[blocks in formation]

This list includes 29 graduates in the undergraduate courses.
Of the new students, 17 entered the sophomore, 9 the junior and

4 the senior class.

Instruction has also been given to students from other Colleges as follows:

[blocks in formation]

This shows a healthy growth from last year, the registration then being 432 for the first and 401 for the second term, or an increase of 37 and 48 respectively.

The removal of the College of Architecture from Lincoln Hall* to White Hall at the beginning of the year greatly relieved its congested condition and gave to this College much needed room, which our professors and students have enjoyed to the fullest extent. The removal of the local office of the U. S. Weather Bureau from Lincoln Hall to the new buildings of the New York State College of Agriculture, which is scheduled to take place within the coming month, will still further relieve the College. The coming year all of Lincoln Hall will be devoted to Civil Engineering, and, so far as room is concerned, the College will be very well provided for with the following exceptions:

First, the present students' reading room is too small; second, the laboratory for experimental work in concrete and reinforced

concrete is also too small; and third, the College needs a large lecture room that would seat approximately 150 students.

The redecoration of the rooms of Lincoln Hall, started last year, should be carried to completion this coming year, to the end that the building be made uniform in appearance throughout. Some new furniture for the rooms vacated by the Weather Bureau will be required.

The survey of the Fall Creek watershed which was begun by this College in 1898,-Field Work, course 15-is now nearing completion. When completed, if a measuring weir were constructed in Fall Creek at Forest Home and a record kept of the flow over it, some very valuable data relative to run-off from the watershed could be obtained. These data and the means of obtaining them would be of great value to the College for instruction purposes, to the University in case of making any improvements in its water power plant, and to the engineering profession at large in making estimates for water power development in any locality in central New York. The cost of the weir would be small compared to the value of the knowledge to be gained.

It may be of interest to note that thesis work has been made elective as a requirement for the C. E. degree. The range of election is limited to investigation or to engineering design. This change, together with several minor ones in the senior year, has inincreased the time available for electives from nine to from fifteen to seventeen hours. At least nine of these must be elected in one of the following subdivisions :— (a) hydraulic engineering; (b) sanitary engineering; (c) railroad engineering; (d) bridge engineering; (e) mining engineering.


For the remaining six or eight hours the student is given a free range as to subjects.

This requires a considerable concentration upon some one subdivision, while it allows of rounding out with individual subjects as may be desired by the student.

These five subdivisions have been strengthened by the addition of several new courses and by requiring quantitative and qualitative chemical analysis in the second year as preparation for more advanced work than heretofore possible in sanitary engineering.

The honor system which was adopted by the students of this College at the beginning of the year has proved an entire success. The few cases that came to the attention of the honor committee

were handled with remarkably good judgment by that committee. The system has been supported with great loyalty by all and I hope it has come to stay.

Professor John T. Parson has been on leave of absence during the year. His work has been in charge of Mr. M. A. Pond.

In closing this report I wish to express my sincere appreciation of the kind assistance given me by the entire instructing staff of the College; it has aided me materially in getting acquainted with the duties of my position.

Respectfully submitted,


Director of the College of Civil Engineering





To the President of the University :

SIR-I have the honor to submit the following report of the work of Sibley College during the year 1906-1907. This report deals only with the development of Sibley College and does not consider the work which has gone on regularly as heretofore.


Quite notable progress has been made during the year in the development of the shops. We are more than ever convinced that the shops of an engineering school ought to deal with the principles of manufacturing rather than to give manual training. A design has been made of a modern speed-lathe and twenty five of these lathes

have been constructed in the shops from this design during the present year. All of the shop operations involved have been manufacturing operations, that is, the construction has been carried on as it would have been in a large machine-tool manufactory. In connection with this work a class room course has been conducted, treating of principles of manufacture. In the blacksmith shop the drop-press has been put into operation and demonstrations of its use have been made by one of the instructors, and it has been possible to draw a comparison between forgings made for machine parts upon the anvil and by means of the drop-press. This comparison shows the place in modern manufacturing of the drop-forging-press for the production of large numbers of duplicate parts at low cost.

In the foundry the work has gone on as heretofore, but orders have been placed for two typical molding machines which will be operated next year. The installation of these machines will make it possible to compare machine molding with hand molding, illustrating methods for the production of small castings in large numbers at low cost.

In the wood-shop no work is done except pattern-making, and an effort is made to show clearly the relation between the pattern work and the foundry work.

During the past year a large addition has been made to the machine-shop equipment in modern machines for manufacturing, and practically all of the out-of-date machinery has been disposed of. The shop equipment is now very satisfactory but the need is keenly felt for a modern shop building for the accommodation of the woodshop and machine-shop.


In the department of machine design the incorporation of the work in descriptive geometry has completed the organization. All the work in drawing and designing is now given in one department, beginning with the machine sketching and making of working drawings in the freshman year and ending with the specialized machine design of the senior year. It is believed that a great increase in efficiency is resulting from this organization.


The fire in the mechanical laboratory on October 12th, 1906, caused some inconvenience but practically did not interfere with the

work at all.

The laboratory for the testing of materials has been restored to its former condition.

The large building in the court has been rendered fire proof for the accommodation of all experimental apparatus connected with internal combustion engines. The old equipment will be transferred during the summer and very considerable additions of modern gas producers and engines will be made during the coming year. The mechanical laboratory is the one department of Sibley College where the work suffers for lack of room. The urgent need for more space would be met if a shop building were provided, leaving the present shop quarters for laboratory expansion.

In electrical experimental engineering the course for seniors is now well organized and in satisfactory operation. The course for juniors, included in the original plan, will be given for the first. time next year. Laboratories in the basement of Franklin Hall have been prepared during the present year and the instructing force has been increased for the carrying on of this junior work.


During the past two years an investigation for the accurate determination of the specific heat of superheated steam has been carried on, and results from this work are now available which are of very great value in connection with the design of modern steam-turbines. It is considered a matter of great importance to have some work of investigation under way at all times in Sibley College and it is hoped that this work may grow in amount and usefulness so that we may eventually have here a laboratory of engineering research.


In the department of power engineering important changes have been made in the course. The work in thermodynamics has been changed to the junior year because a knowledge of this subject is necessary to the work of the senior year. It has been incorporated with the course in steam machinery, which has been increased from a four hour course for a half year to a three hour course throughout the year. The work following this in the senior year is now a treatment of power station design with a view to producing the maximum profit on investment.

The need of the modern engineer for an understanding of the problems involved in the design, construction and operation of internal combustion engines and steam turbines has been recognized, and

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