


The abbreviations gradually introduced in the Notes are the usual ones, such as gen. for genitive, prep. for preposition, pron. for pronoun, cf. (confer) for compare, and will be easily understood without further explanation.

As the Notes also serve as a vocabulary, words are given in them in the usual manner of vocabularies. In nouns the genitive is indicated when it differs from the nominative, and the plural whenever the word has one. Thus, Hund, m. -es, -e, masculine noun, genitive singular Hundes, nominative plural Hunde; Hand, f. e, feminine noun, nominative plural Hände.

The principal parts of verbs marked S. (for strong) and irr. (for irregular) will be found in the list given in the Appendix. If a verb is conjugated with sein, the fact is indicated by f. following. Thus, beißen, S., bite; auftauchen, s., emerge; fallen, S., s., fall. Verbs unmarked are understood to be weak and to be conjugated with haben.

Accents are occasionally marked. Unless otherwise indicated, all references are to pages and notes or lines. Except as mentioned above, parts of speech and other grammatical details are noted only when necessary to avoid confusion. Only such meanings are given as occur in the text, or are necessary to explain these.


1. Der Hund.?


Lords Chesterfield besuchte eines Tages Lord Strafford, und der Hund seiness Freundes biß 10 ihn 11 in 12 das Bein.13 „Fürchten 14 Sie 15 nichts," 16 sagte Lord Strafford, „mein 18 fleiner 19 Hund beißt niemals." 20 Lord Chesterfield schlug 21 den 5 Hund mit 22 seinem Stocke 23 und sagte: „Fürchten Sie nichts, ich 24 schlage niemals kleine Hunde."


1. 1 der, the. 2 Hund, m. -es, -e, dog. 3 Lord, Chesterfield and Strafford are English words. Pronounce them as in English. 4 Preterit (past) tense of besuchen, visit. 5 ein, a, an, one. 6 Tag, m. -es, -e, day. und, and. 8 sein, his. Cf. n. II. Freund, m. -es, -e, friend. 10 Preterit of beißen, S., bite. 11 Accusative case of er. Say here, him. As the gender of a German noun is not always the same as that of the English word of the same meaning, er does not always mean he, but may mean it (or rarely even she). Sein (n. 8) is the possessive adjective corresponding to er (or es, cf. Sel. 3, n. 13), and may mean his or its (or even her). 12 in (with dative or accusative case), in, into. See grammar for list of prepositions with either the dative or the accusative. 13 Bein, n. -es, -e, bone; usually, leg. 14 fürchten, fear, be afraid of. 15 Sie, you. Omit here. Cf. Sel. 2, n. 14. 16 nichts (indeclinable), nothing, not anything. 17 Pret. of sagen, say, tell. 18 mein, my. 19 flein, little, small. 20 niemals, never. 21 Pret. of schlagen, S., strike, hit, beat. 22 mit (with dat. case), with. 23 Stock, m. -es, e, stick. 24 ich, I.

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Wilhelm und Thomas.



Der Kapitän'2 eines Schiffes rief in den Schiffsraum 5 hinab': „Wer ist da 9?" „Wilhelm, Herr," 10 war die Antwort." "Was 12 thust 13 du 14 da?" "Nichts, Herr.“ „Ist Thomas da?" „Ja," 15 ant'wortete 11 Thomas. „Was thust du?" fragte 16 der Kapitän. „Ich helfe 17 Wilhelm, Herr,“ sagte 5 Thomas.

3. Der Hund mit dem Fleische'.




Ein Hund hatte ein Stücks Fleisch gestohlen und wollte 5 mit demselben über einen Fluß schwimmen. In dem Flusse sahlo er sein Bild" und hielt 12 es 13 für14 einen anderen 15 Hund mit einem Stück Fleisch. Er wünschte 16 auch 17 dieses 18 10


2. 1 Wilhelm, William. 2 Kapitän', m. -, -e, captain. 3 Schiff, n. -es, -e, ship. 4 Pret. of rufen, S., call, cry. 5 Raum, m. -es, e, room, space. Schiffsraum, hold. Hin (adverb) expresses direction away from the speaker or scene of the story and, as here, can often not be translated into English. ab (adverb), down. pronoun), who. 8 sein (irr.), be. 9 da, there. master, lord, gentleman, sir. Say here, sir. swer. antworten, answer.

wer (interrogative 10 Herr, m. 1, −en, 11 Antwort, f. —en, an12 was (inter. pron.), what. 13 thun, S., do. 14 du, thou, you. This word is to be contrasted with Sie (cf. Sel. I, n. 15), which is more formal and more in use outside the family. 15 ja, yes, yea. 16 fragen, ask, question. 17 helfen, S., help. This verb takes its object in the dat. instead of the acc. Wilhelm is therefore

in the dat.

3. 1 Fleisch, n. -es, flesh, meat. 2 haben (irr.), have. 3 Stück, n. -es, -e, piece. 4 stehlen, S., steal. 5 wollen (irr.), will, purpose, wish, desire, etc. 6 derselbe, the same. The word is used here, as often, instead of the corresponding form of er. über (dat. or acc.), over, 8 Fluß, m. -es, e, river. 9 schwimmen, S., s., swim. 11 Bild, n. -es, -er, image, form, picture. 12 halten,

above, across.

10 sehen, S., see. S., hold, keep.

halten für, take for. 13 es, it. Cf. Sel. I, n. II.
15 ander, other. 16 wünschen, wish, desire.
17 auch,

14 für (acc.), for.
also, too. 8 dieser, this.


zu 19 haben, schnappte 20 darnach 21 und ließ 22 sein eigenes 23 Fleisch in den Fluß fallen.24

4. Der Fuchs1 und der Ziegenbock.2


Der Fuchs war in einen Brunnens gefallen und konnte nicht 5 wieder heraus'kommen." Das kam ein Ziegenbock zu dem 5 Brunnen und fragte: „Fuchs, wie10 kommst du in den Brunnen? Willst du trinken"? Ist das Wasser 12 gut 18 ?“ „Ja, Freund,“ antwortete der Fuchs, „das Wasser ist gut. Komm' zu mir und trinke." Da sprang 14 der Ziegenbock in den Brunnen hinab. Der Fuchs aber 15 stieg 16 auf 17 seine Hörner 18 und sprang aus 19 10 dem Brunnen.

5. Der Nabe' und der Fuchs.

Ein Rabe hatte einen Käse2 gestohlen und flogs auf einen Baum, denselben zu essen. Ein Fuchs sah dies. Er wünschte den schönen Käse zu haben, aber er konnte nicht auf den Baum fliegen. Was that der Fuchs also? Er rief: „O, Rabe, du


zu, to. 20 schnappen, snap. S., let, permit, allow, have. 4. 1 Fuchs, m. -es, e, fox. 3 Brunnen, m. -, -, spring, 5 nicht, not. wieder, again. opposite of hin (cf. Sel. 2, n. speaker or the scene of the grammar for separable verbs.



22 lassen,

21 darnach, thereafter, at it.
eigen, own. 24 fallen, S. s., fall

2 Ziegenbock, m. -8, e, he-goat, goat. well. 4 lönnen (irr.), be able, can. 7 fommen, S., f., come. Her is the 6), expressing direction towards the story. herauskommen, get out. See Say here, then. That is, the adverb da refers to either place or time (cf. Sel. 2, n. 9). 9zu (dat.), to. 10 wie, how. 11 trinken, S., drink. 12 Wasser, n. —8, 13 - water. gut, 14 springen, S., s., spring, jump. hinabspringen? 15 aber, but, 16 steigen, S., s., ascend, mount, climb. 17 auf (dat. or acc.), 18 Horn, n. -es, er, horn. 19 aus (dat.), out of, from. 1 Rabe, m. -n, -n, raven. 2 Käse, m. -, -, cheese. 3 fliegen, S.,

good. however.

on, upon. 5.

f., fly.

4 Baum, m. -es, e, tree. 5 essen, S., eat. Cf. Sel. II, n. 22. ¤ schön, handsome, beautiful, fine. also, therefore, then, conse


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