
of style, the antecedent is generally put behind the completing sentence; but care must be taken not to obscure the meaning, or to introduce a double meaning into it; as

Dasz ich wohlgethan hätte, seinem Rathe zu folgen, sehe ich nun zu spät ein.



RULE 57.-The following are the principal marks of punctuation in German :

(A) The fullstop (.) der Schluszpunkt.
(B) The colon (:) der Doppelpunkt.
(c) The semicolon (;) der Strichpunkt.
(D) The comma (,) der Beistrich.

(E) The note of interrogation (?) das Fragezeichen. (F) The note of exclamation (!) das Ausrufungszeichen.

RULE 58.-The fullstop (.) is used at the end of a sentence or a period; as

Unsere Sprache hat sich, wie jede andere, erst nach und nach zu ihrer jetzigen Schönheit und Vollkommenheit erhoben.

RULE 59.-The colon (:) is used:

(A) In quoting our own or other people's words

or sentences; as

Er sagte: ich habe Alles gethan, was ich thun konnte.

(B) In quoting examples or passages; as― Unter andern fand sich folgende Stelle: es lebte &c., &c. (c) In enumerating several nouns; as—

Um die Grösze Englands haben sich folgende Männer verdient gemacht: Fox, Pitt, Wellington, Palmerston, &c., &c.

RULE 60.-The semicolon (;) is used:

(A) In separating the two sentences of a period;


Er ist zwar reich; aber nicht wohlthätig.

(B) In all sentences and periods consisting of several subordinate parts :

Zu den Vergnügungen der Menschen gehören auch die Spiele. Es gibt viele Arten derselben. Einige beschäftigen und üben den Verstand; andere nähren die Hoffnung und Begierde nach Gewinn; noch andere sind zur Bewegung und Übung unserer Körperkraft; aber unter allen ist das Schachspiel das edelste.

RULE 61.-The comma (,) is used :

(A) To distinguish the smaller portions of a period; as

Friedrich der Zweite, genannt der Einzige, war die Zierde seines Jahrhunderts.

(B) Before all relative pronouns and conjunctions;


Der Mensch, welcher denkt und spricht. Mein Vater, den ich liebe und ehre. Es ist besser zu vergeben, als sich zu rächen.

(c) Between several subjects and predicates, if they are not joined by und or oder; as—

Luther war ein kluger, gelehrter, beherzter, kühner und feuriger Mann. Glück, Ehre und Ruhm erwarten Dich.

RULE 62.—The note of interrogation (?) is used with every question, and also to replace in writing the expression of living voice; as

Was machst du? Wie haben sie geschlafen? fragte er. Was soll das heiszen ?

RULE 63.—The note of exclamation (!) is used after all exclamations; as—

Fort mit dir! Welcher Gedanke!

but simple interjections beginning a sentence receive only a comma, and the exclamation is put at the end of the sentence; as

Ach, welch ein Unglück!

RULE 64.-There are also some other marks used in writing and in print; as

(A) The parenthesis () or brackets [] das Einschlieszungszeichen.

(B) The dash (—) der Gedankenstrich.

(c) The quotation (" ") das Anführungszeichen. (D) The apostrophe (') der Apostroph.

(E) The hyphen (-) or (-) das Bindezeichen. (F) The hiatus (****) or (- - -) or (....) das Lückenzeichen.

(G) The asterisk (*) das Sternchen.

Their use is the same in German as in English.







The following Exercises have been carefully prepared and arranged, in order to give the pupil a practical means of working out the theory of Grammar.

The teacher will have to explain to the student such rule, or set of rules, as are marked on the top of each alternative exercise. Let them be well understood and learned off before proceeding to the exercises. The examples of each rule, especially of the first seven chapters, must be well committed to memory, as they will frequently occur in the course of the exercises.

For each rule, or set of rules, one or two exercises have been arranged, those that are in German, must be read out, parsed, and translated viva voce; those in English, to be construed into German, and, after being corrected, to be read out in German from the English text.

It would be advisable for beginners to commence the theoretical part of the study with Chapter I. and Chapter VIII., so as to be able to construe, by means of the auxiliary verbs, the simple and easy sentences of these exercises.

On the foot of the pages there are some additional exercises, numerically arranged, referring exclusively to the remarks on the rules; they may be omitted by beginners, but must be gone through by advanced pupils.

Any word which is not contained in the vocabulary above the exercises, or in the examples of the rules and remarks, will be found in the appendix following the exercises.

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