
venture too much; Sich an etwas wagen, to venture to approach, or to attempt a thing.

101. Kein's, none, neut., because it refers to das Bedenken, the consideration, hesitation; hätt'ich vollends, had I particularly, particularly if I had; vollends, adv. properly signifies fully, completely, entirely; but here it means especially, above all. Some writers spell it vollens, and anciently it was vollend.

102. so ein Thier als wie der Herr noch unter mir, so an animal as the gentleman still under me, such an animal under me as you have, Sir. das Thier, es, e, plural, die Thiere, the animal, but mostly an irrational animal, and frequently a wild animal, in contradistinction to tame animals. Hence a park, in which animals live in a state of nature, is called in German, ein Thiergarten, masc. als wie, as like, is a redundant expression; in common life we should say simply wie; der Herr, en, plural; die Herren, masc. the Gentleman, the Lord, the Master; noch, conj. still, yet, is here an expletive which adds some intensity to the idea.

103. So ritt ich, glaub'ich, durch die Hölle, so rode I, I believe, through the Hell; I would, I think, ride through Hell; ich ritte, imp. subj, instead of the conditional ich würde reiten, from the irregular active and neuter reiten. Ich reite, ish ritt, ich bin geritten, and actively ich habe geritten; Er ist nach York geritten, he is gone to York on horseback; Er hat sein bestes Pferd geritten, he rode his best horse; ich glaube, I believe, from glauben, reg! act. to believe, to think; Glauben Sie mir, believe me; Ich kann es kaum glauben, I scarcely can believe it; die Hölle, fem. Hell.


104. Es scheint mir gleichwohl manche Stelle. The Es is here a mere adverbial expletive, which enables the author to throw the nominative manche stelle, many a place," behind the verb. "Many a place however appears to me." Scheinen, irreg. neut. to appear, to seem, to shine; Ich scheine, ich schien, ich habe geschienen. Remember that sch is equal to the English sh. The two verbs therefore agree in pronunciation. Die Sonne scheint, the sun shines; Es scheint mir, it appears to me. But if there be a nominative following, the es is a mere expletive. Es scheint mir das Brod viel grösser als gestern, the

loaf appears to me much larger than yesterday; die Stelle, fem. the place, the spot; gleichwohl, conj. however; nicht so gar fluch und seicht, not so very flat and shallow; hence we say, ein seichtes Wasser, ein seichter Fluss, and figuratively ein seichter Kopf, a shallow head.

105. Es konnte seyn, antwortete der Schalk, vielleicht, vielleicht auch nicht, it could be, answered the wag, perhaps, perhaps also not; that may or may not be, answered the wag antworten, reg. neut. to answer; but to reply to a letter, einen Brief beantworten. Er hat meinen letzten Brief nicht beantwortet, he has not replied to my last letter; vielleicht, adv. perhaps. This word ought to be carefully treasured up in the memory, because, in its two syllables, it is at the same time a guide to the right pronunciation of ie, equal to the English i in "pistol," and ei equal to the English i in "fine." auch, conj. also, is here rather expletive.

106. eine Bitte, fem. a request, from the irr. bitten, to request; ich bitte, ich bat, ich habe gebeten. Like the French prier, it also signifies" to invite;" ich bin nicht gebeten worden, I have not been invited.


107. und Trinkgeld, and drink money, n. erst, adv. first, der, die, das erste, the first; sometimes it means only." das Kind kann erst bis fünf zählen, the child can count only as far as five; zeigen, to show, is r. sicher, adj. secure, safe; der Pfad, m. the path; sehr gern, very willingly, with much pleasure.

108. dazu wird Rath: we had already Rath in the sense of advice, counsel; but dazu wird Rath is an idiomatic expression, which means it shall be done, we'll contrive to do it; dazu kann Rath werden, the thing may be done, it may be determined that it shall be done.

109. steigt schnell von seinem Gaul herab, mounts quickly from his common horse down; quickly dismounts from his horse. Steigen, to mount, gives aufsteigen or hinaufsteigen, to mount up; and absteigen and herabsteigen, to dismount; aussteigen, to alight from a carriage. It is irregular, ich steige, ich stieg, ich bin gestiegen; schnell, adv. quickly, swiftly; der Gaul, es, e, m. the horse, denotes in contradistinction to Pferd and Ross, which we had before, a draught or working horse, but also a horse in general; Setzt den Strom hindurch. Setzen, r. a. to place


&c. but here it denotes a violent motion like leaping forwards; über einen Graben setzen, to leap over a ditch.

110. Gemach, adv. used here as interjection, Gently! In sec. 64 we had it as a substantive, the chamber.

111. allein es hilft kein Schreien, again the expletive es, no screaming avails. Helfen, to help, is irr. Ich helfe, du hilfst, er hilft; the plural is regular, ich half, ich habe geholfen.

112. The German ohne, without, before a verb, is always construed with the infinitive. ohne sich an sein Geschrei zu kehren, without heeding his cries. Kehren, neut. to turn about; act. to change the direction of a thing; to sweep.

113. jagt er noch mehr, he gallops still more, still faster; jagen is properly to hunt, to chase, but as a noun it also means to ride very fast.

114. hört oder will nicht hören; in prose, as in English, we should have the nicht twice, he hears not, or will not (is not inclined to) hear; hören, to hear, is reg.

115. lenken, to guide; umlenken, a sep. comp. verb, to turn about.

116. der Schalk, masc. the wag; der Spass, masc. the joke.

117. mir behagt diess Pferd, this horse suits me. remainder is easy.


118. The following German song is one of Gleim's, who wrote many patriotic songs, during the seven years' war, in behalf of the Prussian cause, and who died in 1803, in his 84th year. It runs thus:


Ich hab'ein kleines Hüttchen nur,
Es steht auf einer Wiesenflur
An einem Bach; der Bach ist klein!
Könnt' aber wohl nicht heller seyn.

Am kleinen Hüttchen steht ein Baum,
Man sieht vor ihm das Hüttchen kaum,
Und gegen Sonne, Kält' und Wind
Beschützt er die darinnen sind.

Und eine gute Nachtigall
Singt auf dem Baum so süssen Schall,

Dass jeder, der vorüber geht,
Ihr zuzuhören stille steht.

Du kleine, mit dem blondem Haar
Die längst schon meine Freude war,
Ich gehe, rauhe Winde wehn;
Willst du mit mir ins Hüttchen gehn?


I HAVE Only a poor little hut; it stands on a verdant meadow, near a brook; the brook is small, but it could not well be clearer. Close to the poor little hut stands a tree; one can hardly see the little hut for it, and it shelters those who are within from the sun, the cold, and the wind. And a pretty nightingale sings on this tree so sweet a song, that every one who passes by stands still to listen to her. Thou little one with fair hair, who has long since been my joy! I am going home, the winds are blowing roughly; wilt thou go with me into the little hut?

119. Die Einladung, fem. the invitation. All the words in ung are fem. except der Sprung, the leap; der Ursprung, the origin; der Schwung, the swing; der Dung, (in upper Germany for der Dünger) the dung. The words in ung are mostly verbal nouns, as Einladung, from einladen, to invite; Anwendung, application, from anwenden, to apply; Bewegung, motion, from bewegen, to move; Drohung, menace, from drohen, to threaten, &c.

120. Ich hab'ein kleines Hüttchen nur, I have a small little hut only; I have only a small little hut; a poor little hut. A small little hut appears a pleonasm: but Hüttchen, neut. is the diminutive of Die Hütte, fem. the hut, and the epithet klein added to it indicates that it is very small; ein kleines, neuter, because Hüttchen is neuter. All diminu. tives in chen are neuter, whatever be the gender of the word to which the syllable chen is tacked.

121. nur, conj. only, but. It means, no other, nothing else. Ich habe nur eine Bitte an Sie, I have but one request to make of you. Bleiben Sie nur noch einen Augenblick, stay but one moment longer.

122, Es steht, it stands, because the pronoun refers to Hüttchen, neut. stehen, irr. to stand; ich stehe, ich stand, (stund, which is mentioned by Mr. Rowbotham, is quite obsolete ;) ich habe gestanden, (in Upper Germany, ich bin gestanden.)

123. auf einer Wiesenflur, upon a meadow plain, on a verdant meadow; auf, prep. upon, on, is here construed with the dative, because there is no locomotion; eine Wiesenflur, fem. a poetical compound word, made of Wiese, fem. a meadow, and die Flur, fem. a verdant even flat field, either of grass or corn.

124. an einem Bach, close to a brook; der Bach, es, pl. die Bäche, the brook, the rivulet, the little stream. Ein Gieszbach, or Stürtzbach, a mountain torrent.

125. der Bach ist klein, the brook is small,

126. Könnt'aber wohl nicht heller seyn, could but well not clearer be, but it could not well be clearer. Könnte, impf. subj. of the aux. verb konnen, to be able. The conj. aber, but, may be placed either before or after the nominative of the verb; it has no influence upon the construction. Mein Vater ist krank, aber meine Mutter befindet sich recht wohl, my father is ill, but my mother is very well, may also be, meine Mutter aber befindet sich recht wohl. 127. wohl, adv. well, approaches here the idea of possibly.

128. heller, comp. of hell, clear, bright.

129. Am kleinen Hüttchen, a contraction for an dem kleinen Hüttchen, close to the small little hut. London liegt an der Themse, London lies (is situated) by the Thames.

130. steht ein Baum, stands a tree. der Baum, masc. des Baumes, e, pl. die Bäume, the tree; ein Obstbaum, masc. a fruit tree; der Baum, on board a ship, the boom; also the bar at the entry of a harbour; ein Mastbaum,

masc. a mast.**

131. man sieht vor ihm das Hüttohen kaum, one sees for it the little hut hardly, one can hardly see the little hut for it. The preposition vor, which is generally the English before, points here at the tree, as an obstacle which prevents the hut being seen. Thus Wieland humorously says:

"Er sieht den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht,"

"he does not see the woods for all the trees." The trees prevent his seeing the wood. Kaum, adv. hardly, scarcely. Und gegen Sonne, Kält und Wind beschützt er die darinnen sind; in prose it would be-und er beschützt die dieenigen die darinnen sind gegen Sonne, Kälte, und Wind,

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