[blocks in formation]

I shall have copied
ich werde abgeschrieben haben
dasz du &c., &c.

If I shall have copied

dasz ich abgeschrieben haben werde

dasz du &c., &c.


S. copy (thou), schreib’ab.

| Pl. copy (ye), schreibt ab.


Pres. to copy, abzuschreiben. Past. to have copied, abge

schrieben haben.


Present. copying, abschreibend. Past. copied, abgeschrieben.

Conjugate in the same way—

[blocks in formation]


RULE 85.-Inseparable compound verbs are of two kinds :

1. Those that take the prefix ge in the past participle.

2. Those that take no prefix at all.

RULE 86.-Inseparable compound verbs taking the prefix ge in their past participles are:

(A) Verbs composed of a noun which, if placed after it, could not be its direct object (accusative case); as

[blocks in formation]

RULE 87.-Inseparable compound verbs not taking any prefix in the past participle are those that are formed from derived verbs with one of the following prepositions prefixed to them-an, ab, aus, auf, ein, mit, nach, vor, zu; as—

abverdienen, to work off anerkennen, to acknowledge ausersehen, to choose

auferstehen, to rise up einverstehen, to agree with They are conjugated like to which they belong.

mitvertheidigen, to join in one's

nachbedenken, to consider later on
vorenthalten, to keep back
zubereiten, to prepare, &c.
any other verb of the kind


RULE 88.-Compound verbs, separable or inseparable in their indicative and imperative moods, the past participle, and the infinitive, are verbs composed with one of the following prepositions :-durch (through), um (around), unter (under), über (over), and wieder (again). They are :-

(A) Separable if the accent (and consequently the meaning) lies on the preposition, and then they are treated like separable verbs of Rule 84.

(B) Inseparable if the accent (and of course the meaning) lies on the verb, and then they are treated like inseparable compound verbs of Rule 87.

[blocks in formation]



RULE 89.-The infinitive, considered by itself, has neither number, gender, nor person, and expresses a general and vague idea of an action; but in conjunction with other words its functions are manifold and of great importance. It is used by itself and

without zu:

(A) As the subject of a sentence; as—
Viel trinken is ungesund.
Irren ist menschlich.
Regieren ist eine schwere Kunst.
Essen, trinken, schlafen, und
gehen, sind dem menschlichen
Leben nothwendig.

Much drinking is hurtful.
To err is human.

To govern is a difficult task.
Eating, drinking, sleeping, and
walking, are necessary to
human life.

(B) As the object of a sentence before or after the following verbs:78 dürfen, können, lassen, mögen, müssen, sollen, werden, and wollen;79 as

Er hat nicht ausgehen dürfen. He was forbidden to go out.

Er musz es ihn thun lassen.

Wir wollen ausgehen.

He must let him do it.
We wish to go out.

REMARK 77.-Neither the infinitive nor the participles form a separate part of speech, as can be seen in the 2nd Rule; but their use being of very great importance in the language, I have thought it advisable to devote a separate chapter to this part of grammar.

REMARK 78.-In simple tenses the infinitive is placed after the verb, in compound ones before; as-Er musz arbeiten, Er hat arbeiten müssen.

(c) As the object of a sentence after the verbs heiszen, helfen, hören, lehren, lernen, sehen, fühlen,79

[blocks in formation]

(D) As the object of the following verbs, used


leben, to live

bleiben, to remain, with stecken, to remain

[blocks in formation]

sitzen, to sit

liegen, to lie

[blocks in formation]

spaziren, to walk

[blocks in formation]

betteln, to beg
stehen, to stand

[blocks in formation]

REMARK 79.-Observe that heiszen, helfen, hören, and sehen, as well as dürfen, können, lassen, mögen, müssen, and sollen, having an infinitive as their object, take in their perfect and pluperfect tenses the infinitive, and not the past participle; as

Ich habe ihn lesen hören.
Er hat mich kommen heiszen.
Er hätte darauf rechnen können.
Wir hatten ihm arbeiten helfen.

I have heard him reading.

He told me to come.

He could have relied upon that.
We had helped him to work.

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