Creating and Sustaining the Constructivist Classroom

SAGE Publications, 1998 - 181 ˹éÒ
Learn how to make constructivism work for you and your students. Marlowe and Page bring together constructivist theory with step-by-step guidance to make it work in your classroom. They offer you active learning examples to customize for any grade or classroom; checklists to help you evaluate your starting point, progress, and goals; practical assistance with issues surrounding inclusion and GATE program students; ideas for involving parents and community members; and ways to implement technology into the mix. Stimulate your students' creativity, autonomy, and independent thinking. Help raise their self-esteem and confidence. Get their minds working on proactive ways to bring real-world learning into their schoolwork. Encourage your students to discover new ways to search for information, process what they find out, and translate that information into meaningful knowledge.



Preparing for the Real World
The Active Learning Movement
Look Before You Leap

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