
FOR APRIL, 1829.

SUBSCRIPTIONS and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, Boston. Persons visiting the city, to whom it may be more convenient to call at a central place, can lodge their communications with E. Lincoln, No. 59 Washington-Street, who is authorized to receive moneys for the Treasurer.



The Sixth Triennial Meeting of the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States for Foreign Missions, &c. will be holden at Philadelphia, at the Meeting-house of the Fifth Baptist Church, on the last Wednesday of the present month.

The meetings of this Convention have had a happy influence on the interests of the denomination and of the cause of religion generally, by bringing into personal acquaintance and cheerful co-operation, brethren stationed at situations remote from each other, and who would not otherwise have had opportunity to impart mutual counsel and encouragement. By united efforts, a healthful pulse may be given to Missionary operations in our churches through the immense extent of territory over which they are scattered. The churches are many, and the members constitute a numerous host; but they require to be marshalled and called into action. As the guilty and miserable state of the heath

en world becomes more generally known, and the obligation of Christians to diffuse the gospel more deeply felt, pecuniary resources for advancing the object will be more abundant, and will enable the Board more extensively to prosecute the benevolent labors in which they are engaged.

The approaching meeting will be held under highly favorable auspices. The prospects presented at the Mission APRIL, 1829.

Stations are cheering, and invite an extended plan of operations. The deliberations of the Convention, not being embarrassed with extraneous subjects, which have sometimes impeded its progress, may now be vigorously prosecuted with a simplicity of object, and bear directly on the illustrious enterprise of evangelizing the world.

Let united prayers ascend to heaven, that the brethren may so enjoy the divine presence, and discharge the high duties of the Convention, as to receive a fresh impulse in their own bosoms, produce deeper convictions of the value of the gospel, and return again to their fields of labor with invigorated strength and quickened zeal.


MR WADE'S JOURNAL. [Concluded from our last, p. 102.]

'Jan. 9, 1828. The priest* came rather earlier than usual this morning, and in a few minutes after, a large number of persons collected upon the zayat; an old and among the rest, was rather respectable looking man, to whom the priest began to tell what the new Scriptures say about an eternal if there is an eternal God greater than God, &c. But,' said he, 'it is strange, Gaudama, that Gaudama has said nothing of him. Gaudama told us particularly about Nat country, Brumah country, &c. But he told us nothing about this heaven, the residence of an eternal God greater than himself.' As he has been harping on this string several days, I ventured to ask him how he

* Referred to in the former part of the journal. 19

knew what Gaudama said, and what he did not say. 'How do I know?

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The sacred books tell me.' What evidence have you that these books are true? Why, they are the instructions of Gaudama, therefore they cannot be false.' Tell me how you know that Gaudama ever taught what is in these books. Why! the sacred books say he taught what is contained in them.' That is granted. But did those who wrote these books write truly? were they disposed to write truly? And if they were thus disposed, had they at the time of writing, the means of ascertaining the truth? The Beetakat itself, states that it was not composed until four hundred and fifty years after Gaudama; that in Gaudama's time, not a scrap of what he did and taught, was committed to writing. When four hundred and fifty years had elapsed, the king of Ceylon directed the priests to write an account of Gaudama and his religion. They went about the work without a single written document, or any other guide but oral tradition. If they had been ever so well disposed, had they the means under these circumstances of writing a true account? Why! one part of the sacred books which I have once seen, states, that these books were written in Gaudama's own time.' I called upon the people to listen to what the priest was saying, that in one of the sacred books which he has seen, it is stated that the Beetakat was written in Gaudama's own time; and every body knows that another book of the same Beetakat, states that nothing was written till four hundred and fifty years after Gaudama. What further evidence is needed, to prove the Beetakat false, than what the priest has just now said? If what he says is true, the Beetakat is at war with itself. The priest saw he was caught, and gave a significant nod to the old man before mentioned, as much as to say, 'We are down, we can make no defence." As they retreated, I followed them closely, with one blow after another, and the old priest bore it as patiently as a lamb. At length he said, 'It is a very difficult case; if I embrace the Christian religion, I must discard entirely what I have reverenced, and held dear all my life time; which, also, my forefathers esteemed and reverenced, and become an outcast among my own people: it is hard to bring the mind to this at once.'

Jan. 12. Had a meeting of the little church. Moung Dwah, and Mah Lah, were examined and unanimously received as candidates for baptism. Have felt this evening great pleasure in seeing these two persons who, a short time since, were worshipping idols, involved in all the darkness of heathen superstition, now coming forward and requesting to have a place among the followers of the Lamb.


Had the priest the greater part of the day as usual. He said one of the other priests had been talking with him on the subject of a new religion being introduced among the people, and said, 'There is one teacher at one end of the town, and another at the other, preaching daily, and the people's hearts begin to be turned,— their offerings to us are much less than If it formerly.-What shall we do? continues in this way, we shall have nothing to eat soon,' &c. So that it appears they begin to feel somewhat alarmed, not so much lest their temples should be abandoned, as they are lest their rice pots should be empty.

17. Had one attentive listener whom I have not seen before. This afternoon Moung Dwah and Mah Lah were baptized. May many more follow them before the year is ended.

18. Several individuals stayed and listened attentively a long time-promised to consider this religion farther. One who stayed till near night, desired a tract.

22. Have had several very attentive hearers to-day, two or three of whom professed to be convinced of the truth of what I said to them. But I shall know whether their professions were sincere or not when I see whether they come again: this is the grand test. One said when he heard me talk he was convinced, but when he went home his old opinions returned again. I urged him to pray for light and wisdom, to enable him to distinguish between truth and error, and God would enlighten his mind. He has been to the zayat two or three times before.


23. The first priest came again today; but his appearance was very unpromising. I felt that he. had made up his mind not to come any more hear about the eternal God. ed to be like one who was signing his own death warrant without knowing what he was doing; like one who was taking the last step between himself

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and eternal misery, and would not be persuaded to stop and look at the awful gulf just before him. I do not recollect that I ever felt my mind so burdened on account of any individual before. After he went away, I walked the zayat in real agony, but could only say, I have done all that I could to enlighten his dark and supertitious mind, without effect; but he is still within the reach of thy mercy, O thou Saviour of sinners!

26. To-day I had rather more company at the zayat than usual; but they were mostly new ones, whom I have not seen before. Several from the

Martaban side listened with apparent attention and interest; at their request I gave them a tract. The knowledge of the gospel is spreading extensively; people from Martaban, Rangoon, Tavoy, Mergui, Yay, and various other places, call, listen awhile, and take away with them the tract or some portion of the sacred Scriptures.

28. The priest made his appearance again to-day, but has most evidently made up his mind to continue a disciple of Boodh, and venture the consequences. Several persons listened attentively, and seemed very favorably inclined towards the new religion.

30. Not a great deal of company at the zayat. I suspect the priests and some of the principal men of the place begin to feel alarmed for the religion of Gaudama, and are exerting what influence they have to prevent the common people from coming to listen lest they should become convinced of the folly of feeding and praying to dumb idols; and what is still dearer to the priests, lest they should grow negligent in their usual offerings, and their rice pots not be well filled. But whatever influence they may exert, I feel persuaded that the gospel will prevail here, and the idols be rejected as things of nought; and that, too, before a very long time shall have elapsed: for the gospel commends itself to their minds as truth, as soon as they hear it; and they readily acknowledge that they dare not say it is not true, while they confess that they have no positive evidence of the truth of the Beetakats. Nothing, however, can be done to wards changing the hearts of the people without the influence of the Spirit of God. I feel that it is most true that he that planteth is nothing, and he that watereth is nothing, but God who giveth the increase.

Feb. 6. Two persons from Siam came in and heard the truth with apparent gladness. They begged for

some of the sacred writings to transcribe. I gave them the tracts: Several others listened with attention, and I feel encouraged to hope that before long, we shall see a work of grace in this place.'


The Corresponding Secretary has received a letter from Rev. Oliver Barron, containing a report of the second annual meeting of the York Auxiliary Foreign Mission Society at Wells, Me. Dec. 31. Rev. William Godding, Moderator, Rev. Oliver Barron, Secretary. Appropriate Sermons were preached by Mr. Clark of Saco, and Mr. James of Great Falls. Earnest desires were expressed by those who attended, that missionary zeal and ardour for the extension of truth, may be diffused through the Society, which does not at present exhibit encouraging prospects.

The next annual meeting is to be holden at Alfred, on the last Wednesday in December, 1829.


A communication has been receiv

ed by the Secretary from a respected friend in Homer, N. Y. Feb. 21st, which announces several gratifying items of intelligence. An increasing interest on the subject of missions, is apparent in this section, which appears to be the result of information, and established principle, rather than the effect of temporary excitement. Cephas Bennet, who has been appointed printer to the Burman Mission, is engaged in obtaining collections. A Society, styled the Cortland Auxiliary Society, was organized in January, under circumstances which warrant the hope, that it will annually furnish efficient aid. The course generally pre

ferred by brethren in this part of New York, is to form an Auxiliary Society in each Association, and thus have a regular channel of communication with the Treasury, and a connexion with the Convention of the United States.

On Lord's day, Feb. 15, at the Baptist Meeting House in Homer Village, public notice was taken of the appointment of Mr. Bennet. In the morning a discourse was delivered from Isa. ii. 2, 3; and in the afternoon, from 2 Tim. ii. 1. In the evening, a public prayer meeting was held, in which the ministers of different denominations in town, took a part. The season was interesting, and a collection of forty dollars was taken up. Mr. Lyons, the Presbyterian minister in Cortland Village, kindly evinced an interest in the object, by proposing a public prayer meeting and collection at his place of worship; but the object was nearly defeated, by a tremendous storm.

At the annual meeting of the Madison Auxiliary Society at Delphi, Feb. 18, a collection of 20 dollars was taken up for the Mission. At the close of the business, a number of brethren from different parts, being present, efforts were made to extend the 50 dollar subscription, for printing the Bible in the Burman language, and the following persons subscribed each 50 dollars for the object:

Alfred Bennet, Elon Galusha, Samuel Payne, John Blain, James Nickerson, and S, Munroe, Esq. James Nickerson and John C. Holt, also engaged each to furnish 30 dollars, for the education of a Burman child.

We record with unmingled pleasure the awakened zeal among our brethren in the cause of Christian benevolence, which this communication so happily announces : Let the heavenly flame burn with increasing intensity, and rapidly communicate its light and heat, till the denomination at large shall participate in the blessing.


In our Magazine for January, we offered a few remarks on the happy revivals of religion, with which the churches in the United States have been favored; and the interest which they had recently excited on the other side of the Atlantic. The English publications exhibit an increasing solicitude for the enjoyment of similar visitations of the Holy Spirit, and indicate, among different denominations, simultaneous zeal and effort for the desired object. Numerous sermons, on the nature, the means, and the happy effects of revivals, are announced from the most disguished preachers; pastoral letters are circulated by watchful and zealous shepherds; and meetings for united prayer are multiplied. In almost every number of the London Evangelical and Baptist Magazines, communications are inserted, either to excite prayer for the object, or to trace the causes which have obstructed the free course of the word of the Lord among their churches,

A national establishment of religion is assigned as one obstruction in England, as it naturally leads to a dependence on an arm of flesh, instead of presenting strong cries, with tears, to Him who alone is able to grant the showers of his grace. It is apparent, that the happy religious freedom enjoyed in the United States is highly favorable to the prevalence of piety, and should therefore excite daily thanksgiving from every pious bosom, Substituting an engagedness in public objects in the place of personal piety, is also named as an obstruction to revivals of religion. It was anciently said, "They made me the keeper of the vineyards, but mine own vineyard have I not kept." No services can supply the absence of personal piety, and habitual intercourse and daily communion with God. In a day when the Christian world is called to diversified

objects of public benevolence, it greatly concerns every Christian to mingle an ardor of devotion with his public efforts. This is indispensable to the ultimate success of the public objects, as well as to the promotion of vital goliness at home. In relation to personal piety and public objects, our Saviour's remark is appropriate—"This ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone."

The English Magazines state, that the 10th of December, according to previous appointment, was observed by almost the whole of the Baptist Churches in London, as a day of fasting and prayer, to seek the special effusion of the Holy Spirit. Most of the churches assembled at their own places of worship in the morning, and in the evening several neighboring congregations united. It is stated to have been a day of peculiarly solemn and interesting feelings, and of great fervor and earnestness of supplication.

The Congregational Board in London have held several meetings in relation to the subject. On the 26th of Nov. forty-nine ministers assembled at the Poultney chapel, with a view to promote a revival of religion among themselves, and in the churches with which they were connected. The Evangelical Magazine states, that a spirit of love and holy excitement prevailed at the meeting. It was adjourned to the 3d of December, when 51 assembled. Prayers were offered and addresses delivered, which indicated a deep solicitude for the rich blessing. They assembled again on the 17th of Dec. which was a season of peculiar solemnity. Fervent prayers ensure blessings from the skies, agreeably to the Saviour's promise,—“ Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find."

These circumstances presage some great blessing for the English churches. The New Baptist Miscellany remarks,

'Already are results of pious combinations for prayer for revivals of religion apparent; and the period is confidently anticipated, when the divine and dovelike Spirit, which has so long brooded over the western churches, will spread his wings across the Atlantic, and shed a portion of his reviving influences on the barren churches of our beloved land.'

Revivals of religion, however, are not peculiar to any land, or any age. They have been enjoyed, in a greater or less degree, in all periods of the church. The Acts of the Apostles record numerous joyful reasons, when the Holy Spirit was copiously imparted, which resulted in the happy effect, that the work of God in the conversion of sinners was illustriously extended. Succeeding ages enjoyed similar bless'ings. The present is, indeed, conspicuously favored; and each succeeding age may be expected to be more signally blessed, till the millennial sun shall arise, with healing beneath his wings.


A late number of the London Evangelical Magazine contains a letter from Wales, Oct. 30, 1828, detailing a happy work of grace. It began in a place, called Gewtheren, a parish containing about 500 persons. We select the following particulars.

eminently useful in bringing a refor'The Sunday-schools have been mation; by the instruction of their teachers, the young people were brought to see the sinfulness of attending wakes, fairs, &c. which have been the ruin of many. The families have been brought to see the duty and privilege of worshipping God in their families; believing that the Lord would that call not on his name. By degrees pour his wrath upon all households the word preached, had a great effect upon the hearers, and the members of the small church of Christ began to pray earnestly in private, and in their public worship, for an outpouring of

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