
Mondenschein, in common life mondschein, masc. moonlight.

199. Der nur Nachts im stillen Gutes thut, which only at night in the stillness does good; which does good only in the stillness of night. Nachts, adv. by night, at night. Whenever any thing is done habitually at any portion of the day, that part of time is put in the genitive, which in German frequently corresponds with the ablative absolute of the Latins. Hence we say, des Morgens trink' ich Thé und des Nachmittags Kaffe, in the morning I take tea, and in the afternoon coffee. The article being frequently omitted in such cases, these words, morgens, abends, are become adverbial expressions, and the s, which is the mark of the genitive in the masculines and neuters, has even been appended to the fem. We say, des Nachts, or Nachts, by night, at night, though die Nacht, night, is fem. im stillen, or in der Stille, adv. quietly, silently, without noise; gutes thun, to do good, irr. (ich thue, ich that, ich habe gethan.) Er hat viel gutes gethan, he has done much good.

200. Jene, yon, the former. Remember that jeder, jede, jedes, which is in the second line, signifies every, each, and jener, jene, jenes, yon, yonder, that. blenden, reg. act. to render blind; in a more extended signification to dazzle, to render blind for a moment; ein blendende Schönheit, a dazzling beauty; leuchten, reg. neut. (with haben) to lighten, to give light, and also to emit lightnings. We particularly say, das Wetter leuchtet, whenever the lightnings are not attended with thunder.

201. Wie ein Bergstrom über Felsenstücke rauschet jene laut und fürchterlich, might also be construed in prose, jene rauschet laut und fürchterlich wie ein Bergstrom über Felsenstücke; the former rushes loud and frightful like a mountain river over fragments of rocks. Laut, loud, and fürchterlich, frightful, are both adj. and adv., which is the case with most German adj., as we observed sec. 26.

202. Diese windet unbemerkt dem Blicke wie ein Bach durch die Gesträuche sich, this in prose would be, Diese windet sich, this winds; Sich winden, refl. to wind one's self, from the irr. act. winden (ich winde, ich wand, ich habe gewunden.) unbemerkt dem Blicke, unperceived to the look, unperceived by the eye; unbemerkt, adj. the same as nicht bemerkt, not perceived. The Germans can convert

any participle past into a negative adj. by the addition of the particle un, the Latin negative "in," derived probably from ohne, without; for example, besetzen, to garrison, gives the participle past, besetzt; hence we may say, die Stadt ist noch unbesetzt, the town is without a garrison. der Blick, es, e, pl. e, the look, masc.: hence der Augenblick, masc. the moment; the French "un clin d'œil." das Gesträuch, es, e, pl. e, neut. brushwood, underwood, coppicewood.

203. brausen, reg. neut. (with haben) to roar like the wind: it is also said of the sea. das Meer brausete fürch terlich, the sea roared dreadfully; die Ohren brausen mir, I have a tinkling in my ears.

204. verheeren, reg. act. to ravage, to lay waste, as a hostile army does, from das heer, the army, and the particle ver, which denotes destruction, consumption, ruin; die Flur, sec. 123

205. tränken, reg. act. to water, to give drink.

206. erquicken, reg. act. to make lively, quick, to give new life, to refresh; der Regen erquickt das Land, the rain refreshes the soil.

207. die Trümmer, sub. pl. neut. (from Trumm, a broken piece) ruins, fragments, broken pieces.

208. einer halben Welt, of half a world; die Welt, fem. er hat viel Welt, he is very polished in his manners.

209. Diese fühlt sich reicher an Trophäen, this feels itself richer in trophies; it feels that it has more trophies. fühlen, reg. act. to feel, to touch; reicher, comp. of reich, r.ch.

210. Wenn sie Thränen regen Dankes zählt; the conj. wenn throws the verb zählt to the end; when it counts tears of lively gratitude; zahlen, reg. act. to pay; zählen, reg. act. to count. rege, adj. busy, active, animated.

211. hauen, reg. act. to hew; der Ruhm, es, e, masc. glory, fame, praise.

212. Diese gräbt ihn die Herzen ein, this engraves it in the hearts; graben, irr. act. (ich grabe, du grübst, er grübt, ich grub, ich habe gegraben,) to dig, to engrave; in die Herzen, with the acc. into the hearts; das Herz, neut. the heart, courage, resolution.

213. Jene lässt mit lautem Ruhm sich lohnen, would be in prose, jene lässt sich mit lautem Ruhm lohnen, the

former gets itself rewarded with noisy glory; lassen, to let, to leave, sec. 186.

214. und ihr Anfenthalt sind Thronen nur, in prose, und nur Thronen sind ihr Aufenthalt, and only thrones are its abode. der Aufenthalt, es, masc. the abode, residence, dwelling, stay, sojourn; mein Aufenthalt hier wird nur kurz seyn, my stay here will only be short.

215. Diese sieht man auch in Hütten wohnen, this one also sees dwell in huts, this is also seen in huts.

216. und ihr Lohn ist Segen der Natur, and its reward is the blessing of nature; der Lohn, es, masc. the reward, wages; it differs from die Belohnung, fem. the recompense, in so far that the former may be obtained and claimed by law; the latter is a free gift, which cannot be claimed, though it is naturally expected.

217. Der Segen, sub. masc. the blessing, benediction; ein sterbender Vater giebt seinen Kindern seinen letzten (last) Segen. die Natur, fem. nature.

218. Jene kann ein kind des Glückes seyn, that may be a child of fortune. In common life we say, er ist ein Glückskind. Observe, that kann, in German, frequently may." Sie können morgen wieder kommen, you may come again to-morrow; but interrogatively, Können Sie morgen kommen? can you come to-morrow?

means 66

219. Diese dankt ihr Daseyn sich allein, this thanks its (always her, fem. in reference to Grösse, fem.) existence to itself alone; owes its existence only to itself. danken, reg. neut. to thank, to be indebted for; das Daseyn, neut. existence. Schiller says:—

Etwas fürchten und hoffen und sorgen

Muss der Mensch für den kommenden Morgen,
Dass er die Schwere des Daseyns ertrage,

The logical order of these words in prose, is, der Mensch muss etwas fürchten und hoffen und sorgen fur den kommenden Morgen dass er die Schwere des Daseyns ertrage: Man must have something to fear, to hope, and to care for, against the approaching to-morrow, that he may bear the burthen of existence.

221. Grösse lauten Ruhmes! greatness of loud fame, greatness which is attended with loud praises; with the acclamations of fame. deiner Schwingen Breite gleicht

dem Himmelsfirmament, thy pinions' breadth resembles Heaven's firmament, the extent of thy pinions is like the firmament of Heaven. die Schwinge, pl. en, fem. a swing, a pinion, a wing; die Breite, pl. en, fem. the breadth, width, extent, latitude; gleichen, irr. neut. (ich gleiche, ich glich, ich habe geglichen) to resemble, to be like; it is construed with the dative. Er gleicht seinem Vater, he resembles his father; actively it is regular, and means to equalize, to make like, to level, to compare. Wem soll ich unsern Freund gleichen? to whom am I to compare our friend? der Himmelsfirmament, masc. is a word borrowed from the French; the real German word is, die Himmelsfeste, fem. the firmament of Heaven.

222. aber deinen Standort zu erringen, but to attain thy point of rest, thy fixed abode; der Standort, es, e, masc. the spot where one stands in relation to other objects; erringen, irr. neut. to attain by wrestling, to obtain with great labour, toil, and trouble: it follows the irregularities of ringen, to wrestle, to struggle (ich erringe, ich errang, ich habe errungen) of which it is formed with the inseparable particle er, which often denotes obtaining by means of the action of the verb to which it is prefixed.

223. Ist nur wenig Sterblichen vergönnt, is granted to but few mortals. Wenig, little, few, needs not to be declined before a noun, as here, wenig Sterblichen, to few mortals: but it must be declined when it stands alone: Haben sie viele Bücher? have you many books? Nein, ich habe nur wenige, No, I have but few; and particularly when it is in the dative. Er machte seine Verlegenheit wenigen bekannt, he made his embarrassment known to few people. Er machte seine Verlegenheit wenig bekannt, he made his embarrassment little known. Vergönnen, reg. act. to allow, to grant, comp. with the inseparable particle ver, which here has the strengthening power, and gönnen, to be pleased with what is agreeable to others, to be happy in the happiness of others.

224. Stille grösse, placid greatness, greatness that

makes no noise.

225. dich nur bet'ich an, thee alone I worship; anbeten, sep. reg. comp. to adore, to worship, exactly like the Latin "adorare,” made of an and beten, to pray to God.

226. Dich nur, denn du bist für jedermann, thee alone,

for thou art for every body, thou art accessible to all. The German word jedermann, literally, is each man, every one.

227. We select as the next vehicle of our remarks a short piece written by Frederick Heyne, a private teacher, at Berlin. It is entitled Hope ::


Ueber allem Fleisch auf Erden
Herrscht ein hoher, weiser Wille.
Unsers Geistes morsche Hülle
Muss zu Staub und Asche werden,
Und die Bande müssen brechen
Die Natur ums Herz uns wand.
Gläubig, auch an Grabe's Rand
Muss Ergebung Amen sprechen.

Doch es ist des Herzens Recht
Ewig ungekränkt geblieben.
Schwer reisst sich von seinen Lieben
Los das menschliche Geschlecht.

Und der Schmerz ringt wild die Hände
Und die helle Thräne sinkt.

Ach, des Lebens Freuden winkt
Viel zu früh des Lebens Ende!

Aber will der Muth dir sinken,
Blicke zu der Wolke Saum;
Lass dein Herz, wie süssen Traum
Morgenroth der Hoffnung trinken.
Droben dort am Himmelszelt
Strahlt der Hoffnung goldne Pforte
Mit der Inschrift Trostesworte:
"Wiedersehn in bess'rer Welt!"


Over all flesh on earth rules a supreme wise power. The fragile shell of our mind must turn to dust and ashes; and those strings must break which nature wound round the heart. Firm in faith, even at the brink of the grave, resignation must say, Amen! Still the rights of the heart remain unimpaired. Man tears himself with difficulty from those he loves. Grief wildly wrings the hands, and the bright tear trickles down. Alas! the end of life beckons much too soon the joys of life away. But if your courage is ready to fail, look up to the skirts of the cloud; let your heart quaff the dawn of hope like a sweet dream. Yonder above, on the canopy of heaven, beams the golden gate of Hope, with the comfort-bearing inscription :-" We meet again in a better world !"

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