
American Folk-lore told on the Sea Islands of South Carolina-Christensen, A. M. H., Boston, 1892

Negro Folk-lore in South Carolina, Davis, H. C., Journal of American Folk-lore, 27:241254, 1914.

Mississippi Negro Lore-Davis, Sidney Fant, McCowat-Mercey, Jackson, Tenn., 1914.
Folk-lore, Bahama, Edwards, C. L., J. Am. Folk-lore, 4:47, 1891.

Folk Tales from Students in the Georgia State College, Journal of American Folk-lore,
Vol. 32, No. 125, July-September, 1919.
Folk Tales from Students in Tuskegee Institute, J. Am. Folk-lore, Vol. 32, No. 125, July
September, 1919.
Louisiana Folk Tales, Four-Fortier, A., J. Am. Folk-lore, 19:123. 1906.

Louisiana and the Levees Customs and Superstitions of-Fortier, Alcee, J. Am. Folk-lore, 1:136, 1888. Louisiana and the Levees, Nursery Tales of Fortier, Alcee, J. Am. Folk-lore, 1:140, 1888. Uncle Remus traced to the Old World-Gerber, A., J. Am. Folk-lore 6:245, 1895.

The Black Border, Gullah Stories of the Carolina Coast-Gonzales, Ambrose, E., Columbia, S. C., 1922.

Mingo and other sketches in Black and White-Harris, Joel Chandler, Boston, 1898. Carolina Chasons: Legends of the Low Country-Heyward, Dubose and Hervey Allen, The McMillan Company, New York, 1922.

North Carolina, Folk-Customs and Beliefs-Hoke, N. C., J. Am. Folk-lore, 5:113, 1892.
Negro Myths from the Georgia Coast-Jones, C. C., Boston and New York, 1888.
Brer Rabbit in the Folk Tales of the Negro and Other Races-McBride, J. M., Swanee,

Folk-lore from Aiken, S. C.-Parsons, E. C., Journal of American Folk-lore, 34:1-39, 1921.
Folk-lore of the Cape Verde Islanders-Parsons, E. C., Journal of American Folk-lore


Folk Tales Collected at Miami, Fla. Parsons, E. C., Journal of Am. Folk-lore 30:222-227
Folk-lore of the Sea Islands, South Carolina-Parsons, E. C., New York, 1923.

Tales from Guilford County, North Carolina-Parsons, E. C., Jour. of Am. Folk-lore 30:168-200.

Ten Folk Tales from the Cape Verde Islands-Parsons, E. C., Journal of Am. Folk-lore 30:230-238.

Alabama Folk-lore Showers, Susan, Southern Workman, March and July 1900.

Folk-lore from Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida-Smiley, Portia, Journal of American Folk Lore 32:357-383.

Riddles and Ring-Games from Raleigh, N. C.-Spenney, Susan Dix, Journal of Am. Folklore 34:110-116.

Seven Folk Tales from the Sea Islands, South Carolina-Stewart, Sadie E., Journal of Am. Folk-lore 32:394-396.

Negro Folk Rhymes-Talley, T. W., New York, 1922.

Southern Plantation Stories and Sketches-Wiley, George E., New York, 1905.

Geechee Folk-lore-Work Monroe N., Southern Workman, November and December, 1905. Negro Dialect

Negro Dialect in American Literature Miller, Daisy, Opportunity, November, 1924.
Negro Dialect-Allen, W. F., Nation 1:744, 18865.

Negro Dialect-Chamberlain, A. F., Science, 12:23, 1888.

The English of the Negro-Krapp, Philip, American Mercury Magazine, June, 1924.
Negro Dialect, Opportunity, September, 1924.

Negro Words, Atlan. 67:143, 1891.

Negroes, Lingo of, in Literature, Lippinc. 55:286, 1895.

Objecting to the Negro Dialect, Lit. Digest, 53:1253, N. 11, '16.
Negro Element in English Language, Platt, J., Ath. '00 2:283, 1900.
Negro-American Dialects-Whitney, A. W., Indep. 53:1979, 2039, 1901.


Literature and Art

March 22, 1923.

Ely, Effie Smith-American Negro Poetry. The Christian Century. Johnson, James Weldon-The Book of American Negro Poetry. New York, 1922. Kerlin, Robert T.-Negro Poets and Their Poems. Washington, 1923. Negro Poets-The African Methodist Episcopal Church Review. Vol. IV. p. 236. White, Newman I.-Racial Feeling in Negro Poetry. South Atlantic Quarterly. White, Newman I., and Jackson, Walter C.-Poetry by American Negroes; An Anthology of Verse by American Negroes. Durham (N. C.), 1924.

Jan. 1922.

Schomburg, Arthur Alfonso. A Bibliographical Checklist of American Negro Poetry, comp. New York, 1916.

Slattery, J. R.-Wheatley, Phillis, the Negro Poetess. Cath. World. 39:484, 1884.
White, Newman I.-American Negro Poetry. South Atlantic Quarterly. October, 1921.
Creative Art of Negroes-Opportunity, August, 1923.

Holbrook, Francis C.-A Group of Negro Artists. Opportunity, July, 1923.

Our Young Negro Artists. Opportunity, January, 1923.

Murray, Freeman H. M.-Representations of the Emancipations in American Art. Opportunity, April, 1924.

Conway, M. D. The Negro as an Artist.

Radical 2:39, 1867.

DuBois, W. E. B.-Negro in Literature and Art. Ann, Am. Acad. 49:233-7 S, 1913. Murray, Freeman Henry Morris-Emancipation and the Freed in American Sculptor; a study in interpretation. Washington, 1916.

The Crisis, February, 1924.

Bell, C.-Negro Sculpture. Liv. Age 806:786-9 S. 25, 1920.
O'Neil, Raymond-The Negro in Dramatic Art.
The Negro and the American Stage. The Crisis, June, 1924.
The Negro Players. The New Republic, May 30, 1923.
DuBois, W. E. B.-Can the Negro serve the Drama? The Theatre Magazine, July, 1923.
Scott, Esther Fulks-Negroes as Actors in Serious Plays. Opportunity, February, 1923.

Opportunity, January, 1924.

Allison, Madeline G.-Harleston! Who is E. A. Harleston?
Allison, Madeline G.-Stories in Sculpture. Opportunity, March, 1924.
Exhibit, Negro Art. Southern Workman. April, 1824.
Fauset, Jessie-Henry Ossawa Tanner. The Crisis, April, 1924.
Holbrook, Francis C.-William Edouard Scott, Painter.
ruary, 1924.

The Southern Workman, Feb

Murray, Freeman H. M.-Representations of the Emancipation in American Art. portunity, April, 1924.

Research for Primitive African Art. Opportunity, June, 1924.

The Amy Spingarn Prizes in Literature and Art. The Crisis, October, 1924.
To Encourage Negro Art. The Crisis, November, 1924,
Braithwaite, William Stanley-The Negro in Literature.



The Crisis, September, 1924. Dubois, W. E. B.-The Younger Literary Movement. The Crisis, February, 1924. Hare, Maud Cuney-Antar, Negro Poet of Arabia. The Crisis, June, 1924. Parker, W. J.-Famous Melodies Own Negro Authorship. Musical America. 9, 1924. Pushkin, Alexis Sergiewitch-The Negro of Peter the Great. Translated from the Original Russian by Edna Worthley Underwood. Opportunity, Feb. and April, 1924. Sampson, J. Milton-The Negro in Anglo-Saxon Literature. Opportunity, June, 1924. The Debut of the Younger School of Negro Writers. Opportunity, May, 1924. Van Doren, Carl-The Younger Generation of Negro Writers. Opportunity, May, 1924. For a Negro Theatre, M. Gregory, New Repub. 28:350, N. 16, '21. Why not a Negro Drama for Negroes by Negroes? Cur. Opinion 72:639-40, My. '22.

[blocks in formation]

Cosey, A. B.-American and English Law on Titles of Record, 1535-1911, New York, 1914. History

Arnett, B. W.-Proceedings of the Quarto-Centenary Conference, 1865-1890, Philadelphia, 1890.

Beasley, Delilah L.-The Negro Trail Blazers of California, Los Angeles, 1919.
Bowen, J. W. E.-Africa and the American Negro.

Bragg, G. F.-Afro-American Church Workers, Baltimore, 1861.

Bragg, G. F. -Men of Maryland.

Bragg, G. F. -The Episcopal Church and the Black Man.

Bragg, G. F.-How the Black Man found the Church, Baltimore.
Brawley, B. G.-Short History of the Negro, New York, 1913.

Brawley, B. G.-The Negro in Literature and in Art, New York, 1918.
Brawley, B. G.-

-A Social History of the American Negro, New York, 1921.
Brawley, B. G.- Africa and the War, New York, 1918.

Brawley, B. G.- -Women of Achievement, New York, 1919.

Brawley, B. G.-History of Morehouse College, 1917.

Bruce, J. E.-A Tribute for the Negro Soldier.

Campbell, Robert A Pilgrimage to My Mother Land, Philadelphia, 1861.

Coppin, L. J.-Unwritten History, Philadelphia, 1919.

Cromwell, J. W.-The Negro in American History, Washington, 1914.

Dubois, W. E. B.-The Suppression of the Slave Trade.

Hicks, W.-History of Louisiana Negro Baptists, 1804-1914, Nashville, 1915.

Hood, J. W.-History of the A. M. E. Zion Church.

Hunton, Addie W., and Johnson, Kathryn M.-Two Colored Women with the American Expeditionary Forces, Boston, 1920.

Majors, M. A.-Noted Negro Woman, Chicago, 1893.

Mason, M., and Furr, A.-The American Negro Soldier with the Red Hand, Boston, 1920. Moore, J. J.-History of the A. M. E. Zion Church, York, Pa., 1880.

Mossell, Mrs. N. F.-Afro-American Women, Philadelphia, 1918.

Murray, Daniel-Encyclopedia of the Negro, Washington, 1912.

Payne, Daniel A.-History of the A. M. E. Church, Nashville, Tenn., 1890.

Penn, I. Garland-The Afro-American Press.

Phillips, C. H.-History of the C. M. E. Church.

Scott, E. J.-The American Negro in the World War, Washington, 1919.

Steward, Mrs. S. M.-Women in Medicine, Wilberforce, O., 1915.

Steward, T. G.-The Haitian Revolution, New York, 1914.

Still, William-The Underground Railroad, Philadelphia, 1872.

Vass, S. N.-Progress of the Negro Race, Raleigh, N. C., 1906.

Washington, Booker T.-The Story of the Negro, New York, 1909.

Wilkes, Laura E.-Missing Pages in American History, Negro Soldiers in Early Wars, 1641-1815, Washington, 1919.

Williams, C. H.-Sidelights on Negro Soldiers, Boston, 1923.

Woodson, C. G.-The Negro in Our History, Washington, 1924.

Williams, George W.-History of the Negro Race in America, New York, 1882.

Williams, George W.-Negro Troops in the Rebellion, New York, 1888.

Wilson, Joseph T.-History of the Black Phalanx.

Woodon, C. G.-The History of the Negro Church, Washington, 1921.

Wright, R. R., jr.-Centennial Encyclopedia of the A. M. E. Church, Philadelphia, 1916.
Young, Charles-Military Morale of Nations and Races, Kansas City, 1912.

Alexander, C.-The Battles and Victories of Allen Allensworth, Boston, 1914.
Allen, Richard-Life, Philadelphia, 1833.

Andrews, R. M.-John Merrick, A Biographical Sketch, Durham, N. C., 1920.
Brawley, Benjamin-The Negro in Literature and Art, Atlanta, 1910.
Brent, Linda-Linda, or Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Boston, 1861.

Brooks, W. S.-Footprints of a Black Man in the Holy Land, St. Louis, 1915.
Brown, William Wells-The Black Man, New York, 1863.

Coppin, L. J.-Unwritten History, An Autobiography, Philadelphia, 1919.

Davis, D. Webster-The Life and Public Service of the Reverend William Washington Brown, Philadelphia, 1911.

Douglass, Frederick-My Bondage and Freedom, New York, 1855.
Douglass, Frederick-Life and Times of, Hartford, Conn., 1882.
DuBois, W. E. B.-John Brown, Philadelphia, 1909.

[ocr errors]

Edwards, W. J.-Twenty-five Years in the Black Belt, Boston, 1918.

Evans, Dr. Matilda A.-Martha Schofield, Pioneer Negro Education, Columbia, S. C. 1916.

Floyd, Silas X.-Life of Charles C. Walker, D. D., Nashville, 1902.

Fuell, Melissa-Blind Boone, His Life and Achievements, Kansas City, Mo., 1915.

Fuller, T. O.-Twenty Years in Public Life, Memphis, 1913.

Gaudet, Mrs. Frances Joseph-He Leadeth Me, An Autobiography, New Orleans, 1913. Gibbs, M. W.-Shadows and Light, An Autobiography, Washington, 1902.

Green, J. P.-Fact Stranger than Fiction Seventy-five Years of a Busy Life, An Autobiography, Cleveland, 1920.

Hare, Maud Cuney-A Life of Norris Wright Cuney, New York, 1913.

Henson, Matthew A.-A Negro at the North Pole, New York, 1912.

Holtzclaw, W. H.-The Black Man's Burden, New York, 1915.

Jones, L. C.-Piney Woods and Its Story, New York, 1922.

Lane, Bishop Isaac-Autobiography.

Langston, John M. From a Virginia Plantation to the National Capital, Hartford, 1894. Moton, R. R.-Finding A Way Out, An Autobiography, New York, 1920.

Northup, Solomon-Twelve Years a Slave, Buffalo and London, 1853.

Pickens, William-The Heir of Slaves, New York, 19

Randolf, E. A.-Life of Rev. John Jasper, Richmond, 1884.

Simmons, W. J.-Men of Mark.

Smith, Amanda-Autobiography, Chicago, 1893.

Steward, T. G.-Fifty Years in the Gospel Ministry, Philadelphia, 1920.
Trotter, J. M.-Music and Some Highly Musical People, Boston, 1885.
Truth, Sojourner-Sojourner Truth's Narrative, Boston, 1875.
Washington, Booker T.-Up From Slavery, New York, 1900.
Washington, Booker T.-Frederick Douglass, Philadelphia, 1907.
Washington, Booker T.-My Larger Education, New York, 1912.


Bullard, Mable Hurt-Heart to Heart Talks with Teachers, Atlanta, 1922.

Crummell, Alexander-The Attitude of the American Mind toward the Negro Intellect, Washington, 1898.

Dunbar, Alice M.-Masterpieces of Negro Eloquence, Harrisburg, Pa., 1913.
Jones, G. H.-Education in Theory and Practice, Boston, 1919,

Lovingood, R. S.-Why Hic, Haec, Hoc, for the Negro, Marshall, Tex., 1900.

Payne, Daniel A.-Domestic Education, Cincinnati, 1885.

Phillips, J. T.-A Quick Review in English Grammar, Petersburg, Va., 1913.

Timberlake, C. L.-Household Ethics and Industrial Training Colored Schools, Frankfort, Ky., 1913.

Washington, Booker T.- -Character Building, New York, 1903.

Washington, Booker T.-Working with the Hands, New York, 1904.

Wright, R. R.-Negro Education in Georgia. Savannah, 1894.

Brady, St. Elmo "Household Chemistry for Girls," Tuskegee Institute.
Griggs, Sutton E.-Life's Demands or According to Law.


Booth, C. O.- -Plain Theology for Plain People.

Boyd, R. H.-Sunday School Commentary, Nashville, 1909.

Bowen, J. W. E.-National Sermons.

Blyden, E. W.-Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race, London, 1887.

Carter, R. A.-Morning Meditations and Other Selections, Atlanta, 1917.

Crummell, Alexander-The Greatness of Christ.

Hamilton, F. M.-Hand Book on Colored Methodism,

Henderson, G. W.-Sermon Studies, Philadelphia, 1917.

Lee, R. L.-Racial Episcopacy, Greenville, Miss., 1915.

Penn, I. Garland and Bowen, J. E. W.-The United Negro, etc., Proceedings of the Negro Young People's Christian Congress, Atlanta, 1902.

Rankin, J. W.-Hand Book of Missions.

Sheppard, W. H.-Presbyterian Pioneers in the Congo, Richmond, 1917.

Shorter, Susan L. Heroines of African Methodism, Xenia, Ohio, 1891.

Tanner, Benjamin T.-An Outline of History and Government of the A. M. E. Churchmen, Philadelphia, 1884.

Talbert, Horace The Sons of Allen, Xenia, Ohio, 1906.

Thomas, I. L.-Methodism and the Negro, Cincinnati, 1911.

Wayman, A. W.-My Recollections of the A. M. E. Ministers, Philadelphia, 1883. Fiction

Adams, C.-Ethiopia, The Land of Promise, New York, 1917.

Chestnutt, Charles W.-The Conjure Woman, New York, 1899.

Chestnutt, Charles W. -The Wife of His Youth and Other Stories, New York, 1899.
Chestnutt, Charles W.

The House Behind the Cedars, New York, 1900.
-The Marrow of Tradition, New York, 1901.
Chestnutt, Charles W. The Colonel's Dream, New York, 1905.

Chestnutt, Charles W.

DuBois, W. E. B. The Quest of the Silver Fleece, Chicago, 1911.

Dunbar, Mrs. Alice Ruth Moore-Goodenss of St. Rocque and Other Stories, New York 1899.

Dunbar, Paul Lawrence-Folks from Dixie, New York, 1898.

Dunbar, Paul Lawrence-Love and Landry, New York, 1900.

Dunbar, Paul Lawrence-Strength of Gideon and Other Stories, New York, 1902.

Dunbar, Paul Lawrence-Uncalled, New York.

Dunbar, Paul Lawrence-Heart of Happy Hollow, New York, 1904.

Fauset, Jessie R.-There Is Confusion, New York, 1924.

Flemming, Sarah Lee Brown-Hope's Highway, New York, 1917.
Fullilove, Maggie Shaw-Who is Responsible, Cincinnati, 1919.

Gilmore, F. Grant-The Problem of Military Novel, Rochester, N. Y.,

Griggs, Sutton E.-Unfettered, Nashville, 1902.

Griggs, Sutton E.-The Hindered Hand, Nashville, 1905.

Grimke, Angelina W.-Rachel, A Play in Three Acts, Boston, 1920.
Harper, Mrs. F. E. W.-Iola Leroy, Boston, 1892.

Hopkins, Pauline Contending Forces.

Johnson, Fenton-Tales of Darkest America, Chicago, 1920.

McGirt, James E.-The Triumph of Ephriam, Philadelphia, 1907.

Shackleford, Wm. H.-Along the Highway, Nashville, 1915.

Walker, T. H. B.-J. Johnson, or the Unknown Man, Deland, Fla., 1915.
White, Walter F.-The Fire in the Flint, New York, 1924.
Wright, Zara-Black and White Tangled Threads, Chicago, 1920.



Battle, Mrs. Effie T.-Gleamings from Dixie Land, Okolona, Miss., 1916.
Braithwaite, W. S.-Lyrics of Life and Love, etc.

Burleigh, Louise Alston-Echoes from the Southland.

Campbell, James E.-Echoes from the Cabin and Elsewhere, Chicago, 1895.
Carmicheal, W. T.-In the Heart of a Folk, Boston, 1918.

Cotter, J. S.-Band of Gideon and Other Lyrics, Boston, 1918.
Dancer, W. E.-To-Day and Yistidy, Tuskegee, Ala., 1914.
Davis, D. Webster-Weh Down Souf, Cleveland, 1897.
Dunbar, Paul Laurence Lyrics of Lowly Life, New York, 1899.
Dunbar, Paul Laurence Lyrics of the Hearthstone, etc., 1901.
Fleming, Sarah Lee Brown-Clouds and Sunshine, Boston, 1920.
Harper, Frances E. W.-Miscellaneous Poems, Boston, 1854.

Harper, Frances E. W.-Sketches of Southern Life, Philadelphia, 1896.
Harper, Frances E. W.-Poems, Philadelphia, 1900.

Hammon, Jupiter-Poems, New York, 1916.

Hill, L. P.-The Wings of Oppression and Other Poems, Boston, 1921.

Holloway, J. W.-From the Desert, New York, 1919.

Johnson, J. W.-Fifty Years and Other Poems, New York, 1917.

Johnson, J. W.-The Book of American Negro Poetry, New York, 1922.

Johnson, Fenton-A Little Dreaming, Chicago, 1914; Visions of the Dusk, New York, 1915.

Johnson, Mrs. Georgia Douglas-The Heart of a Woman and Other Poems, Boston, 1918 Johnson, Adolphus The Silver Chord, Philadelphia, 1915.

Jones, E. Smyth-The Sylvan Cabin, 1911.

Jones, J. H.-Poems of the Four Seas, Boston, 1921.

McClellan, G. M.-The Path of Dreams, Louisville, 1916.

McGirt, James E.-Some Simple Songs, Philadelphia, 1901.

Means, Sterling M.-The Deserted Cabin and Other Poems, Atlanta, 1915.

Ray, Cordelia-Poems, New York, 1910.

Shackleford, William H.-Poems, Nashville, 1907.

Wheatley, Phyllis-Poems, Boston, 1835; Poems and Letters, New York, 1916; Bibliography of Her Writings, New York, 1916.

Whitman, A. A.-An Idyll of the South, New York, 1901.



Articles in Current Periodicals on the Negro


The Negroes of San Antonio, G. S. Dickerman, Southern Workman, 246, Ap. '14.
A Unique People School, J. E. Davis, Southern Workman, 217 Ap. '14.
Conference for Education in the South, Southern Workman, 267, My. '14.
School Spirit, J. H. Dillard, Southern Workman, 13, My. '14.

Teaching Teachers at Hampton, Wm. A. Aery, Southern Workman, 430. Ag. '14.
An Experiment in Writing English, J. H. Dillard, Southern Workman, 458. Ag. '14.
The National Association of Teachers in Colored Schools, Southern Workman, 477 S. '14.
The Awakening of Caroline County, Mary Haskell, Southern Workman, 488. S. '14.
The Yankee School Ma'am in Negro Education, W. T. B. Williams, Southern Workman,
44 F. '15.

Home Makers Clubs for Negro Girls, James L. Sibley, Southern Workman, 81 F. '15.
A Notable Negro Exhibit, Leo M. Favrot, Southern Workman, 335, Je. '15.
The Man Behind the Gun, Monroe N. Work, Southern Workman, 351, Je. '14.

Rural Recreation, W. K. Tate, Southern Workman, 380, Jl. '15.

The Influence of the Calhoun School, R. J. Peagler, Southern Workman, 399, Jl. '15.

A Summer Institute for Teachers in Alabama, S. Sibley, Southern Workman, 2. Ag. '15.

A Savannah School of Industry, Otis Ashmore, Southern Workman, 485, S. '15.

Teaching by Doing, T. J. Edwards, Southern Workman, 494, S. '15.

Team Work, Booker T. Washington, Southern Workman, 651, D. '15.

Education of the Negro, G. Johnson, Nation, 100:443, Ap. 22. '15.

Higher Education of the Negro; Bestowal of the First Spingarn Medal upon Prof. Just, Nation, 100:187-8, F. 18, '15.

Booker Taliaferro Washington, Bul. Pan. Am. Union, 41:866-70, D. '15.

Spirit of Tuskegee, C. Richardson, Survey, 35:255-6, D. 4, '15.

Practical Value of the Higher Education of the Negro, K. Miller, Education, D. '15.

Contributions of Booker T. Washington to the Education of the Negro, W. A. Sutton, School and Society, S. 23, '16.

Education of the Negro, School and Society, S. 16, '16.

From Newsboy to Machinist, G. E. Coles, Outlook, Ag. 9, '16.

Practical Value of the Higher Education of the Negro, K. Miller, Education, D. '16.
Some Colored Schools of the South, K. B. Vaughn, Jour. Home Economics, N.

Up from Slavery; Services of Booker T. Washington, Living Age, Ja. 8, '16.
Hampton The Answer, To A Problem, Outlook, My. 24, '16.

Booker T. Washington; The Man and His School in the Making, E. J. Scott & L. B. Stowe, Outlook, S. 13, '16.

Booker Taliaferro Washington, Bulletin Pan American Union, D. '15.

Major Moton and Tuskegee, School and Society, J. 1, '16.

Major Moton For Tuskegee, Literary Digest, J. 8, '16.

New Head of Tuskegee, R. S. Baker, World's Work, Mr. '16.

Tuskegee and the Work Ahead, Survey, My. 27, '16.

Negro Education; A Study of the Private and Higher Schools for Colored People in the United States, U. S. Bureau Educ. Bul., 1916.

Colleges and Universities for Negroes, School and Society, Ag. 25, '17.

County Machinery for Colored Schools in the South, J. H. Dillard, School and Society, S. 8, '17.

Education and Crime among Negroes, Review of Reviews, Mr. '17.

Education of the Negro, H. B. Frissell, National Educational Report, 1916.

Farm Training for Negroes; Essential Factor in Colored Education in the South, Survey, Je. 23, '17.

Hollis Burke Frissell, L. Abbott, Outlook, Ag. 15, '17.

Howard University Semi-Centennial and Negro Education, W. A. Aery, School and Society, Mr. 31, '17.

Howard University's Semi-Centennial, W. S. Scarborough, Independent, Mr. 19, '17, Negro Education, The Nation, Je. 28, '17.

Practical Chivalry, H. T. Pulsifer, Outlook, Jl. 4, '17.

Problems of Negro Education, J. C. Hemphill, North America, S. '17.

Tuskegee's Ideals for the Negro, R. R. Moton, Missionary Review, Ja. '17.

Can the Negro be Educated, L. Abbott, Outlook, D. 12, '17.

National Responsibility for Education of the Colored People, Nat. Educ. Assn., 1918, 555-66.

Brightening up the Rural South, E. J. Scott, Outlook, Jl. 10, '18.

National Aid to Negro Education, J. H. Dillard, School and Society, Je. 8, '18.

Present Needs of the Negro, Review of Reviews, Ag. '18.

Improvised Negro Songs, K. Lemmermann, New Republic, D. 22, '18.

Statesman of the Negro Problem, R. S. Baker, Worlds Work, Ja. '18.

Negro Training and Racial Good-will, J. Davis, Review of Reviews, N. '18.

Education of the Negro, Clinical Medicine, Chicago, Ag. '18.

Significance of Hampton's Fifty Years, N. Curtis, Outlook, 12:197-8, Je. 4, '19.

Negro Life and History in the Schools, C. G. Woodson, Jour. Negro Hist. Jl. '19.

National Responsibility for the Education of the Negro, K. Miller, Educ. R. 58:31-8, Je.


Scholarships for Negro Medical Students, School and Soc., 10:344-5, S. 20, '19. Teachers Estimates of Negroes and Whites, E. L. Gatewood, School and Society, 9:90-1, Ja. 18, '19.

Black is a Perfectly Beautiful Shade, A Segal, il World Outl, 5:10-11, O. '19.

The Development of the Negro Public School System in Missouri, Henry S. Williams, Jour. Negro Hist., Ap., '20.

Progress in the Education of the Negro, J. Z. Gregg, Rev. 3:52-3, J. 14, '20.

Religious Education in Negro Colleges and Universities, David H. Sims, Jour. Negro Hist. Ap. '20.

The Negro in Education, Loretta Funke, Jour. Negro Hist., Ja. '20.

Wilberforce, W. E. B. DuBois, Crisis, Ag. '20.

Hampton Summer School, Southern Workman, Ag. '21.

Education in Alabama, Crisis, Jl. '21.

The Higher Training of Negroes, Jl. '21.

Home Economics Conference, Southern Workman, Je. '21.

Vocational Agricultural Schools in North Carolina, R. E. Malone, The Southern Workman, Jl. '21.

Education of the Negro in the North, K. Miller, Educ. R. 62:232-8, O. '21.
Conference at Hampton Institute, School and Society 13:660-1, Je. 11, '21.
Negro Education in North Carolina, School and Society 14:53, Jl. 30, '21.
Educational Problems, R. C. Ransom, Southern Workman, S. '21.
Close-up of Negro Education, T. Williams, Ind. 105:538-9, My. 21, '21.
Negro Boys' Club Work, Julian E. Bagley, Southern Workman, Jl. '21.

Hampton's Training for Agricultural Leadership, Warren K. Blodgett, Southern Workman, My. '21.

Hampton Agricultural Projects, A. B. Doggett, jr., Southern Workman, Ag. '21.
Virginia Industrial School, Southern Workman, Ag. '21.

Helping Negro Boys, Southern Workman, Ag. '21.

Home Demonstration Agents at Hampton, Southern Workman, Ag: '21.

The Farmers Conference, Southern Workman, Ag. '21.

Missouri and the Negro, Clement Richardson, Southern Workman, Ag. '21.

West Virginia and the Negro, Southern Workman, Ag. '21.

Work of the Jeans Fund in 1922, School and Society, 16:467, O. 21, '22.

New Honors for Booker T. Washington, il. Lit. Digest, 73:50-2, Je. 3, '22.
Washington, Booker Taliaferro, Portrait, Outlook, 130:635, Ap. 19, '22.

Unveiling the Booker T. Washington Statue at Tuskegee, School and Soc., 15:411-12, Ap. 15, '22.

Negro in Rural Education and Country Life, J. H. Dillard, Nat. Educ. Assn., 1921:580-3.
Negro Progress Exemplified, W. Buttrick, il. R. of Rs., 65:648-9, Je. '22.

Negro School's Contribution to Racial Good-will, School and Society, 14:579, D. 17, '21.
Practical Ideals for Negro Education, F. A. McKenzie, il. Mis. R. 45:457-64, Je. '22.
President Harding on Negro Education, School and Soc. 14:393-4, N. 5, '21.
Books and the Color Line, E. Rose, Survey 48:75-6, Ap. 15, '22.

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