
School, New York City, who brought into the work great enthusiasm and practical experience. It seems likely that there will be a steady demand for similar instruction. The increase in the courses in Chemistry from 5 to 11 in 1908 has been followed by a further increase this year to 17. The number attending (150) warrants a further extension next year, with which we shall have a satisfactory representation of the most important fields in this science. In Geography a course this year was added in Industrial Geography. This met with an immediate response, and over 40 students attended the class, which must certainly be continued. In the general Department of Industrial Education we were able to offer this year a more comprehensive and fuller arrangement of work than ever before. The numbers attending have increased, and the quality of the students shows a steady improvement. In connection with this work we have had valuable assistance from Mr. Arthur D. Dean, under whom it was organized four years ago, and who is now Chief of the Division of Trade Schools in the New York State Department. The general direction of the work was in charge of Professor Kimball and its success is due in no small measure to his remarkable knowledge of the entire field of industry, and of education as related to it. Dr. Frank Rollins, Second Assistant Commissioner of. Education for New York State, who has charge of secondary education, has given us the benefit of his counsel and help in different ways. In the closely related Department of Drawing and Art, Mr. Furlong has had associated with him this year Mr. Harold H. Brown of the Stuyvesant High School, New York City, and in this way the Department has been able to give a greater amount of personal attention to its increased number of students. There is a constant inquiry for instruction in Domestic Science. The University has a fine outfit for this work in charge of two able instructors. I hope we may be able to include the subject next year. Four courses were given in the College of Civil Engineering. these there seems likely to be a steady demand.



These informal gatherings, started three years ago by one group of instructors and students, have been very generally held this summer on Tuesday evenings. They supplement in a fine way the formal work of the classroom by furnishing opportunity to ask questions, to present and discuss problems of every day experience,

with plenty of time for their full consideration. They have assumed various forms as seemed best in the judgment of the teaching staff. In some, papers by members of the class have been presented and discussed. In others, a round table plan has been followed with an assigned subject for the evening under the charge of a designated leader. A third plan has been to meet for an address by some scholar. All have been very successful. Any plan by which a student is made to feel that his particular problem is of importance, that it can and will receive adequate attention and discussion is most valuable.


The situation of the University offers peculiar advantages for out-of-door work. There is a large amount of illustrative material, for Geography, Botany, and Zoology, in the immediate vicinity. Such a fortunate combination of lake and stream, of mountain and marsh is rare. Full advantage has been taken this year of these opportunities. At the same time most successful excursions have been made to remoter points. These excursions have become distinct events in the life of the Summer Session, and the general desire on the part of students to participate in them has made the numbers attending so large as to cause embarrassment. Notable this year was the steam boat excursion of the Botanists to the north end of Cayuga Lake, and again to the peat bogs and ponds of the McLean district. Remarkably successful too were the all-day excursion of the students of Geography to Watkins, and the twoday excursion of the same to Niagara Falls. The watchful care and faithfulness of Professors Rowlee and Condra prevented any accident and brought the trips to a most successful close.


We have been able this year to enjoy an unusually large number of addresses in the evening. In addition to lectures by members of the summer staff, Professors Bailey, Catterall, Dennis, Hull, Molitor, and Needham kindly gave a lecture each on subjects connected with their own special studies. In connection with the lecture of Professor Dennis an organized exhibition of Morse Hall and the equipment of various departments there was given to a large and interested company. Lectures were given also, in generous response to the request of the Director, by Dr. Frank Rollins, Assistant Com

missioner of Education for the State of New York; by Mr. J. S. Whipple, Commissioner of Forest, Fish, and Game for the State of New York; by Professor O. H. Richardson, of the University of Washington; and by President Andrew D. White. At the request of the Equal Franchise Society of New York, their representative, Mrs. Annis Ford Eastman of Elmira, made a most acceptable address. Two lectures were given by Mr. Frank H. Chapman, of the Museum of Natural History, New York City, and one by Mr. Louis A. Fuertes of Ithaca, N. Y. on the study of birds. Two delightful musical recitals were given by Mr. and Mrs. Eric Dudley, and Miss Gertrude Nye and Mr. William G. Egbert. All of these evenings were not merely entertaining but highly instructive. Particularly impressive was the address of Dr. White, the concluding sentences of which were in the nature of a personal address to the members of the Summer Session. By request these were printed and a copy placed in the hands of each student. It was a matter of pride no less than pleasure to give wider circulation to this expression of the finest Cornell spirit.

It has been a distinct advantage to have Sage College open again and the opportunity for mutual acquaintance, and for comfortable living near the University buildings, has been thoroughly appreciated. Under the skillful direction of Miss Emily Hickman everything has gone smoothly. Miss Hickman also organized from members of the Summer Session a committee which took charge of the informal dances held on Saturday evenings. They added a pleasant feature to the social life of the summer. Religious meetings were held Sunday evenings on the slope west of the Library. These were well attended and very generally appreciated. Dr. C. M. Tyler and others had the kindness to make short addresses on these occasions. I believe the session of 1909 marks a steady advance in one of the useful educational activities of the University.

Respectfully submitted,


Director of the Summer Session.



To the President of the University:

Sir: I have the honor to submit my report as Warden of Sage College for the year 1908-9.

The number of women students registered at the Warden's office for the first term was 371, for the second term 360. The following table indicates the distribution of these women by place of residence:

[blocks in formation]

Those described as "scattered" boarded either with friends or relatives in town or, in small groups of two, three, or four, had tooms together in quiet neighborhoods. Several women of maturer years lived in Cascadilla Building; otherwise no women students roomed there except such as were accompanied by their mothers or other responsible persons. From the beginning care was taken to make sure that all these women were living under desirable conditions and

in the course of the year each one was called upon by the Warden or her assistant. In one instance four students who were found to be without adequate chaperonage were required to move up to Sage Cottage.

The health of the women has in the main been extremely good. Miss Mildred Reed of the senior class died at her home during the Easter holidays under the anaesthetic for an operation. Two other women underwent successful operations for appendicitis in the University Infirmary. There has been no other case of illness acute enough to deserve report and for weeks out of the year the women's room at the Infirmary has stood empty.

Doctor Ebba Almgren, Cornell '07, now practicing in New York City, has filled the position of Medical Examiner ably and acceptably, carrying on and developing the system inaugurated by Doctor Barringer. She has made five visits to Ithaca during the year, holding the usual examinations and office hours and giving four talks on personal hygiene to the freshman class. On the occasion of her second visit in November, women entering for the short course in Agriculture for the first time received physical examination and medical advice as new students in all other courses do.

Miss Canfield, Director of the Physical Training Department, reports that 158 women have taken work of one kind or another in the gymnasium. Eighteen sophomores and freshmen have been excused for part or all of the year because of heavy outside work which they were performing in order to meet their College expenses; thirty-two more because of physical delicacy have been placed at different times on special schedules of walking or resting periods or have been given exercises particularly devised for their individual needs. Miss Elsie Sameth of the senior class was early in the fall appointed Assistant to the director, and once a week from the first of November until June has held classes in folk dancing to which students of the necessary physical ability and dexterity in simple dancing have been admitted. The innovation has been popular as a pleasant variation upon ordinary gymnastic drill.

The basketball season began as always in November and lasted through March. Fifty-four women in all took part in the playing during the season. Mr. Gilbert, University instructor in athletics and basketball coach to the women last year, acted as coach for the second time. With his approval the preliminary class games were played earlier than usual, near the first of March, while the final tournament took place about the usual date, at the end of the

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