Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, เล่มที่ 3

Wiegandt und Hempel, 1871
Includes the society's Verhandlungen, Oct. 1870-1902; and its Nachrichten über deutsche Altertumsfunde, 1890-1904, pu. as a separate supplement to the journal.


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หน้า xxix - I believe that the experiences of utility organized and consolidated through all past generations of the human race, have been producing corresponding nervous modifications, which, by continued transmission and accumulation, have become in us certain faculties of moral intuition — certain emotions responding to right and wrong conduct, which have no apparent basis in the individual experiences of utility.
หน้า ix - We thus learn that man is descended from a hairy quadruped, furnished with a tail and pointed ears, probably arboreal in its habits, and an inhabitant of the Old World.
หน้า xc - Chaldaeans, then, appear to have been a branch of the great Haraite race of Akkad, which inhabited Babylonia from the earliest times. With this race originated the art of writing, the building of cities, the institution of a religious system, and the cultivation of all science, and of astronomy in particular.
หน้า 179 - Belgis transierant : qui omnes fere iis nominibus civitatum appellantur, quibus orti ex civitatibus eo pervenerunt, et bello illato ibi remanserunt, atque agros colère cœperunt.
หน้า lxii - ... zu können glaubte. Ueberhaupt halten sie Betrug und Mord für eines Mannes würdige Thaten (Nord-Ost-Afrika). Wir müssen, sagt Burkhardt von den Bewohnern Wahabi's, mit dieser Handlungsweise (Rauben, Plündern) nicht die Begriffe von Verbrechen verbinden, wie wir es in Europa zu thun gewohnt sind. Der Arabische Räuber betrachtet sein Gewerbe als ein ehrenvolles, und der Name haramy (Räuber) ist einer der schmeichelhaftesten Titel, welche man einem jungen Helden nur beilegen kann (Wahabi p.
หน้า 287 - IV. Quum ab his quaereret, quae civitates quantaeque in armis essent, et quid in bello possent, sic reperiebat : plerosque Belgas esse ortos ab Germanis ; Rhenumque antiquitus transductos, propter loci fertilitatem ibi consedisse, Gallosque, qui ea loca incolerent, expulisse ; solosque esse, qui patrum ncstrcrum memoria, omni Gallia vexata, Teutonos Cimbrosque intra fines suos ingredi prohibuerint.
หน้า xviii - ... of this extent is occupied by buildings, and the whole place wears a look of decay. There are no high mounds of ruins, covered with broken statues and sculptured pillars, such as mark the sites of other ancient cities, but only a low irregular mass of rubbish heaps, from which all the bricks have been excavated for the houses of the neighbouring city of Faizabad.
หน้า xli - The native mind, to an educated man, seems generally to be asleep On his attention being fully aroused, he often shows much quickness in reply and ingenuity in argument. But a short conversation wearies him, particularly if questions are asked that require efforts of thought or memory on his part. The mind of the savage then appears to rock to and fro out of mere .weakness.
หน้า xxviii - No individual action is considered as a crime, but every man acts for himself according to his own judgment, unless some superior power, for instance, that of a popular chief, should exercise authority over him.
หน้า 270 - Sur celte pile, on pratique une espèce de plate-forme carrée, dont trois côtés sont inaccessibles ; le quatrième va en pente, de manière qu'on puisse y monter. On y entasse tous les ans cent cinquante charretées . de menu bois pour relever cette pile qui s'affaisse par les injures des saisons. Au haut de cette pile, chaque nation scythe plante un vieux cimeterre de fer, qui leur tient lieu de simulacre de Mars ('). Ils offrent tous les ans à ce cimeterre des sacrifices de chevaux et d'autres...
