
wide range. While the numerous monographs he prepared have been of incalculable benefit to those engaged in the field of plant and animal production, they remain also as enduring monuments to a life which, though lamentably short, yet overflowed with a special type of beneficent usefulness. His opinion, advice, and judgment were valued alike by student and colleague. Those who knew him as a friend were privileged. They appreciated him as a man of character wedded to truth, unswerving in conviction, and consistent in maintaining his ideals. Though diffident in expressing opinions, his mind was of the eminently practical kind, which, discarding unimportant details, concentrates on the immediately essential. His memory is cherished as a man whose life, though short, stands as a notable example of one who gave his years unselfishly and devotedly to the discovery of useful truths in the realm of natural history in their relation to the economy of plant and animal life. Measured by years, his life was short; measured by achievement, he lived long. As a scientist, we honor his memory; as a man and a colleague, we mourn his loss.


JOHN CRAIG, Committee.
W. W. RowLEE."

On October 16-17, Haverford College celebrated the 75th anniversary of its foundation, and the following address of congratulation was adopted by the Faculty and conveyed to Haverford College by President Schurman:

Cornell University congratulates Haverford College on the completion of seventy-five years of exalted service in the World of Letters and Science. During these five and seventy years Haverford has always fostered a lofty idealism in the training of the youth of the Republic, and her rigorous, steadfast devotion to the finest type of educational practice, the achievements of her Faculty in the Ancient Classics, Mathematics, and English Literature have won her the applause and gratitude of her sister institutions of learning.

Cornell University sends this message of greeting and felicitation by the hands of its President, Jacob Gould Schurman, and joins to its greeting the devout wish that Haverford College may long continue to prosper and to exert its beneficent influence on future generations.

During the year invitations were received from the University of Leipzig and the University of Geneva asking Cornell University to be represented by a delegate at the celebration of the 500th and 350th anniversaries, respectively, of the creation of those institutions. The Faculty voted to request the President to represent the University on these occasions, or in event of his inability to serve, to appoint an alternate. It was further voted that a Committee

of three be named by the President to draft addresses in reply to the foregoing invitations.

The President was also requested to represent the Faculty as its delegate at the ceremonies of the Darwin Centenary to be held at the University of Cambridge, England, in June.

The following addresses were prepared in response to the invitations mentioned above:

To the Rector and Senate of the University of Leipzig:

The Trustees and Faculty of Cornell University, through their President, Jacob Gould Schurman, send greetings:

We congratulate the great Saxon University on the noble history of her five hundred years, and rejoice in her grand achievements for the advance of human culture. We gratefully recognize our debt to German scholarship, and to Leipzig as a leader in the quest of truth. The ideals realized by Leipzig in education, science, and philosophy have elevated our own academic life, and the sound training which many of our professors have received from her distinguished scholars has exerted a vital influence upon the spirit and method of scientific investigation in this University and in this country.





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To the University of Cambridge, celebrating the centenary of her illustrious son, Charles Darwin, creator of modern biological science, Cornell University, by her President, Jacob Gould Schurman, sends greetings. With you we rejoice in doing honor to the master interpreter of nature's laws, the Copernicus of the organic world, whose genius was disciplined in your ancient halls. May Cambridge long occupy her high historic place as the kindly nurse of creative minds!

On the 9th of December the University celebrated the tercentenary anniversary of the birth of John Milton. The exercises consisted of appropriate music, and readings from Milton's works by Professor Hiram Corson.

The University also arranged for exercises in connection with the Hudson-Fulton celebration on September 28, 29, and 30,1909, and a special committee was appointed with power to provide for addresses on those days and to arrange details for the proposed celebration. An invitation was received from Harvard University requesting that Cornell University be represented by a delegate or delegates at the inauguration of President Lowell on October 6 and 7, 1909, and it was voted to request the President to represent the University on that occasion, and to empower him to appoint such other delegates as he may see fit.

At a meeting of the University Faculty held June 12th, 1908, it was voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees that the statute constituting the University Faculty be amended so as to admit to membership the following: The Librarian and Assistant Librarian (Mr. A. C. White and Mr. W. Austen), the Registrar, and the Secretary of the University.

At a meeting held October 9th, 1908, a communication from the Board of Trustees stated that the recommendation of the University Faculty in regard to the enlargement of its membership had been approved, and on the 13th of November the following amended statute governing the University Faculty was communicated by the Board of Trustees:

"The University Faculty: The University Faculty consists of the President, who is ex-officio the presiding officer, the Professors and Assistant Professors of the University, including Professors and Assistant Professors of the New York State Veterinary College and of the New York State College of Agriculture, the Librarian and Assistant Librarians in charge of the Accession and Reference departments, the Registrar, and the Secretary of the University.”

It had long been felt by members of the University Faculty that the use of the present seal of the University as a university emblem or device was open to many objections artistic and otherwise, and at the meeting of June 12, 1908, the President was requested to bring before the Board of Trustees at a convenient time the question of the advisability of the adoption by the Board of some official insignia or device for the University. The Board of Trustees referred the matter back to the University Faculty with the request for suggestions in regard to the same to be made to the Executive

Committee, and the President appointed the following Committee to investigate and report:

The Dean, Professors Woodruff, Hammond, Brauner, and Burr. This Committee arranged and announced a competition for an emblem or device and accepted a design submitted by Edwin Healy, a member of the Class of 1912 in the College of Civil Engineering. This design was afterwards accepted by the Faculty and referred to the Board of Trustees for their approval. In order that a fuller discussion of the design might be had the matter was again submitted to the University Faculty at the meeting of June 11th, and it was moved and carried that the former committee be reappointed to further consider and report on this subject. The Professor of Law, Professor Woodruff, declining to serve and the Dean retiring from office at the end of the present year, it was voted to request the Dean to name two further members of the Committee, and at the meeting of June 15th, the Dean named as such members Professor E. L. Nichols and Professor A. W. Smith, and appointed Professor G. L. Burr chairman of the committee.


During the year 1908-1909, the number of schools from which students were received by certificate was 262 and the number of students presenting certificates was 510. The number of schools whose students had no mark below a pass was 77 and the number of students admitted with no mark below a pass was 248. It will be seen by a reference to my last report, page x, that in 1907-1908, the number of schools whose students had no mark below a pass was 102 and the number of students admitted with no mark below a pass was 252. It would seem that in 1908–9 the character of the work done by the schools was not as good as that of the previous years. But in 1908-9, in making up the reports, marks in drill and gymnasium were counted, which was not done in 1907-8. The record for 1908–9 is fully up to that of former years. Twenty schools warned in 1906-7, which have not since that date sent students to the University, were continued as on probation. Twenty-four schools received a general warning. Four were warned for special subjects and five were dropped from the list of accredited schools.

In my last report, p. x, I called attention to the movement for the creation of a board for accrediting schools in the Middle States and Maryland, and I discussed the manner in which an organization

was effected and a constitution adopted. I stated that the constitution and rules of procedure would be submitted to the next meeting of the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland, and, if adopted, would be referred to the Colleges of that Association for their approval.

A second conference was held in Philadelphia on the 14th of November, 1908, which adopted the constitution and rules drawn up at the meeting in Philadelphia on May 9th, 1908, and resolved that the constitution and rules approved at this meeting be referred back to the Colleges and that, upon their ratification by not less than fifteen Colleges, another meeting be called to elect officers and put the business of the Board into operation. Since that time the following twelve Colleges and Universities have ratified the above mentioned constitution and rules: George Washington University, University of Rochester, Wells College, St. Stevens College, Woman's College (Baltimore), New York University, Lehigh University, Temple College (Philadelphia), Colgate University, Swarthmore College, Vassar College, and the College of the St. Frances Xavier.

Cornell University was represented at the conference of November 14, 1908, and a report of the action of the conference was submitted to the Committee on Admission by Certificate. No recommendation has yet been made by the Committee to the University Faculty to ratify the constitution and rules of the proposed College Entrance Certificate Board of the Middle States and Maryland. The difficulties which formerly attended the administration of our own system of admission by certificate have largely disappeared owing to changes in the form of certificate, etc., and the Committee felt reluctant to embark upon an undertaking which would involve the sacrifice of the independent action of the University. The matter has, therefore, been left in abeyance for the present.

The certificates and pass-cards issued by the Department of Education of the State of New York are accepted (if the mark be at least 75%) in place of University Entrance Examinations in all the subjects required for entrance which are covered by such credentials.

In 1907, the Department of Education of the State of New York reduced the passing mark for its examinations from 75% to 60% and the question arose whether Cornell University should continue to accept credentials marked 60% instead of 75%. A special committee was appointed by the President to consider the matter, and on the 12th of March, 1909, the chairman recommended "that dur

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