvae during the Dry Season, 1899.
