
also less urgently for a shaker, centrifuge, water motor, etc., $150.00; and from $300.00 to $500.00 to begin to investigate questions in the life history of the tubercle bacteria. The need of a post mortem room is still unfilled.

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The increase in the higher classes, has necessitated some change in the practical work. At first virtually all surgical operations were performed by students under the eye of the professor, but the physical and mental strain on the latter, has necessitated that the pupil's personal work should be restricted to minor operations. Outside cases obstetrical and otherwise, have been similarly abandoned or attended by the assistant in surgery. Valuable instruction work has been done in the line of local anaesthesia, and on a new operation for the relief of roaring in horses.

The museum specimens in surgery and obstetrics have increased until the question of accommodation is a pressing one, and additional museum cases are greatly needed. Dr. Williams repeats his request for an assistant of greater experience and efficiency as a means of maintaining the high character of his department, but with the reduction of numbers in connection with the higher matriculation requirements this may for the next two years be delayed in favor of the more urgent needs which our restricted income fails to provide for. The operating stocks are worn out, and are now being replaced by new ones at a cost of prospectively $200.00. Other important needs are the macadamizing or paving of the adjacent part of the old Garden avenue, and the continuance of the existing drain from the Athletic Grounds, under the surface to join the drain at Garden avenue. This will protect the paddock from being torn up by the torrent, preserving it for use in open air operations, and incidentally will obviate any repetition of blocking the sewer grating, and inundation of the college grounds and building below.



In this department the students have maintained an equal interest and success as in former years. The completion of the second edition of the first three volumes of my work on Veterinary Medicine materially enlarged and brought up to date, has well served the needs of the student and greatly lessened the evil of the imperfect equipment. This book however should be preparatory and adjunct to practical clinical experience, and cannot be accepted as a com

plete substitute for it. With proper hospital facilities for sick animals of the larger varieties and for their successful diagnosis and treatment, with the means of reaching outside cases at their homes, and with facilities for experiment and demonstration in the infectious diseases and parasitism it should be made far more instructive to the student, and of incomparably greater value to the State. I have dealt with this at greater length in each of my former yearly reports, and need only say that the evil still remains unredressed. The educational needs of the college have not been met by contact with the sanitary work in the State, tuberculous cows from outside are still poured into our New York herds, rabies, anthrax, and other diseases continue unabated, and, in our large cities especially, glanders prevails as a scourge and scandal. Nine students are taking their theses in this department.


The urgent demands of the different departments as given above make an aggregate of $1,150.00, but back of this are the old standing and increasing needs of further equipment for conducting work of research especially in sanitary lines. We need a clinical building with dark chamber, electrical apparatus and other appliances; a ward for medical and experimental subjects; a post mortem and pathological room; a southern wing containing a second amphitheatre; an ambulance for conveyance of weak or helpless patients; a carriage and team for visiting patients that cannot be brought to the college clinic; we need a fund for visiting centers of infectious outbreaks so as to study the conditions in which these occur; we need also subjects to be dealt with in the way of illustrating prophylaxis and therapeutics. To meet these demands an income of $35,000.00 per annum, as I asked for ten years ago, will be an economical investment. It is not economy to maintain a veterinary college without furnishing all the means of instruction which the extraordinary advances of the age demand, and it is no economy to allow the survival and extension of infections and parasitisms among farm animals, and as a consequence in man, when the State has in its hands, unused, the means of systematically meeting and extirpating such plagues.

Respectfully submitted,


Director of the New York State Veterinary College.



To the President of the University:

SIR: The demands of the College of Agriculture have grown greatly in the past year, but there has been no growth in the staff or equipment. The expected completion of the new buildings within the next year and the hope of maintenance funds from the State, support the enthusiasm of the staff and the student body and make it possible to hold the College together. The College of Agri. culture is a most complex institution, touching very many public questions and prosecuting its work all over the state as well at Ithaca. No other college at Cornell University has such diverse interests.

The undergraduate student body has made an increase over last year of 22 per cent. The students pursuing agricultural work in 1905-6 (not counting students registered in Arts and other colleges and taking work in the College of Agriculture) are as follows: Regular four-year students.. Specials.



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There have been two innovations in the College in the past year: a lecture course in home economics, and the projecting of a traveling summer school.

The lecture-course in home economics covered a period of ten weeks. More than twenty women, expert in various subjects, gave the lectures; about forty registered students completed the full course, and many others attended as visitors. The purpose of the course was to awaken an interest in education for women along the line of home-making, and to enable us to study the entire field and to judge the questions involved. This survey has enabled us to arrive at conclusions as to the scope and nature of courses in home economics; and it confirms us all in the feeling that such a course should be a regular part of our work.

The traveling summer school of agriculture (which, so far as I know, is the first of its kind) is to consist of a body of students in charge of Professor Hunt, the members of which are to study agricultural practices that are not common to New York State. The party expects to have its own train. It plans to leave Ithaca late.in June or early in July, extending the tour to Colorado, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and the Atlantic coast states. Special attention will be given to ranching, stock feeding, irrigation, rice, sugar-cane, cotton and tobacco. The trip is planned to occupy about eight weeks, and a credit of six hours may be given for the course.

The awakening interest in the College on the part of the people of the state is shown in the offering of scholarships. There are at present seven Grange scholarships, as explained in a later part of this report; and Mr. Harrison L. Beatty, of Bainbridge, Chenango County, also offers a scholarship of $75.00 for the Winter-Course to a properly qualified student from the town of Bainbridge.


The action of the legislature in passing an act providing for the administration of the College of Agriculture and in making an

appropriation for maintenance, raises the question of the proper organization of the College. At present the College is essentially unorganized, there being no well-marked sub-division of its varied and complex activities among its various officers.

It is first necessary to determine what the functions of a modern agricultural college are conceived to be. At first these institutions stood chiefly for education in the technical or occupational agricultural subjects,-concretely, with the problems of increasing the productiveness and profitableness of farming. Gradually, however, they have enlarged their scope to cover all the activities that are peculiar or applicable to the open country as distinguished from those that center mostly in the city, and to use these subjects broadly as a means of training men for life and for general citizenship. Not only must the productiveness of land be increased, but the ideals of living must be elevated and all rural institutions must be quickened. The modern agricultural college concerns itself with large public questions of education, trade, transportation, and general betterment, standing for all agencies that will aid in making the farmer a more efficient producer of wealth and a more effective citizen. In shorter words, the agricultural colleges tands for education for country-life. It is not a professional college. These purposes are expressed in the administration act of our own College of Agriculture, signed by the Governor on the 12th of April, 1906:


"The object of said college of agriculture shall be to improve the agricultural methods of the state; to develop the agricultural resources of the state in the production of crops of all kinds, in the rearing and breeding of live-stock, in the manufacture of dairy and other products, in determining better methods of handling and marketing such products, and in other ways; and to increase intelligence and elevate the standards of living in the rural districts. the attainment of these objects the college is authorized to give instruction in the sciences, arts and practices relating thereto, in such courses and in such manner as shall best serve the interests of the state; to conduct extensive work in disseminating agricultural knowledge throughout the state by means of experiments and demonstrations on farms and gardens, investigations of the economic and social status of agriculture, lectures, publication of bulletins and reports, and in such other ways as may be deemed advisable in the furtherance of the aforesaid objects; to make researches in the physical, chemical, biological and other problems of agriculture, the application of such investigations to the agriculture of New York, and the publication of the results thereof."

In organizing such a college the keynote should be quality. It is gratifying to have a large number of students, for this indicates

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