
vol. xxii.,

p. 46.)

Mummia in Purchas his pilgrimage. (Same, Feb., 1907, 64.)


On the study of English. (Targum, Oct., 1906, vol. xxvii.,

Some Wordsworthian similes. (Jour. of English and Germanic Philology, Jan., 1907, vol. vi., p. 179.)

The worldly wisdom of Polonius. (Cornell Era, March, 1907, vol. xxxix., p. 292.)

[Review of ] A bibliography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge; by J. L. Haney. (Jour. of English and Germanic Philology, April, 1907, vol. vi., p. 478.)

[Review of] The German influence on Samuel Taylor Coleridge; by J. L. Haney. (Same, Oct., 1906, vol. vi., p. 141.)

[Review of] The higher study of English; by A. S. Cook. (Amer. Jour. of Philology, April-June, 1907, vol. xxviii., p. 217.) [Review of] Poetry and the individual; by H. B. Alex(Philosophical Review, March, 1907, vol. xvi., p. 215.)


Also unsigned notices of books in the Dial and the Nation.

Craig, J. Fighting garden enemies. (Country Life in America, April, 1907, vol. xi., p. 702.)

Fighting the enemies of the home garden. (Same, April, 1907, vol. xi., p. 672.)

Nature study and school gardens. (Cornell Countryman, May, 1907, vol. iv., p. 246.)

Crandall, C. L. Tables for the computation of railway and other earthwork. 4th ed. New York, 1907. 8°. pp. 3+54. Diagrs. Text-book on geodesy and least squares, prepared for the use of civil engineering students. 1st ed., 1st thous. New York, 1907. 8°. pp. x. +329. Illus.

Preliminary estimates for railway earthwork. (Cornell Civil Engineer, March, 1907, vol. xv., p. 13.)

President's address, technical education. (Proceedings of the Soc. for the Promotion of Engineering Education, 1907, vol. xiv., p. 10.)

[Review of] Railroad, curve tables; by R. S. Henderson. (Engineering Literature: Supplement to Engineering News, 17 Jan., 1907, vol. lvii., p. 89.)

Crane, T. F. The liberal arts at Cornell. (Proceedings at the dedication of Goldwin Smith Hall, [1906], p. 12.)

compiler. Le romantisme français, a selection from writers of the French romantic school, 1824-1848; edited for the use of

schools and colleges with an introduction and notes. 5th revised ed. New York, 1907. 16°. pp. lviii. + 362.

compiler. La société française au dix-septième siècle, an account of French society in the seventeenth century from contemporary writers; edited for the use of schools and colleges, with an introduction and notes. 2d ed., revised and corrected. New York, 1907. 16°. pp. lxxi. + 350.

and S. J. Brun compilers. Tableaux de la révolution française, an historical French reader; edited with notes, with an introduction by A. D. White. 9th ed., revised. New York, 1907. 16°. pp. xix. + 311.

editor. J. Rotrou's Saint Genest and Venceslas; edited with introduction and notes. Boston, (cop. 1907). sm. 8°. pp. xi. +433. Port. (International modern language series.)

Creighton, J. E. Experience and thought. (Philosophical Review, Sept., 1906, vol. xv., p. 482.)

editor. The philosophical review, 1906-1907.

Crosby, C. R. Phalangid notes.

vol. xviii., p. 161.)

Two new species of heridiidæ.

1906, vol. xxxviii., p. 308.)

(Entomological News, 1907,

(Canadian Entomologist,

(Churchman, 22

Dame, K. Revision of the Church catechism.

June, 1907, vol. xcv., p. 925.)

Dana, C. L. Academies of medicine. (N. Y. Medical Jour., 9

March, 1907, vol. 1xxxv.)

Also separately reprinted.

Brachial neuralgia and arm pains. (Medical Record, 23

Feb., 1907, vol. 1xxi., p. 297.)

Also separately reprinted.

Epilepsy and epileptics.

(Transactions of the Nat. Assoc.

for the Study of Epilepsy, 1906, vol. iv.)

The functions of the cerebellum and the symptoms of its (N. Y. Medical Jour., 6 Oct., 1906, vol. lxxxiv., p. 677.) Also separately reprinted.


De Garmo, C. Principles of secondary education, a text-book; the studies. New York, 1907. sm. 8°. pp. 199. 2 folding plans

and tables.

Herbart, Johann Friedrich.

1904, vol. viii.)

(Encyclopedia Americana,

The influence of the school upon education. (Semi

centennial and memorial history of the Illinois State Normal University, 1907, chap. 15.)

Dennis, F. S. Report of two months' service at Bellevue Hospital. (Internat. Clinics, 17 S. vol. i.)

The treatment of malignant disease, including a report of over one hundred cases permanently cured by surgical operation. (Transactions of the Connecticut State Medical Assoc., 1906.)

Dennis, L. M., and L. F. Hawley. Upon the chemical nature of the radium emanation. (Physical Review, June, 1907, vol. xxiv., P. 511.)

and H. Isham. Hydronitric acid. V.-VI. (Jour. of the Amer. Chemical Soc., Jan.-Feb., 1907, vol. xxix., pp. 18, 216.) Über Stickstoff wasserstoffsäure. (Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 1907, Jhrg. xxxx., p. 458.) Durand, E. J. The ideals and customs of the society of the Sigma Xi. (Cornell Daily Sun, 29 April, 1907, vol. xxvii.)

The society of the Sigma Xi. (Cornell Era, Dec., 1906, vol. xxxix., p. 117.)

Where the nature lover may ramble about Ithaca. (Cornell Daily Sun, 12 April, 1907, vol. xxvii.)

Edgar, J. C. The practice of obstetrics, designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine. 3d ed., revised. Philadelphia, 1907. 1. 8°. pp. xx. + 17-1071. Colored plates and figs.

Advantages of the bimanual dilatation of the pregnant and parturient uterus. (Transactions of the Amer. Gynecological Soc., 1906, vol. xxxi., p. 108.)

Gonorrhea during pregnancy. (Medical Record, 27 April, 1907, vol. lxxi., p. 687.)

Manual and instrumental dilatation of the pregnant and parturient cervix. (Jour. of the Amer. Medical Assoc., 10 Nov., 1906, vol. xlvii., p. 1534.)

Edgerton, C. W. The rate and period of growth of polyporus lucidus. (Torreya, May, 1907, vol. vii., p. 89.)

Ewing, J. A case of primary carcinoma of the liver. (Proceedings of the N. Y. Pathological Soc., Jan., 1907, N. S. vol. vi., p. 168.) Exophthalmic goitre from the standpoint of serum therapy. (N. Y. Medical Jour., 1, 8 Dec., 1906, vol. lxxxiv., pp. 1061, 1114.)

Reprinted in Publications of Cornell University Medical College: Studies from the Department of Pathology, 1906, vol. vi.

Hemolysis in eclampsia. (Proceedings of the Soc. of Experimental Biology and Medicine, May, 1907, vol. iv.)

The morphological diagnosis of pathogenic protozoa. (N. Y. Medical Jour., 1 June, 1907, vol. lxxxv., p. 1009.)

Nitrogenous metabolism in typhoid fever. (Medical Record, 30 March, 1907, vol. 1xxi., p. 537.)

Recent studies of syphilis.

icine, May, 1907, vol. vii., p. 177.)

(N. Y. State Jour. of Med

and C. G. L. Wolf. The clinical significance of the urinary nitrogen. II. The metabolism in the toxemia of pregnancy. (Amer. Jour. of Obstetrics, March, 1907, vol. lv., p. 289.)

joint author. A study of the biology of tumor cells; by S. P. Beebe and J. Ewing. (British Medical Jour., 1 Dec., 1906, vol. ii., p. 1559.)

joint author. A study of the so-called infectious lymphosarcoma of dogs; by S. P. Beebe and J. Ewing. (Jour. of Medical Research, Sept., 1906, vol. xv., p. 209.)

Reprinted in Publications of Cornell University Medical College: Studies from the Department of Pathology, 1906, vol. vi.

Fetter, F. A. Changes of mortgage taxation in New York in 1906. (Quarterly Jour. of Economics, Aug., 1906, vol. xx., p. 613.)

The fundamental conceptions and methods of economics. (Congress of Arts and Science, St. Louis, 1906, vol. vii., p. 7.)

The German imperial inheritance tax. (Quarterly Jour. of Economics, Feb., 1907, vol. xxi., p. 332.)

Imperialism and cosmopolitanism. (Cornell Cosmopolitan Club Annual, 1906-1907, vol. i., p. 27.)

The nature of capital and income. (Jour. of Political

Economy, March, 1907, vol. xv., p. 129.)

The need of industrial insurance.

(Proceedings of the

Nat. Conference of Charities and Correction, 1906, vol. xxxiii., P. 464.)

Review of state finance in 1905.

(Legislation Bulletin of

the N. Y. State Library, 1905, no. 29 j, p. 171.)

Review of taxation in the states, 1905. (Same, p. 176.) Western civilization and the birth rate. (Publications of the Amer. Economic Assoc., Feb., 1907, 3s. vol. viii., p. 90.) Also in Amer. Jour. of Sociology, March, 1907, vol. xii., p. 617.

[Review of] Interest and saving; by E. C. K. Gonner. (Political Science Quarterly, March, 1907, vol. xxii., p. 160.)

Fish, P. A. The examination of the urine of the horse and man. Ithaca, 1906. 8°. ff. 69. Illus.

Arecoline hydrobromide. (Abstracts of work done in the laboratory of veterinary physiology and pharmacology, 1907, no. 4, P. 37.)

Sodium benzoate and metabolism. (Same, p. 53.)

Sodium benzoate and the digestive enzymes. (Same, p. 3.) and T. Sheldon. Albuminuric variation at the beginning

and end of micturition. (Same, p. 66.)

Fisher, W. J. The calibration of capillary tubes [abstract]. (Physical Review, Sept., 1906, vol. xxiii., p. 249.)

The constants in gas viscosity [abstract]. (Same, Feb.,

1907, vol. xxiv., p. 237.)

The temperature coefficients of gas viscosity. (Same, May, 1907, vol. xxiv., p. 385.)

[Review of] Avogadro and Dalton-the standing in chemistry of their hypotheses; by A. N. Meldrum. (Same, Sept., 1906, vol. xxiii., p. 254.)

Fite, W. B. Irreducible linear homogeneous groups whose orders are powers of a prime. (Transactions of the Amer. Mathematical Soc., Jan., 1907, vol. viii., p. 107.)

translator. Theory and construction of tables for the rapid determination of the prime factors of a number; by E. Lebon. (Bulletin of the Amer. Mathematical Soc., Nov., 1906, vol. xiii., p. 74.)

Forman, L. L. [Review of ] The meaning of гAP; by G. Misener. (Classical Philology, Oct., 1906, vol. i., p. 435.)

Freedlander, A. A. The Cornell Civic Club. (Cornell Era, Dec., 1906, vol. xxxix., p. 113.)

Retrospect. (Cornell Cosmopolitan Club Annual, 19061907, vol. i., P. 5.)

Geyser, A. C. Chronic constipation, its diagnosis and treatment. (Jour. of Therapeutics and Dietetics, June, 1907.)

The diagnosis of rheumatism and allied affections. (Jour. of Advanced Therapeutics, Aug., Sept., Oct., 1906, vol. xxiv., p. 405.) The double valve tube rectifier. (Jour. of Advanced Therapeutics, Jan., 1907, vol. xxv.)

Epithelioma of the labium majus. (Jour. of Cutaneous Diseases, 1907, vol. xxv., p. 96.)

The method of choice between the X-ray and the high

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