

Page 3. - fchwanken expresses the wavering motion of a reed, occasioned by a gentle wind. A form or figure which moves before our eyes in such a manner that we cannot fix it, is called eine schwankende Gestalt. - walten, to rule, to hold dominion over something. - - der Zauberhauch, the magic breath. Hauch signifies the motion of the air, caused by breathing. umwittern, to breath around. wittern also signifies the noise of a distant thunder. - Jemand um etwas täuschen, to cheat a person of something, to deprive him of it by deluding him.

P. 5. die Pfosten sind, die Bretter aufgeschlagen, the posts and the boards for the stage are put up. - gelassen, calmly, patiently, with composure. mit gewaltig wiederholten Weben, with powerfully repeated woes, squeezing. - vor Bieren, before four o'clock. The declension of the numeral is a poetical licence.

ein Billet, a ticket.

P. 6. die Himmelsenge, the heavenly nook, where there is no room for the great multitude, which disturbs the poet. - lallen, to stammer, was sich die Lippe schüchtern vorgelallt, what the quivering lips stammered to themselves. ein braver Knabe, a brave, gallant boy or fellow. drum seyd nur brav und zeigt euch musterhaft, then do and try your best, and show yourself a model.

P. 7. vorlegen, to serve up. sauber, fine, used ironically. - vie Pfuscherei, the bungling way of doing something.

P. 8. die Damen geben sich und ihren Pug zum Besten, the ladies give themselves and all their costly dress as a treat. — ohne Gage, without pay. was macht ein volles Haus euch froh? how glad does a full house make you?

P. 9. eh' man sich's versieht, before one is aware of it. — packen, to take hold of.

P. 10. -wer fertig ist, he who is through with his studies. Werbender, a growing mind. - allenfalls, perhaps.


P. 11. Stimmung, humor, disposition. verpassen, to lose by delay. Einen beim Schopfe fassen, to lay hold of one by the hair. was er mag, what he likes. — ausschreiten is here used for durchschreiten, to stride



P. 12.

mag stands for vermag, is able.

P. 13. da flammt dem Pfade des Donnerschlags ein blißendes Verheeren das Gesinde, the domestics, the servants. - von gleichem Schlag, of the same stamp. · Ew. (Euer) Gnaden, your grace. in every puddle.

P. 14. - verworren, confused, with imperfect sight.

in jeden Quark,

P. 15. - befangen stands for befaßt, from the infinitive befaffen, to meddle with, - der Schalt, the rogue, the scoffer.

P. 16.

das Werdende is, literally, the becoming, but it is quite impossible to translate this passage. It is here the universe, which ever works and lives, in which nothing has yet attained to perfection. P. 17. so flug, als wie zuvor, just as wise as before. - Magister, Master of Arts. was Rechts, a great deal.

P. 18. daß ich nicht mehr zu sagen brauche, was ich nicht weiß, that I may no longer be obliged to speak of what I do not know.. in Worten

framen, to stir about words. ich habe den vollen Mondenschein so manche Nacht an diesem Pult herangewacht, I have been sitting awake at this desk so many a midnight, till the full round moon shone upon me. —weben, to move.

P. 19. Nostradamus, or Michel Notredame, a famous astrologer born in 1503 at St. Remi in France, died at Salon, 1563. dann geht die Seelenkraft dir auf, wo spricht ein Geist zum andern Geist, then the power of thy soul will rise within thee, and make thee understand, how one spirit speaks to another. Makrokosmos is the great world of outward things, in contrast with its epitome, the little world in man, called the microcosm.

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das All, the universe.

P. 21. zucken, to flash. zu neuen Gefühlen all' meine Sinne sich erwühlen, all my senses are aroused to new sensations. du haft mich mächtig angezogen, thou hast evoked me. - neigen, to incline.

P. 23. Nicht einmal dir! not even thee! Famulus, assistant, amanuensis. mit urkräftigem Behagen, with unbounded delight. — sişt ihr nur immer! stick to it for ever!

P. 24. wenn euch darnach der Gaumen steht, if such is your desire. — Er, Faust adresses Wagner in the third person sing. - ein schellenlauter Thor, a tinkling fool. in denen ihr der Menschheit Schnißel kräuselt, in which you crisp the shreds of humanity. - mir wird um Kopf und Busen bang, I tremble for my head and heart,

P. 25. ein Kehrichtsaß, a dirt-tub.

room.- das Schauen, the intuition.

eine Rumpelkammer, a lumber

P. 26. ich, dessen freie Kraft sich ahnungsvoll vermaß, schon durch die Abern der Natur zu fließen, I, whose free spirit already, in its imaginative soarings, aspired to glide through nature's veins.

P. 27. sich wiegen, to rock one's self. estate of a person.

P. 28.


-Haus und Hof signifies the

der Trödel, the frippery. — mit tausendfachem Tand, with its thousand forms of emptiness. was grinsest du mir, hohler Schädel, her? what doest thou, hollow-skull, tell me by thy grinning, but that etc. etc.mit Rad und Kämmen, Walz und Bügel, with wheels and cogs, cylinders and collars.. der Bart, the ward of a key. - mit Hebeln und Schrauben abzwingen, to force from a person with levers and screws. — verprassen, to squander in excess,

P. 29.

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der Auszug, the extract. reimweis, in rhyme. die Grabes

der Inbegriff, the quintessence. P. 30. zubringen, to pledge. nacht, the night of the sepulchre.

P. 32. Chor der Jünger, chorus of Christ's disciples. - hat der Begrabene, lebend Erhabene, sich schon herrlich nach oben erhoben, has the buried one, the living exalted one, already raised himself gloriously on high? die Werdelust, the delight in his creative power. euch, thätig ihn preisenden, ye, in deeds giving praise to him.

P. 33. Jägerhaus, Mühle, Wasserhof, Burgdorf are places of amusement. Händel, quarrels, rows.

P. 34. der Plan, the pleasure-ground. Blit, the lightning, a word of exclamation. beizend, stinging. Bürgermädchen, citizen's daughters. ich bin nicht gern genirt, I do not like to be under restraint. nun, da er's ist, now, that he has become so (Burgomaster).

P. 35. feiern, to sing constantly the same melody. — so laß ich's auch geschehn, I have no objection to that. wer soll sich nicht in euch vergaffen? who would not fall in love with you?

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P. 37. Bildung und Streben regt sich überall, culture and growth are everywhere stirring. das Revier, the landscape. fie refers to die Conne. - sich zerschlagen, to disperse.

P. 38. ich würde nicht allein mich her verlieren, I should not wander

to this place myself alone. -schmuck, smartly.

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das Kegelschieben, the playing at nine pins. die frische Dirne, the lively girl.

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P. 38.- und thu' mir doch nicht so vertraut! and, pray, be not on such intimate terms ! P. 41. - das Venerabile, the host. ein dunkler Ehrenmann, a worthy Iman with obscure notions. ein Adept, an alchymist. die schwarze Küche, the black laboratory. ein rother Leu, or Löwe, a red lion, denotes the red stone, red mercury or cinnabar. - ein kühner Freier, a bold lover, expresses the property, which, according to the alchymists, the red stone possessed,of ravishing every pure metallic nature or body.-vermählen, to unite in wedlock, implies the union of two bodies of opposite natures; red and white were supposed to be male and female. die Lilie, the lily, the white stone, or perhaps, albified mercury, sometimes called the white fume. im lauen Bad, in the tepid bath. ge= quält, tortured. in's andere, into another. — erschien darauf die junge Königin, if then the young queen appeared; this implies the supposed royal offspring of the red lion and the lily, or its alliance to the noble metals, the sublimer products. — mit bunten Farben, with varied hues. im Glas, in the glass; this means the glass head or capital of the aludel. hier war die Arzenei, there was the medicine; the term Arzenei was used to express both the elixir to heal human bodies, and that to transmute the bodies of metals into the purest gold and silver. die Latwer= gen, the electuaries.

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P. 42. brauchen means to want, but it signifies also, to make use of. The meaning of these two lines is: what one does not know, is the very thing one wants; and what one knows, one cannot make use of. - ich fäb', I should see.

P. 43.


- sich an etwas satt sehen, to look one's fill of a thing. P. 44.- die Gefilde hoher Ahnen, the realms of exalted ancestors. fie stellen wie vom Himmel sich gesandt, they feign to be sent from heaven. englisch, like angels.

P. 45. - für einen Pudel, der auf seine Weise sich nach der Spur des Herren plagt, for a poodle, who poodle-fashion, is puzzling out the track of his master. - webeln, to wag the tail.

P. 46.

die Dressur, the result of training. — schnobern, to snuffle. P. 48. getroft, with confidence.

P. 49. hin und wieder, to and fro. Jemandem etwas zu Gefallen tfun, to oblige a person. begegnen, to confront. der Spruch, the spell. Salamander, Ündene, Sylphe, Kobold, elementary spirits. P. 50. - Incubus stands here for Kobold.


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P. 51. - ein fahrender Scholaft, a travelling scholar. P. 52. Fliegengott, the God of flies; Beelzebub. a whole, an individual. verhaftet, cleaving to.

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P. 53. Jemandem beikommen, to get at a person. anhaben, to get the better over a person. - fich etwas vorbehalten, to reserve a thing to one's-self. - die ewig rege, heilsam schaffende Gewalt, the ever active power, creating in a salutary manner.

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tagonal figure, which was supposed to possess a magic power. ein Pact, a compact. abzwacken, to deduct, to nip off. des Jahres Einerlei, the

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P. 55. eine gute Mähre, good tidings, a pleasing tale. sameness of the year.

P. 56. tendrils.


legen, to gratify, to delight. - sprossende Ranken, sprouting

P. 58. ihr luft'gen, zarten Jungen, my aerial, delicate youngsters. mit Sel betupfen, to give it a touch with oil, to smear with oil. — di Kante, the edge. ein Traum hat mir den Teufel vorgelogen, a lying dream has presented the devil to me.

P. 59.

herein! come in!


fich vertragen, to agree. ein ebler

Junter, a young nobleman.

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P. 60. entbehren sollst du! thou shalt renounce! - mit eigensinnigem Rrittel, with capricious disposition. mit tausend Lebensfragen, with a thousand ugly forms of life.

P. 61.

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die Seele mit Lock- und Gaukelwerk umspannen, to surround the soul with lure and juggling. Heucheln, to feign, to play the hypocrite.

P. 62.


altflug is used of children, who talk like old, sage persons. P. 63. das Pack, the pack, a parcel of mean persons. sich beque= men, to comply.

Frist, a space of time. hier means, here on earth; brüben, beyond, in the other world.

P. 64. deines Gleichen, the like of thee. - doch hast du Speise, yet thou hast food. - so sei es gleich um mich gethan, be there at once an end of me.

P. 65. Top! is the word used by a person who accepts a bargain or a wager by striking with his hand the hand of the person who offers it. - Schlag auf Schlag, stroke upon stroke, refers to the Top! wie ich beharre, bin ich Knecht, so soon as I stop, I am a slave. - was frag' ich, what do I care. Doctorschmaus is the feast given by a person who has taken a Doctor's degree.

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und mich soll ein Versprechen halten? and a promise should so mag es bei der Fraße bleiben, this formality may be observed, I shall comply with it. blähen, to puff up.

P. 67.

bekomm' euch wohl, much good may it do you. — feyd nicht blöde, be not bashful.

P. 68.

der alte Sauerteig, the old leaven. P. 69. - ellenhohe Socen, ell-high socks. deuce! speculiren, to speculate.

unser einer, one like us. was Henter! what the

wir gehen eben fort, we get on in the world, that is all. Herr Wanst, Mr. Paunch. auf dem Gange, die Maske steht mir föstlich, the mask is admirably beco

P. 70. die Jungens, the students, in the passage.


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P. 71. flache Unbedeutenheit, vapid unmeaningness.zappeln, to sprawl. habt ihr euch sonst schon umgethan? have you yet made any inquiry elsewhere? - mit leidlichem Gelde, with a tolerable sum of money. P. 73. Collegium logicum, a course of lectures on logic. - Spanische Stiefeln, Spanish boots, an instrument of torture. - irrlichteliren, to move about like an ignis fatuus. die Schifflein, the weaver's shuttles. P. 74. seyd drinnen, be in (the lecture-room). Paragraphos means, the paragraphs of your compendium, which the lecturer explains. P. 76. läßt sich's schon eher weiter fühlen, one can more easily feel one's way. - einer Sache satt sein, to be tired of a thing. und wenn ihr halbweg_ehrbar thut, and if you only assume a moderately demure air. P. 77. zum Willkomm' tappt ihr dann nach allen Siebensachen, on your entering you boldly fumble then for all the little treasures. Stammbuch, my album.

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P. 78. -hu wirst den Cursum durchschmarußen, you will revel through the course. sich in die Welt siden, to comform to the customs of the

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eine Zeche lustiger Gesellen, a drinking party of merry fellows. - lichterloh brennen, to burn with bright flames. teine Sauerei, no beastliness.

P. 80. Etwas übel nehmen, to take a thing amiss. — den Ausschlag geben, to turn the scale.

P. 81. Jemanden anführen, to deceive a person. - zum Liebsten feh ein Kobold ihr beschert, may she have a hobgoblin for a lover. - schäfern, to jest, to joke. Etwas zum Besten geben, to spend, to treat others with something. fich ein Ränzlein anmästen, to get a paunch by good living.

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