
280. hinterliess, imp. of the insep. irr. comp. hinterlassess, to leave behind in general, and more particularly to leave behind after death. ich hinterlasse, ich hinterliess, ich habe hinterlassen; in zurücklassen, a sep. irr. comp. which also means to leave behind: the word zurück, "behind," denotes in a situation to be yet able to come after, or to get at a thing again, whilst hinter, "behind," gives the idea of an absolute leaving or remaining behind, without any possibility of recovery, or coming up again with a thing.

281. "Tiberius verliess die Stadt Rom, welche der Ört war, wo er sich bis dahin aufgehalten hatte, und begab sich nach Caprea. Er hinterliess den Befehl dass niemand in seiner Abwesenheit zu ihm kommen sollte; er liess auch den grössten Theil seiner Bedienten zurück, und nahm nur ein kleines Gefolge mit;" Tiberius left Rome, the place where he had till then resided, and went to Caprea. He left word behind that no one should come to him during his absence; he also left most of his domestics (back) behind, and took only a small retinue with him. zurück therefore includes the idea of "back, and as zurücklassen is sep. it makes ich lasse zurück, ich liess. zurück, ich habe zurückgelassen.

282. zween Erben, two heirs. In Gellert's time the numeral zwei, two, had three different terminations, according to the gender of the word with which it was combined; in the masculine it was, as here, zween Männer, two men; in the feminine, zwo Frauen, two women; and in the neuter, zwei Häuser, two houses. But now zwei remains the same for all three genders, zwei Männer, zwei Frauen, zwei Häuser; only in the genitive it is zweier, and in the dative zweien, particularly when it is employed absolutely without any substantive. der Erbe, des Erben, pl. die Erben, masc. the heir; er hat ihn zu seinem Erben eingesetzt, he has named him his heir. lachende Erben, laughing heirs, is the designation of strangers who inherit property to which they had no right; das Erbe, s. neut. the hereditary estate, a freehold, in opposition to Lehngut, a fief.

283. Klug, adj. clever, sensible, prudent; dumm, adj. silly, stupid, awkward.

284. Sein Ende kam, his end came, his end drew near. Das Ende, des Endes, pl, die Enden, the end. Kurz, adj.

short, adv. shortly, a short time. Das Sterben, s, neut. dying. Almost every infinitive in German may be employed as a noun substantive, to denote the abstract action of the verb, and every such infinitive used as a substantive is of the neuter gender, but has no plural; and though there may be another noun denoting the same action, yet the verbal noun is more energetic, as it paints the action. Das Hoffen, hoping, is more expressive than die Hoffnung; Das Drohen, menacing, more so than die Drohung. The late Baroness de Stäel Holstein considered this a great advantage in the German language.

285. Sah er sich ganz betrübt nach seinem Christoph um. Er sah sich um, he looked round, he looked about, from the separ. irr. compound, sich umsehen, to look about. Ich sehe mich um, ich sah mich um, ich habe mich umgesehn, sec. 36,277. Sich nach etwas umsehen, to look about for something: nach, prep. after, governs the dative. As it includes the idea of an approximation, it may be construed with any verb expressive of a desire to attain an object. Ich sehe mich nach meiner Schwester um, I look for my sister, I wish to bring her near to me. 286. Quälen, reg. active, to plague, to torment, to vex, to disquiet.

287. traurig, adj. mournful, sad, sorrowful, melancholy. 288. der Gedanke, ens, pl. die Gedanken, masc. the thought, the idea. Verstand haben, to have understanding, exactly like the French "avoir de l'esprit," to have much good sense, to be sensible. Der Verstand, es, masc. sense, understanding.

289. wie wird dirs gehn? how will it go to thee; in English, how will it go with thee? dirs is a contraction; wie wird dir es gehn; but the pronoun es may indifferently be tacked to the auxiliary wird, or to the pron. pers. dir. We may say, wie wirds dir gehen, or wie wird dirs gehen the latter is less harsh.

290. Künftig, sec. 71.

291. Hor an, imperative sing. of the sep. comp. anhören, to listen attentively, to hearken; ich höre an, ich horte an, ich habe angehört: it denotes a greater degree of attention than zuhören, to listen, which is also sep.

292. der Schrank, es, pl. die Schränke, masc. the closet. It is generally combined with the name of the article which

it is chiefly destined to contain. Ein Büchershrank, a book-case, ein Kleiderschrank, a wardrobe, ein Brodschrank, a pantry, ein Speiseschrank or Küchenschrank, a larder, &c. This word must not be confounded with der Schranke, or der Schranken, also masc., and in the plural die Schranken, bars, fences, pales, bounds, limits. die in den Schranken laufen, 1 Corinth. ix. 24, "they who run in a race;" in Schranken halten, to keep within bounds.

293. ein Kästchen, neut. a small chest, a small casket. It is the diminutive of der Kasten, masc. the chest, the wooden box. der Juwele, masc. but more generally das Juwel, s, plural, Juwelen, the jewel, a precious stone properly set, or ornaments of precious stones. Observe that you say in German, ein Kästchen mit Juwelen, a casket with jewels.

294. Die sollen dein, an ellipsis for die sollen dein seyn, they shall be thine.

295. Nimm sie, take them, imperat. sing. of the irr. active verb, nehmen, to take: ich nehme, du nimmst, er nimmt, ich nahm, ich habe genommen.

296. gieb, imper. sing. of the irr. active verb, geben, to give; ich gebe, du giebst, er giebt, ich gab, ich habe gegeben.

297. erschrak, impf. singular of the irr. neut. verb, erschrecken, to be frightened, to be astonished; ich erschrecke, du erschrickst, er erschrickt, ich erschrak, ich bin erschrecken; but the active verb, erschreck, to terrify, to frighten, is regular. The common people make the neuter a refl. verb: they say, ich habe mich erschrocken, but this is incorrect; it ought to be ich bin erschrocken.

298. stutzte, imperf. s. of the reg. neut. verb, stutzen, to startle. It is generally construed with the prep. über; über etwas stutzen, to startle at something.

299. lange, adv. a long time.

300. hub er an, he began, impf. s. of the irr. sep. neut. verb, anheben, to begin; ich hebe an, ich hub an, ich habe angehoben. It is generally more solemn than anfangen.

301. empfangen, insep. irr. comp. to receive; ich empfange, ich empfing, ich habe empfangen. Empfahen is the same as cmpfangen, but used only in the higher styles of writing.

302. fortkommen, sep. irr. comp. to get on, to prosper: ich komme fort, du kömmst fort, er kömmt fort ich kam fort, ich bin fortgekommen. As fort also means away, onwards, fortkommen denotes likewise to get away. Der Gefangene ist fortgekommen, the prisoner has got


303. Ey, or Ei! is an interjection denoting joy, surprise, indignation, menace, hesitation, and raillery. Here it is a "Oh!"


304. fiel der Vater ihm ins Wort, fell the father to him, into the word; interrupted him the father, saying: einem in das wort fallen, to interrupt a person who is speaking; ins Wort is a contraction for in das Wort. Fallen is an irr. neuter verb; ich falle, du füllst, er fällt, ich fiel, ich bin gefallen. The active fällen, to fell, is regular.

305. Für Görgen ist mir gar nicht bange, for George it is not at all fearful to me; in English, I have no fears whatever for George, concerning George. Bange, adj. fearful, apprehensive, anxious. It is generally construed with seyn, werden, and machen. mir ist bange, I am afraid; mir wird bange, I begin to] be afraid; man hat mich bange gemacht, they made me afraid. Manso says,

"Ihm ist mit ihr so wohl und fern von ihr so bange."

206. Die Angst, fem. anxiety, which is expressive of greater fear, is often combined with bange, to increase the intensity of the expression. mir ist Angst und bange, I am very much afraid.

307. gewiss, adj. and adv. certain, certainly. Here it is an adverb.

308. Durch seine Dummheit, through his stupidity. Durch, prep., through, governs the accusative. It denotes a less immediate connexion with the cause than mit, with. Die Dummheit, (fem. like all the words in heit,) stupidity, silliness.

309. The next theme for our remarks is a song of L. H. C. Hölty, who died at twenty-eight years of age, in 1776. His juvenile poems had raised very great expectations.

He excelled in delineating the charms of rural scenery, and in treating melancholy subjects.


Wer wollte sich mit Grillen plagen
So lang uns Lenz und Jugend blühn?
Wer wollt'in seinen Blütentagen
Die Stirn in düstre Falten ziehn ?
Die Freude winkt auf allen Wegen
Die durch dies Pilgerleben gehn ;
Sie bringt uns selbst den Kranz entgegen
Wann wir am Scheidewege stehn.

Noch rinnt und rauscht die Wiesenquelle ;
Noch ist die Laube kühl und grün;
Noch scheint der liebe Mond so helle
Wie er durch Adams Bäume schien.
Noch macht der Saft der Purpurtraube
Des Menschen krankes Herz gesund.
Noch labt uns in der Abendlaube,
Ein Kuss auf treuer Freundin Mund.

Noch tönt der Busch voll Nachtigallen,
Dem Jüngling hohe Wonne zu;
Noch strömt, wann ihre Lieder schallen,
Selbst in zerrissne Seelen Ruh.

O wunderschön ist Gottes Erde
Und werth darauf vergnügt zu seyn;
Drum will ich, bis ich Asche werde,
Mich dieser schönen Erde freun.


Who would plague himself with cares as long as spring and youth are blooming? Who would, in the heydays of youth, gather his forehead in frowning folds? Joy beckons us on all the paths which lead through this pilgrimage below; it is joy itself that offers us the garland when we stand at a cross-road. Still does the

meadow fountain bubble and flow; still is the arbour cool and green; still shines the lovely moon as bright as she shone through Adam's trees (in Paradise.) Still does the juice of the purple grape assuage the smarting heart of man; still does the kiss of true affection delight us in the evening bower. Still does the grove, peopled with nightingales, bring raptures to the breast of youth; still, when the echoes repeat their warblings, calmness returns to throbbing hearts. How admirable are the works of creation! what joys we taste on our earth! I will rejoice in its beauties until I turn to dust and ashes.

310. Die Aufmunterung, incitement, encouragement.

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