
of careful perusal, and the book as a whole is exceedingly valuable. Professor Loofs discusses Die Handschriften der lateinischen Uebersetzung des Irenaeus und ihre Kapiteleinteilung (pp. 1-93) in a most exhaustive manner. The article will form a most valuable adjunct to the editions of Stieren and of Harvey. In fact, no patristic student can afford to overlook it. Karl Mirbt follows with an interesting paper upon a subject of importance both to the church and secular historian, Die Absetzung Heinrichs IV. durch Gregor VII. in der Publicistik jener Zeit (pp. 97-144). Professor Tschackert, in possession of a mass of hitherto unpublished material, contributes a biographical paper, Georg von Polentz, Bischof von Samland. Ein Charakterbild unter Benutzung vieler archievalischer Quellen entworfen. . . . Mit einer Auswahl ungedruckter Briefe des Bischofs (pp. 145-194). By Professor Kolde, Beiträge zur Refor mationsgeschichte, including: 1. Wie wurde Cochleus zum Gegner Luthers? 2. Das zweite Breve Adrians an Friedrich den Weisen vom Jahre 1522. 3. Zum Prozess des Johann Denk und "der drei gottlosen Maler von Nürnberg." 4. Nürnberg und Luther vor dem Reichstage zu Augsburg 1530 (pp. 195-263). All of these studies rest upon recently discovered letters and upon other documents hitherto unpublished. Professor Brieger also makes an important contribution to the history of the Reformation in his paper Die Torgauer Artikel. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungsgeschichte der Augsburgischen Confession (pp. 265-320). The appendix contains an article by August Reuter, Zu dem Augustinischen Fragment "De Arte rhetorica," in which we are made more intimately acquainted with St. Augustine as a rhetorician. Neutestamentliche Schriften, griechisch, mit kurzer Erklärung, von Siegfried Goebel, Hofprediger in Halberstadt. Erstes bis fünftes Heft, enthaltend die älteren Briefe des Paulus. Heft I: Die Briefe an die Thessalonicher, 8vo, pp. 38. Price 80 pf. Heft II: Der Brief an die Galater, pp. 35. Price 80 pf. Heft III: Erster Korintherbrief, pp. 92. Price 1.60 mks. Heft IV: Zweiter Korintherbrief, pp. 75. Price 1.60 mks. Heft V: Römerbrief, pp. vi, 125. 2.20 mks. Gesamtband, price 7 mks. Gotha: Perthes, 1887. - The present work contains the Greek text (after Tischendorf's last edition, with occasional alterations) and a running commentary in the form of foot-notes, which occupy from two thirds to three fourths of each page. The form is one which is very familiar to English students, but to the Germans, who devote themselves chiefly to the production of extensive critical commentaries, it is almost unknown. The notes in the present work are very brief, but, as far as they go, are well adapted to elucidate the text. They are chiefly grammatical and linguistic, not of a homiletical character. The author's theological position is conservative, but controversy is sedulously avoided, and the presentation of the views of other commentators is of necessity dispensed with. The convenient form of the work (each epistle composing as it does a separate Heft, which contains at once text and notes) will undoubtedly give it an extensive circulation, and it is hoped promote a wider study of the epistles in the original tongue. Vorträge der theologischen Konferenz zu Giessen, gehalten am 9. Juni 1887. W. Herrmann: Der Begriff der Offenbarung. K. Müller: Bericht über den gegenwärtigen Stand der Forschung auf dem Gebiet der vorreformatorischen Zeit. Giessen: Ricker. 1887. Pp. 65. 1 mk. -The lecture of Herrmann, although brief, is of great significance. The author's general position is well known (he is one of the leaders of the Ritschlian School), and the present lecture falls into line with his other

works. His main thesis is that that alone is a revelation of God to us by which God makes of us new creatures. The lecture of Müller presents a most thorough discussion of a subject upon which he is an acknowledged authority. — Lehrbuch der Dogmengeschichte, von Prof. Dr. Adolf Harnack. Zweiter Band: Die Entwickelung des kirchlichen Dogmas I. Freiburg i. Br.: Mohr. 1887. 8vo, pp. xvi, 483. 9 mks. - For this work see the article on Current German Thought in the present number of the "Review," p. 548.- Die Dialoge des "Adamantius" mit den Gnostikern, von Theodor Zahn. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, Bd. IX., Heft 2 und 3, pp. 193–239. — A critical discussion of the Pseudo-Origenistic dialogues of "Adamantius" with the Gnostics, of which a newly discovered Latin version by Rufinus was published by Professor Caspari in 1883. Zahn considers the Greek text, which lies at the base of Rufinus's version, to be an older form than that which exists in our Greek manuscripts, and concludes that the original work was written between 300 and 313 A. D., probably in the neighborhood of Antioch, and that at the base of the dialogues lies an anti-Gnostic work which was used also by Irenæus and Tertullian: namely (according to Zahn), the work of Theophilus of Antioch against Marcion (upon which work compare Zahn's Forschungen, Heft II, and against his results Harnack's Texte und Untersuchungen, Bd. I. Heft IV, a criticism which caused Zahn to present greatly modified conclusions in Heft IV. of his "Forschungen ").. Melancthon's politische Stellung auf dem Reichstag zu Augsburg 1530, von Dr. H. Virck. Ibid. Bd. IX., Heft 1, pp. 67-104, and Heft 2 und 3, pp. 293–340. - This careful and exceedingly interesting study, to be mentioned in connection with the Kirchengeschichtliche Studien noticed above, discusses very freely the conduct of Melancthon at the Reichstag, and brings out most clearly his lamentable weakness displayed there. At the same time the general course of the Reichstag is described, together with the positions taken by the other leaders of the two parties.


Arthur C. McGiffert.


Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society, Boston and Chicago. The Royal Service, or the King's Seal. By Kate W. Hamilton, author of "Rachel's Share of the Road," "We Three," "Tangles and Corners," etc. Pp. 192. 1887. $1.00; In Black and Gold. A Story of Twin Dragons. By Julia McNair Wright, author of "Bricks from Babel," "Mr. Standfast's Journey," "Rasmus," "Grahame's Laddie,' ," "The Early Church in Britain," etc., etc. Pp. 400. 1887. $1.50.

- Well-Worn

Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston. American Statesmen. Patrick Henry. By Moses Coit Tyler. 16mo, pp. 398. 1887. $1.25 ; The Gates Between. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. 16mo, pp. 222. 1887. $1.25; Roads of Spain, Holland, and Italy, Traveled by a Painter in Search of the Picturesque. By F. Hopkinson Smith. 16mo, pp. 121. 1887. $1.25 ; Wit, Wisdom, and Beauties of Shakespeare. Edited by Clarence Stuart Ward. 16mo, pp. 188. 1887. $1.25; A Memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson. By James Elliot Cabot. 2 vols. 12mo, pp. viii, 809. 1887. $3.50.

Our Hundred Days in Europe. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. 12mo, pp.

329. 1887. $1.50; With Illustrations by C. W. Reed. 16mo, pp. 59. 1887. 50 cents; The Unseen King, and other Verses. By Caroline Leslie Field. Pp. 73. 1887. $1.00.

Jack the Fisherman. By Elizabeth Stuart Phelps.

Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York. What To Do? Thoughts Evoked by the Census of Moscow. By Count Lyof N. Tolstoi. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. Pp. 273. 1887. $1.25; The Invaders, and other Stories. By Count Lyof N. Tolstoï. Translated from the Russian by Nathan Haskell Dole. Pp. 343. 1887. $1.25;- St. Paul's Problem and its Solution. By Faye Huntington. Pp. 218. 1887; -My Confession, and The Spirit of Christ's Teaching. By Count Lyof N. Tolstoi. Translated from the Russian. Pp. 242. 1887. $1.00.

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Funk & Wagnalls, New York. Hints on Early Education and Nursery Discipline. Pp. 95. 1887; The People's Bible; Discourses upon Holy Scripture. By Joseph Parker, D. D., Minister of the City Temple, Holborn Viaduct, London; author of "Ecce Deus,' "The Paraclete,' 66 The Priesthood of Christ," "Springdale Abbey," "The Inner Life of Christ," "Ad Clerum," "The Ark of God," "Apostolic Life," "Tyne Chylde," Stephen," etc. Vol. VI. Judges vi.-1 Samuel xviii. Pp. 354. 1887. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. The Science of Thought. By F. Max Müller. In two volumes. Pp. xxix, 656. 1887. $1.00; Christian Facts


and Forces. By Newman Smyth, D. D., LL. D. 12mo. 1887. $1.50.

Scribner & Welford, New York. Handbooks for Bible Classes and Private Students. Edited by Rev. Marcus Dods, D. D., and Rev. Alexander Whyte, D. D. The Gospel of St. Luke, Chapters xiii.-xxiv. By Thomas M. Lindsay, D. D. 1887; Apologia Ad Hebraeos, the Epistle (and Gospel) to the Hebrews. Pp. 268. By Zenas. Pp. 493. 1887; System of Christian Ethics. By Dr. I. A. Dorner,_ Oberconsistorialrath and Professor of Theology, Berlin. Edited by Dr. A. Dorner. Translated by Professor C. M. Mead, D. D., formerly Professor of Hebrew in Andover Theological Seminary, and Rev. R. T. Cunningham, M. A. Pp. 611. 1887.

Thomas Whittaker, New York. Of the Doctrine of Morality in its Relation to the Grace of Redemption. By Robert B. Fairbairn, D. D., LL. D., Warden of St. Stephen's College, Annandale, New York. Pp. 324. 1887. $1.50; The Theological Educator. Rev. Charles Hole's Manual of the Book of Common Prayer. Pp. 276. 1887. 75 cents; The Vine out of Egypt, or The Growth and Development of the American Episcopal Church, with Special Reference to the Church Life of the Future. By Wm. Wilberforce Newton, author of " Essays of To-day," "Priest and Man," "Summer Sermons." Pp.

153. 1887. 50 cents.

Office of "Words of Reconciliation," Philadelphia. The Fire of God's Anger; or, Light from the Old Testament upon the New Testament Teaching concerning Future Punishment. By L. C. Baker, author of "Mystery of Creation and of Man," Editor of "Words of Reconciliation." Pp. 282. 1887.

Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago. Wind Flowers. By J. Luella Dowd Smith, author of "Wayside Leaves." Pp. 231. 1887. $1.00.

Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House, Nashville, Tenn. Atonement. Review of Atonement and Law (Armour). S. G. Burney, D. D., LL. D., Professor of Systematic Theology, Cumberland University. Pp. 239. 1887.


Government Printing Office. Annual Report of the Commissioner of Pensions for 1887. Pp. 95. 1887. Alfred Mudge & Son, Boston. The Congregational Churches and Christian Education. A Paper read before the National Council of Congregational Churches, during its Sixth Triennial Session, at Chicago, October 19, 1886. By Rev. George H. Ide, D. D. Pp. 22. 1887. At the Bookstores, New York. God in Creation and in Worship. By a Clergyman. Pp. 96. 1887. Published by the Author, Battle Creek, Michigan. Alatypes or Stenography. A System of Condensed Printing, together with The Elements of Alagraphy or Syllabic Short-Hand. By Henry H. Brown. Pp. 92. 1887. Published by the Author, Boston. Christian

Science No and Yes. By Mary Baker G. Eddy, President of Massachusetts Metaphysical College. Pp. 56. 1887. Congregational Sunday-School and Publishing Society, Boston and Chicago. Vesper Service. For the Use of Congregations, Colleges, Schools and Academies, for Sunday Evening Worship. By Rev. J. T. Duryea, D. D. Vesper Service I. and II. Pp. 12 and 13. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., London. The Origin of Worship and the Genesis of Belief. A Paper read before the Croyden Socratic Society on December 8, 1886. By J. H. Mitchiner, F. R. A. S. Pp. 24. 1887. One shilling.- -Cupples, Hurd & Co., Boston. The Right of Property and the Ownership of Land. By W. T. Harris. Publication Agency of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Herbert B. Adams, Editor. Fifth Series. IX. The Predictions of Hamilton and DeTocqueville. By James Bryce, M. P. Pp. 57. 1887. 25 cents.- - Akademische Buchdruckerei, von F. Straub, Munich. Introduction to the Inscriptions Discovered by Mons. E. De Sarzec. Part of a Dissertation presented to the Philosophical Faculty, University of Leipsic, to obtain the Degree of Dr. of Philosophy. By Ira Maurice Price, Chicago, U. S. A. Pp. 32. 1887. Georg Reichardt's Verlag, Leipzig: Williams & Northgate, London. Theologischer Jahresbericht, unter Mitwirkung von Benrath, Böhringer, Dreyer, Ehlers, Furrer, Hasenclever, Holtzmann, Kind, Lüdemann, Marbach, Nippold, Seyerlen, Siegfried, Werner. Herausgegeben von R. A. Lipsius. Sechster Band, enthaltend Die Literatur des Jahres 1886. Pp. 527. 1887.- R. Beresford, Washington, D. C. Biographical Sketch of John G. Deane, and brief mention of his connection with the Northeastern Boundary of Maine. Copied by permission of the Maine State Historical Society; also, Memoranda about Members of the Family, Old Residents of the City of Ellsworth, Maine, etc. Prepared by, and printed for, his son, Llewellyn Deane, June, 1885, for private use. Pp. 70. 1887.

James Pott & Co., New York. Orthodoxy and the Heathen. A Sermon preached by the Rev. J. H. Rylance, D. D., in St. Mark's Church, New York, December 12, 1886. Pp. 12. 1887.

Leonard Scott Publication Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Shakespeariana, August, September, 1887. $1.50 per annum ; The Scriptures and Christianity The Proposed School

versus Theology. By a Layman. 1887. 10 cents; of Biblical Archæology and Philology in the East. By Henry W. Hulbert. 1887; Ultramontanism is unlawful in the United States, "A Plea for American Home-Rule contra Rome-Rule on account of the McGlynn Case." By Adolph Hepner. 1887. 10 cents.

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