
1813-14-15, during which period the military decoration of hose who most distinguished themselves consisted of an iron cross, worn round the neck by a black ribbon ; ein Kreutz, neut., is a Cross; die Ritter des eisernen Kreutzes, the Knights of the Iron Cross.

173, und seinen Wolkensteg, and its cloudy path; eine Wolke, fem, a cloud; der Steg, es, e, plural, die Stege, the path, the narrow way, the stile.

174. Das Maulthier, es, plural, neut., the mule; but we also have der Maulesel, masc. which has the same signification; but Maulthier is less vulgar.


175. Sucht im Nebel seinen Weg, seeks in the fog his way. Suchen, verb act. and neut., to seek, to search, to look for was suchen sie? what are you looking for? Ich habe meinen Stock in allen Winkeln gesucht und kann ihn nicht finden, I looked for my stick in every corner, but cannot find it. Sie müssen suchen es ein andermal besser zu machen, you must seek (endeavour) to do better another time.

176. im Nebel, contr. for in dem Nebel, in the fog; der Nebel, s, masc. the fog, the mist.

177. Seinen weg, its way, in reference to das Maulthier,


178. In Höhlen, in caverns; die Höhle, fem. the cave, cavern, den, from hohl, adj. hollow; die Höhlen der wilden Thiere, the dens of wild beasts.

172. wohnt, third pers. sing. ind. pres. of reg. verb neut. wohnen, to dwell, to live. Remember that as you do not say in French, où vivez vous? where do you live? neither must you say in German, Wo leben Sie? but Wo wohnen Sie? where do you dwell? Ich wohne in der breiten Strasse, I live in Broad-street.

180. des Drachen alte Brut, the Dragon's old brood, old race; der Drache, en, masc. the Dragon; alt, adj. old, ancient; die Alten, the Ancients; eine Brut, fem. a brood, a race.

181. Es stürtzt der Fels, the rock falls; again the expletive es, to throw the nominative behind the verb. Stürzen, reg. neut. verb, (with seyn) to fall suddenly with great force; der Regen stürzte in Strömen vom Himmel, the rain came down in torrents from the heaven. Mein Bruder ist gestern vom Pferde gestürzt, my brother had yesterday


a violent fall from his horse; actively (with haben) it denotes to plunge, to throw down violently.

182. der Fels, es, plural, die Felsen, or der Felsen, 8, masc. the rock. The first is more poetical; the latter is more generally used in common conversation.

183. und über ihn die Fluth, and over it (falls) the flood; die Fluth, fem. a flood, a deluge of water.

184. Kennst du ihn wohl? dost thou know (him, ihn, in reference to der Berg, the mountain, which is masc.) it well?

185. Dahin geht unser Weg, thither goes our way, there lies our way.

186. lass uns ziehn! let us move; lass or lasse, second person sing. imperat. of the auxiliary, lassen, to let, to leave, which must be learnt in the Grammar. In the third person plural it would be lassen Sie uns ziehn! Lassen Sie uns zu Hause bleiben! let us stay at home!

187. The piece of poetry which we select for the vehicle of our instructions, was written by Aloys Blumauer, a Bookseller at Vienna, where he died in 1798. It is called,


Menschengrössen giebt es zwei hienieden,
Eine jede kleidet ihren Mann.

Das Verdienst webt beide, doch verschieden
Sind die Fäden und die Farben d'ran.
Eine hüllet sich in eitel Licht,

Wo die and're sanfte Farben bricht.

Wie die Sonne glänzt und strahlt die eine,
Welten wärmt und brennet ibre Gluth;
Und die andre gleicht dem Mondenscheine
Der nur Nachts im Stillen Gutes thut.
Jene blendet mit zu vielem Licht,
Diese leuchtet aber blendet nicht.

Wie ein Bergstrom über Felsenstücke
Rauschet jene, laut und fürchterlich ;
Diese windet, unbemerkt dem Blicke
Wie ein Bach durch die Gesträuche sich.
Jene brauset und verheert die Flur
Diese tränket und erquickt sie nur.

Jene baut sich Ehrenmausoleen

Aus den Trümmern einer halben Welt;
Diese fühlt sich reicher an Trophäen
Wenn sie Thränen regen Dankes zählt.
Jene hauet ihren Ruhm in Stein
Diese gräbt ihn in die Herzen ein.

Jene lässt mit lautem Ruhm sich lohnen
Und ihr Aufenthalt sind Thronen nur ;
Diese sieht man auch in Hütten wohnen,
Und ihr Lohn ist Segen der Natur.

Jene kann ein Kind des Glückes seyn,
Diese dankt ihr Dasein sich allein.

Grösse lauten Ruhmes! deiner Schwingen
Breite gleicht dem Himmelsfirmament;
Aber deinen Standort zu erringen,

Ist nur wenig Sterblichen vergönnt.
Stille Grösse! dich nur bet'ich an,

Dich nur, denn du bist für jedermann.


There are here below two sorts of human greatness: each becomes its possessor. Merit weaves both, yet the threads and colour differ. One is wrapped up in unmixed light, whilst the other is mellowed down into soft tints. One shines and beams like the sun, its fire warms and burns worlds; the other resembles the moonlight, which does good only in the stillness of night. The former dazzles with too much light, the latter lightens, but dazzles not. One, like a mountain torrent, rushes loud and frightful over fragments of rocks; the other winds unperceived, like a brook, through underwood. The former roars, and ravages the plain; the latter only waters and refreshes it. The former erects to itself proud mausoleums out of the rains of half a world; the latter feels that it has more trophies, when it counts the tears of heartfelt thanks. One carves its glory in stone, the other engraves it in the people's hearts. The former seeks its reward in loud fame, it resides only about thrones; the latter is also seen in huts, and the blessing of nature is its reward. The former may be a mere child of fortune, the latter owes its existence barely to itself. Greatness praised aloud by fame! the extent of thy pinions is like the firmament of heaven, yet to attain thee is the lot of but few mortals. Placid greatness! thee alone I worship, thee only, for thou art within the reach of all.

188. Die beiden Menschengrössen, the two human greatnesses; the two sorts of human greatness. Beide, pron. pl. both, when construed with the article definite, means simply two. Der Mensch, masc. des Menschen, pl. die

Menschen, man in general, (the Latin homo,) whilst der Mann, masc. des Mannes, e, pl. die Männer, the man, the male, is the Latin vir. Menschengrösse, fem. is a compound word, man's greatness.

189. Menschengrössen giebt es zwei hienieden, would be in prose, Es giebt hienieden zwei Menschengrössen, there are here below two man's greatnesses; two sorts of human greatness. Es giebt is an impers. verb, derived from Geben, irr. to give, and means " it gives," there is, there are—the French il y a; and the subst. with which it is construed may be the same as in French, either singular or plural, only it must always be in the accusative. Es giebt guten Wein in Heidelberg, there is good wine at Heidelberg; es giebt überall gute und schlechte Menschen, there are every where good and bad people. Hienieden, contracted from hiernieden, adv. here below, on this earth; zwei, the numeral two.

190. Eine jede, fem. in reference to Grösse, fem. greatness, of the pron. jeder, e, es, each; ein jeder, one every, every one. Kleiden, reg. active, to clothe, to dress; but here neuter, to become, to suit; in this sense it is better to construe it with the dative, der neue Strohhut kleidet ihr sehr gut, the new straw-bonnet becomes her very well; diese Farbe kleidet Ihnen nicht, this does not become you; ihren Mann, ("her," in reference to Grösse, fem.) its owner, its possessor.

191. Das Verdienst, neut. es, e, plural, e, merit; der Verdienst, masc. the earnings. er hat nur geringen Verdienst, aber er hat das Verdienst äusserst mässig und fleissig zu seyn, his earnings are but scanty, yet he has the merit of being uncommonly sober and industrious.

192 webt, webet, from weben, to weave; the imp. is both reg. webte, and irr. wob. It is generally regular when active. Luther has, third book of Moses, or Lev. viii. 29, ind Moses nahm die Brust, und webete eine Webe vor dem Herrn von dem Widder des Füllopfers, and Moses took the breast, and waved it for a wave- offering before the Lord, of the ram of consecration; doch, conj. yet, however.

193. verschieden sind die Fäden und die Farben ďran, different are the threads and the colours (to it) of it. Verschieden, adj, different, in the plural, several; der Fuden

ens, pl. Fäden, masc. the thread; Bindfaden, packthread. die Farbe, fem. pl. en, the colour; d'ran, a contraction for daran, in this, in that, of it, of that.

194. Eine hüllet sich: we had hüllen, sec. 72. in eitel Licht, in pure light, nothing but light; eitel, adj. in the sense of pure, unmixed, is rather obsolete; it now gene. rally is used for "vain." Das Licht, es, e, pl. er and e, n., light. We use the plural Lichte, in speaking of artificial lights, as Wachslichte, wax candles, and the plural Lichter, of the heavenly bodies which transmit us their light. This distinction is contested by several Grammarians, because it seems to clash with what we stated with regard to worte and wörter, sec. 48, and to Lande and Länder, sec. 145. But the fact is so; and in common life we constantly say, ein Pfund Lichte, a pound of candles, and not ein Pfund Lichter.

195. Wo die andere sanfte Farben bricht, where the other soft colours break; whilst the other is mellowed down into soft tints. Wo throws the verb to the end, when it is not interrogative. Wo ist Ihr Bedienter? where is your servant? Ich weiss nicht wo mein Bedienter ist, I do not know where my servant is. Der, die, das andere, the other; die and're, fem. is a contraction; brechen, irr. (ich breche, du brichst, ich brach, ich habe gebrochen: a. with haben, and neut. with seyn,) to break; die Farben brechen is with painters to soften down colours that are too vivid, by an admixture of darker ones.

196. Wie die Sonne glänzt und strahlt die eine: the words wie die Sonne, at the head, throw the nom. behind the verb; the sentence might also be, die eine glänzt und strahlt wie die Sonne, one shines and beams like the sun; glänzen, reg. neut. to shine, to be resplendent; strahlen, reg. neut. to beam, to emit rays.

197. Welten wärmt und brennet ihre Gluth, again the acc. at the head, its (her, in reference to Grösse, fem.) fire (glow) warms and burns worlds; wärmen, reg. act. to warm; brennen, act. reg., neut. irr. (ich brenne, ich brannte, ich habe gebrannt,) to burn; die Gluth or Glut, fem. the glowing of a quantity of combustibles, but poetically fire in general.

198. gleicht, from gleichen, irr. neut. (ich gleiche, ich glich, ich habe geglichen,) to resemble, to be like; der

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