
ing quarters which should be satisfactory for several years. The basement will be used for expansion of the work in Experimental Electrical Engineering and for the laboratories for experimental work in connection with the operation of steam and electric railways. The other two floors will be occupied by offices, designing rooms, lecture rooms and special laboratories for the Department of Electrical Engineering. The Department of Railway Mechanical Engineering will move into its new quarters in West Sibley and the space thereby vacated will be used for the expansion of the Department of Machine Design.


The work of the Committee for the Revision of the Courses has been carried on throughout the year, and several changes as to ararrangement and character of work have been made. For several years it has seemed desirable to bring into one department all of the work in drawing and machine design and the last step has been taken in the transfer of Descriptive Geometry to the Department of Machine Design. This subject will be given in the future in the Freshman year and the rest of the course in Machine Design has been arranged to make it a logical and consecutive course throughout the four years.

This Committee, in carrying on its work, has had constantly in mind that, while one of the most important things in a school of mechanical engineering is to keep in constant touch with practice, the most important thing of all is that the training in theory shall be sound. The effort to turn out men so trained that they are ready to solve engineering problems according to the best methods of modern practice, can only succeed if the broad principles that underlie all engineering are taught thoroughly and completely.

In the effort to line up with practice a new method of treatment has been adopted for certain lines of work. Every engineering problem involves certain considerations dependent upon the physical laws of nature, but it also involves financial considerations. Every engineering problem is an economic problem. In the creation of any engineering property a decision must be made among many combinations of elements. The best combination is that which pays the best return on the money invested, provided considerations of safety are considered. One of the most important problems of modern engineering is to decide upon this combination, and in many cases it requires the highest exercise of engineering ability.

An effort is being made now to lead the students to see engineering problems from this point of view.


The removal of the Department of Electrical Engineering into Franklin Hall for the coming year will make it possible to establish a long needed department reference library and reading room. It is proposed to withdraw from the main library such books as are sure to be in constant use by the students of Sibley College. A selection can be made at first and a system can be adopted whereby books that prove to be of little use for daily reference shall be returned to the main library. This method will keep the reference library at a minimum and will only withdraw from the main library books that may be easily replaced. The room in which the books are kept will serve not only for the use of the reference library but also as a reading and study room for such students of the College as require it. An experiment in fitting up the south end of the museum this year with seats, shows that there is a considerable demand for such a study



With the increasing number of students in Sibley College has come a decrease in the social intercourse among the students and between the students and faculty. This change seems an undesirable one, and an effort ought to be made to offer opportunity for the cultivation of acquaintance of students with each other and of students with faculty. It is believed that with better acquaintance would come increased kindly feeling, which causes difficulties in discipline and in many other minor matters to disappear, and also an increased feeling of responsibility for the good name and success of the College. It has been proposed that a suitable room might be set apart for a club room, to be kept open on certain evenings of the week and perhaps every evening, furnishing a place where students and faculty might assemble for conversation, singing and on certain occasions for the presentation of more or less formal programs affording amusement. It seems best that technical matters should have no place at all in connection with these gatherings, but that they should be purely of a social nature. The room provided for the department library aud reading room could easily be made available for this purpose by simply turning on lights.

The three societies connected with the work of Sibley College, namely the branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engi

neers, the Electrical Society of Sibley College, and the Mechanical Society of Sibley College, would be glad to undertake the small amount of work that would be necessary in connection with the development of this idea.

It is believed that this matter has an important bearing upon the spirit of the College which makes for internal strength and for hearty, cheerful cooperation with all other divisions of the University.

As a result of growth of engineering work in the country and of a growing confidence in the men trained in the technical schools, many manufacturers, designers and constructors of engineering properties, and sales departments of engineering companies, now send representatives to Sibley College each year looking for graduates to take into their employ. The bringing together of these representatives and the graduates of Sibley College is so large and important a work that an Employment Bureau has been organized and as a result the work has been carried on systematically and effectively during the past year.

Respectfully submitted,


Director of Sibley College.



To the President of the University:

SIR: I have the honor to present my first report as Director of the Summer Session covering the time from October 3rd, 1905, to date. In arranging the work of this session I kept constantly in mind the action of the Board of Trustees on November 8th, 1898, when it was resolved by them that:

"The Summer Session shall offer instruction so far as feasible in all subjects included in the high school curriculum. . . . . . . . The primary object of the Summer Session shall be to furnish instruction to teachers in high schools and academies. . . . . . . . . Instruction in the Summer Session shall be in general in the hands of professors."

106 courses of instruction have been offered this summer in 22 different departments and the work has covered almost all the studies of the high school curriculum. Experience has shown, however, that teachers in high schools have other needs for the satisfaction of which they look to a summer session. These teachers are calling for instruction in the science of education in its various aspects, including the organization and administration of schools and of school systems. It is quite as important to afford instruction in these subjects as in the special work of the class teacher. Further the University can hardly afford to draw a line between the high school and all schools of lower grade, saying to the great army of grammar and elementary school teachers, "In you we have no interest and for you we have no opportunities of improvement." The trend in school organization is away from sharp and distinct lines of separation in the process of education. We cannot fail to recognize the necessity of providing the best possible advantages for superintendents, supervisors of special branches, principals and class teachers. The statistics of attendance given below show that the enlargement of our work this year has met with recognition and approval by those we sought

to reach.


The teaching staff of the present year has consisted of 17 professors, 16 assistant professors, 21 instructors and 10 assistants. Of the professors 12 were members of our own faculty, and of the assistant professors II. The 12 members of the staff from outside Cornell included Professors Coulter of Purdue University; Dryer of the Indiana State Normal School; Farnham of the New York State Normal School, Oswego; A. Ross Hill of the University of Missouri; McMurry of the Pennsylvania Normal School, California, Pa.; Thayer of Princeton University; VonAlenze of the University of Chicago; Whitbeck of the New Jersey Normal School, Trenton; and Mr. Theodore C. Mitchill of the Boys High School, Brooklyn. Three members of the staff are not at present in teaching positions. They are Arthur D. Dean, for some time teacher in the Springfield, Mass., Technical High School, and now acting as special commissioner for

the Mass. Y. M. C. A. in investigating commercial and technical education in this and other countries; Mr. Charles Wellington Furlong, artist and author, who was for seven years a teacher at Cornell; Dr. Edward L. Stevens, Associate Superintendent of Schools in New York City. All of these men, no less than the permanent members of the University, threw themselves into the work of the school with great earnestness, and to them is due a full share of credit for the success of the session. The breadth of view gained by the presence of men from so wide a range of territory and from institutions of such different grades is of great value in dealing with problems of education, and in discussing existing conditions. It helps to bring the University into closer touch with schools of various kinds, to create mutual confidence and sympathy, and to emphasize the unity of our educational interests.

[blocks in formation]

*Includes 145 Porto Rican teachers admitted under special arrangement with the U. S. Department of Education.

Of the 265 teachers attending this year 27 were from colleges, 15 from normal and training schools, 96 from high schools, 95 from grammar and elementary schools, and 26 from private schools. Six school superintendents were present.

The attendance covered a wide range of territory, the students representing 40 states and 16 foreign countries. The figures show a smaller number of "Cornell students of the previous year." This means that fewer students used the summer session to make up conditions incurred during the winter. Possibly, also, it means that the provisions of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences concerning credit for

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