
anderer erhält; bei der Missgunst ist es das Urtheil dass er es nicht verdiene. Hence Wieland, speaking of a knight who had won a fair lady, says :


Die Damen und die Ritter sahn

Sie neidisch, ihn voll Missgunst an.

751. Die Röhre sey von Silber oder Holz, be the pipe of silver or wood. "Bruder Claus besuchte bisweilen die umliegenden Kirchen und verschmähte die einfältigen Priester nicht, denn er meinte: der Brunnen des Lebens, gehe er durch Blei oder Gold, führe immer die heilreichen Wässer," (the waters of salvation, rich in salvation.)

752. The following two little poems or songs on the Jubilee, which was celebrated at Weimar, when the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar entered upon the fifty-first year of his reign, are remarkable only for being the production of Goethe, who was then the oldest poet of Germany, and in his seventy-seventh year :

Einmal nur in unserm Leben,
Was auch sonst begegnen mag,
Ist das höchste Glück gegeben.
Einmal feiert solchen Tag!

Einen Tag der froh erglänzend
Bunten Schmucks der Nacht entsteigt
Sich gesellig nun begrenzend
Segensvoll zum Berge neigt.

Darum öffnet eure Pforten
Lasst Vertrauteste herein!
Heute soll an allen Orten
Liebe nah der Liebe seyn.

Lasst fahren hin das Allzuflüchtige!
Ihr sucht bei ihm vergebens Rath
In dem Vergangnen lebt das Tüchtige
Verewigt sich in schöner That.

Und so gewinnt sich das Ledendige
Durch Folg' aus Folge neue Kraft.
Denn die Gesinnung, die beständige
Sie macht allein den Menschen dauerhaft.

So löst sich jene grosse Frage,

Nach unserm zweiten Vaterland;

Denn das beständige der ird' schen Tage
Verbürgt uns ewigen Bestand.

Once only in life, whatever else may befall us, we enjoy this supreme felicity; once only we celebrate such a day. A day which gladly dawning, emerges from night in sparkling attire, and now closing in conviviality, blissful sets behind the hill. Throw then your gates open; let the most intimate friends come in ; to-day shall love every where meet love.

Let go whatever is too fleeting, in vain you look to it for counsel; the solid good lives in the past, and immortalizes itself in noble deeds. From link to link new vigour is obtained for life; and the mind which is permanent, alone bestows durability upon man. Thus is solved the awful question concerning our second country; for that which is permanent in our terrestrial course, insures us eternal duration.


751. Was auch sonst begegnen mag, whatever else may The pron. inter. neut. was, sec. 5, may be used positively and affirmatively, like the English "what," for "that which;" but whenever it is closely followed by auch, in the same sentence as here, it signifies the English "whatever," the Latin "quidquid." Horace's well known line, Quidquid delirant reges plectuntur Achivi,"

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is in German,

"Was auch die Könige rasen immer büsst es der Grieche."

When was is employed instead of welches, "which," it may be closely followed by auch in the same sentence, without changing its meaning. Die Herzogin versprach das Buch zu kaufen, was sie auch that. Sonst, adv. else, otherwise, besides, is also an adv. of time, formerly, at other times. But we use it sometimes merely as an intensive particle. Ich könnte es wohl thun, wenn ich sonst wollte, I might do it readily if I had any inclination for it, if I would.

754. Begegnen, insep. comp. reg. neut. verb, to meet, to occur, to happen, to befall. In this last sense it is generally used in reference to disagreeable occurrences. "Wenn wir sagen dass uns auf einer Reise nichts begeg

net sey, so wollen wir anzeigen dass wir nichts unangenehmes erfahren haben; und wenn uns Jemand unerwartet auf eine grobe Art behandelr, so sagen wir oft, dass uns dergleichen noch nicht begegnet sey, oder dass wir etwas so unangenehmes von der Art noch nie erfahren haben." Begegnen ought properly to be conjugated with seyn-Ich begegne, ich begegnete, ich bin begegnet; but in common life we often say, ich habe begegnet, instead of ich bin ihm begegnet, I met him. And remember that begegnen, in the sense of meeting, always denotes an accidental meeting, and never a meeting in company, or by appointment. This is expressed by antreffen, or zusammen treffen. Begegnen always includes the idea of meeting from two opposite sides. "Ich kann daher nicht sagen dass ich einem der eine Stunde vor mir nach Windsor abgereiset war in Hounslow begegnet bin, sondern dass ich da mit ihm zusammengetroffen bin. Begegnet wäre ich ihm wenn er von Windsor und ich von London ausgereiset und wir in Hounslow zusammengetroffen wären." Erglänzen, insep. reg. comp. neut. and a verb, to shine, to illuminate. Bunten Schmucks, with speckled, spotted, variegated attire, or ornament. Bunt, adj. what has more than one colour, tawdry; and figuratively, confused, disordered, strange, extravagant. Es geht bunt zu in diesem Hause, there are strange doings in that house. In the same sense we say, es geht bunt über Eck, every thing is in disorder, topsy-turvy. There is another familiar expression, bunte Reihe machen. which an Englishman travelling in Germany could not understand; it means placing persons at table, or in company, so that there be always a gentleman sitting near a lady. Der Schmuck, es, subs. masc. ornament, whatever tends to adorn, or to set off, as jewels, bracelets, lockets, ear-rings. Bunten Schmucks is the genitive absolute, which answers to the ablative absolute of the Latins. We say, raschen Trittes, with a quick step; gelehriges Ohres, with an attentive ear; unverrichteter Sache, (re infecta,) the business being left unperformed. And the genitive masc. and neut. in such cases may either be es or en, as it best suits the harmony of the period or verse. We say either stehendes Fusses, or stehenden Fusses (stante pede), immediately, on the spot.

755 Entsteigen, irr. insep. neut. comp. verb, to mount

up, to rise from. Ich entsteige, ich enstieg, ich bin entstiegen. See steigen, sec. 109. The insep. part. ent, here denotes from, away, up. Dünste entsteigen der Erde, vapours rise from the ground; and figuratively, die Sonne entstieg dem Meere, the sun rose out of the sea.

756. Begrenzend, part. pres. of the reg. act. insep. comp. begrenzen, to assign boundaries, to limit, to confine, to circumscribe. The word was formerly, and is still frequently spelt with ä, begränzen. Matthisson spells it thus :

Ach! bis zu Charons Kahne
Schweift unsrer Wünsche Noth;
Der Kindheit leichte Plane
Begränzt das Abendroth.

The verb begränzen being formed of the noun substantive, die Gränze, fem. the limit, the boundary: the insep. particle be gives it the signification of providing with limits, with boundaries.

757. Das allzuflüchtige, subs. neut. the over-fleeting, what is too transient, too fleeting. It is the adj. allzuflüchtig converted into an abstract noun: sect. 583. We say, like the French, das Schöne (le beau): das Wahre (le vrai); but as our language is not a closed one, we may do so with any adjective, and we have the additional ad vantage that the article das shows it at once to be an abstract term of the neuter gender, which cannot be mistaken for an adj. employed substantively for a whole species: das Göttliche, what is divine; der Göttliche, masc. the divine man. Allzu, a comp. particle, made of all and zu, the abbreviation of zuviel, too much, which is used like the English "too," before adjectives and adverbs, serves to form compound adjectives and adverbs, denoting overabundance; as allzuklug, over-wise, over-prudent; allzudumm, over-foolish, over-silly; allzugut, over-good, too good; allzuviel, over-much.

758. Bei jemand Rath suchen, to apply to a person for advice, to consult, sec. 96. Vergebens, adv. in vain, for no purpose, without producing the effect intended. Ich habe meine Uhr vergebens gesucht, I sought my watch in vain, my search has not had the effect of finding my watch. We have another adverb, umsonst, which also means in vain, to no purpose, without any profit or advantage. Ich

klage vergebens, I lament, I complain in vain, I do not produce the effect I intended. Ich klage umsonst, my complaints are of no advantage whatever. Gellert says —

"Vergebens klagt er ihr sein Leiden.

Umsonst. Clymene heisst ihn fliehn."

759. Das Tüchtige, subs, neut. the solid good, is the abstract noun substantive of tüchtig, adj. good, solid, proper, what has the virtues required, from the old Tucht, the same as Tugend, virtue, property, Sometimes tüchtig signifies large and strong, robust; and adverbially, hard : tüchtig arbeiten, to work hard; tüchtig schlagen, to beat soundly.

760. Verewigen, reg. act. insep. comp. verb, to eternize, to immortalize. As this verb is formed of the adjective ewig, eternal, the particle ver here denotes, imparting the quality expressed by the adjective, to make eternal, to render eternal. We say, verdoppeln, to double; verbittern, to embitter; veredeln, to ennoble; verjüngen, to make young (rajeunir); verkürtzen, to shorten, &c.

761. Das Lebendige is again an abstr. neut. derived from lebendig, adj. alive, lively, quick, full of life, active. Though it evidently comes from Leben, life, the accent, contrary to general rule, is not upon the primitive lebendig, but upon the derivative lebendig. It denotes both what has life and the effect of life. Der lebendige Glaube, the living faith. Lebendiger Kalk, quick-lime.

762. Die Gesinnung, subs. fem. the disposition, sentiment, mind, intention.

763. Lösen, reg. act. to solve. Sich lösen, ref. to get solved, to be solved. Lösen is properly to untie, by undoing or opening the knot gently.

764. Verbürgen, reg. act. and neut. insep. comp. verb, to become bail, to be bound for, to warrant, to insure; refl. sich verbürgen, to be answerable for; ein Bürge, a bail; Bürge seyn, to be bail. As the insep. particle ver is here prefixed to a verb formed of a substantive, it denotes a conversion into what the noun substantive expresses; to become a bail. Sich verbürgen, to make one's-self a bail.

765. We take for our present lesson a monologue from


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