
228. Die Hoffnung, fem. hope, a verbal noun, derived from hoffen, reg. act. to hope.

229. Ueber, prep. over. The dotted ü, beginning a sentence, is always printed ue, but retains, of course, the sound of the French u. Ueber governs the dative or accusative according as there is locomotion or not. In the sense of an obstacle that prevents something being done, it may be indifferently construed with either case. We may say, über das Lesen vergisst er Essen und Trinken, for the sake of reading he neglects eating and drinking. But in the sense of "over," the distinction ought to be strictly attended to. In St. Matthew, chap. iii. 16, "The heavens were opened unto him," is correctly, in Luther's translation, der Himmel that sich auf über ihm, because the heavens were opened over him, but without moving down upou him. When über denotes a superiority, a preference, in such expressions as Zufriedenheit geht über den Reichthum (contentement surpasse richesse) to be contented is better than to be wealthy, it governs the accusative. You will understand the following pun, in which geht über is first taken figuratively for "surpasses, is superior," and then literally for "goes over it, has access to it."

"Nichts geht über den Wein,

Sagt mein Kellner; (my butler) allein
Er geht über den Wein."

230. Ueber serves to form many compound verbs, both separable and inseparable. The latter is the case whenever über implies a comparision of superiority, or is the English "upon," (super) and "over, beyond," (trans.) The verbs to which über is inseparably joined govern the accusative, in reference to the prep. In separable compound verbs, über denotes the English "over," in the sense of above the object. Das Wasser kocht über, the water boils over, above the vessel in which it is boiling. As an adv. über is over. es ist schon über, it is over already; über und über, all over.

231. allem Fleisch, all flesh. Das Fleisch, es, neut. flesh, meat.

232. ein hoher, weiser Wille, high, wise will; a supreme, wise power; der Wille, ens, masc. the will. The gender is marked in the adj. on account of ein, which does not show

the gender. Hoch, adj. high, makes with the article, der hohe, and ein hoher, rejecting the c, just as it does in the comp. höher.

233. der Geist, es, pl. er, masc. spirit, ghost, mind, vivacity, genius; morsch, adj. frail, fragile, crumbling to dust. Die Hülle, sec. 72, but in the familiar expression, die hülle und fülle, it means that the integument, shell, or husk, is not only large, but also well filled, and consequently denotes abundance, plenty. The Germans are fond of chiming expressions: we have, knall und fall, toll und voll, schalten und walten, &c. der Staub, es, masc. dust; but sich aus dem Staube machen, is to hasten away, to run away, to escape.

234. das Band, es, n. the tie, the ribband, the string. It has two plurals, die Bande, figuratively, ties, bonds, fetters, and die Bänder, ribbons, strings. See worte, sec. 28, and Lande, sec. 145; but der Band, es, pl. bände, masc. the binding of a book, a volume. Haben sie den ersten Band gelesen? have you read the first volume ? Das Werk hat drei Bände, or besteht aus drei Bänden, the work is in three volumes. brechen, sec. 195. Ums Herz, a contraction for um das Herz, round the heart; we had um and zu, sec. 36. Um is here the prep. about, roundabout. Thus Wieland says,

"Wie lieblich um meinen entfesselten Busen

Der holde Wahnsinn spielt! Wer schlang das magische Band
Um meine Stirne ?"

"How sweet delusion plays lovely round my unfettered bosom! who bound the magic string round my forehead?" And Bürger :

"Wenn um die Zeit der Rosen

Zur Mitternacht mein Gang ums Dörfchen geht."

"When about the season of the roses my walk leads me at midnight round the hamlet."

235. wand, from winden, sec. 202.

236. gläubig, adj. faithful, firm in faith; when construed in the masc. with the article ein, it is exactly the same with ein Gläubiger, sub. masc. a creditor; but as all our substantives are spelt with a capital letter, the two

expressions can never be mistaken one for the other. Ein gläubiger Christ, a faithful Christian, a firm believer; er ist ein Gläubiger meines Bruders, he is my brother's creditor. das Grab, es, pl. die Gräber, neut. the grave, the tomb. Do not confound it with der Graben, ens, masc. the ditch. der Rand, es, pl. Ränder, (in some parts of Germany incorrectly Rände,) masc. the edge, brink, border, margin. See sec. 145. The German familiar expression, das versteht sich am Rande, signifies, that is well understood, that requires no comment in the margin. Ergebung, fem. resignation, the act of surrendering in war, and fig. surrendering one's will to that of another. Again a verbal noun, from the refl. irr. sich ergeben, to surrender. das Recht, es, pl. e, right, law, justice. The Germans say, like the French, Recht haben, (avoir raison) to be right; Unrecht haben, (avoir tort) to be wrong; einem Recht geben, to acknowledge that a person is right, to agree with him. die natürlichen Rechte des Menschen, the rights of man; die Rechte, law, jurisprudence; Mein Vetter widmet sich den Rechten, my cousin studies the law, dedicates himself to the profession of the law. The adv. is recht, very; and the adj. recht, right, and also the opposite of left. die rechte Hand, the right hand.

237. ungekränkt, adj. unimpaired, unvexed, from Kränken, reg. act. to vex, part. p. gekränkt, of which we make this adj. with the addition of the negative un, sec. 202. geblieben, part. past of the irr. neut. bleiben, to remain, to continue, (ich bleibe, ich bleib, ich bin geblieben.) Warum sind Sie zu Hause geblieben? why did you stay at home? "To remain," as a complimentary expression at the end of a letter, is always verbleiben, the particle ver having here a strengthening power, which gives more intensity to the expression. Ich verbleibe ihr gehorsamer Diener, I remain your obedient servant.

238. Schwer reisst sich von seinen Lieben los, with difficulty tears itself (mankind) from its darlings. Schwer, adj. and adv. heavy, difficult, heavily, with difficulty; reisst los, from the separ. comp. losreissen, derived from reissen, irr. act. to tear, and los, loose, (ich reisse los, ich risz los, ich habe losgerissen, as act. neut. ich bin losgerissen.) das Menschliche Geschlecht, the human race, mankind; das Geschlecht, es, pl. er, race, sex, genus, gender; das schöne Geschlecht, the fair (le beau sexe.) der Schmerz, masc.


pain, grief. There are two declensions for this word: 1. der Schmerz, des Schmerzens, den Schmerz; 2. der Schmerz, des Schmerzes, dem Schmerze, den Schmerz. The pl. of both is die Schmerzen. Ich habe Kopfschmerzen, I have the head-ache.

239. ringen, irr. act. and neut. to wrestle, to wrench, to wring. In the north of Germany they say wringen, which brings it still nearer to the English. Sinken, irr. neut. to sink, (ich sinke, ich sank, ich bin gesunken,) sec. 42. winken, reg. neut. and act. to beckon, to twinkle, to nod. viel zu früh, much too early, much too soon. Remember that the German zu is both "to" and " too;" Sie sind zu gütig, you are too kind, over-kind. das Leben, s, neut. life, motion, vivacity, noise; am Leben seyn, to be alive; auf Leben und Sterben, in case of death; für mein Leben gern, very willingly, with great pleasure, with great desire. Ich trinke für mein Leben gern ein Glas alten Rheinwein, I am very fond of a glass of old Hock. Aber will der Muth dir sinken, but if thy courage will sink, if your courage be ready to fail.

240. Blicke zu der Wolke Saum, look to the hem of the cloud; look up to the skirts of the clouds; blicken, reg. neut. to look, to shine; die Wolke, fem. the cloud. der Saum, es, e, masc. like all the words in aum, pl. die Säume, a hem, edge, border, skirt, seam-Jerem. xiii. 22, deine Säume sind dir aufgedeckt, thy skirts are discovered.

241. wie süssen Traum, like sweet dream: the adj. has the termination of the acc. masc., because der Traum, es, e, pl. die Träume, a dream, is masc.; süss, adj. sweet.

242. Morgenroth, the dawn of morning, the dawn of day, comp. of der morgen, masc. the morning, and roth, adj. red.

243. trinken, irr. act. and neut. to drink (ich trinke, ich trank, ich habe getrunken.) To give water to, to water animals, is tränken, poetically to irrigate, which is regular. 244. Droben, adv. contraction of dort oben, or da oben, above.

245. dort, adv. yonder; das Himmelszelt, neut. the tent of heaven, the canopy of heaven, comp. of der Himmel, heaven, and das Zelt, es, pl. die Zelte, the tent. The common people at Berlin make the pl. Zelter, which is incorrect, and ought to be carefully avoided, because ein Zelter, masc. is a horse that ambles, an ambler.

246. der Hoffnung goldne Pforte, hope's golden gate, the golden gate of hope; goldne, contr. for goldene, fem. of the adj. golden, made entirely or partly of gold, golden. The congeniality of the German and English language is evident also in the use of adjectives denoting the stuff or matter of which a thing is made. They may, in both languages, be used as epithets; ein goldnes Thor, a golden gate; but they cannot be employed as attributes or predicates. We cannot say, das Thor ist golden, the gate is golden; it must be in both languages, das Thor ist von Gold, the gate is of gold, or gold.

247. die Pforte, fem. the gate, the postern gate; die Ottomanische Pforte, or only die Pforte, the Turkish empire; die hohe Pforte, the court of the Grand Signior at Constantinople.

248. die Inschrift, the inscription; ein Trosteswort, neut. a word of comfort. Wiedersehn, sep. irr. act. comp. made of wieder, again, and sehen, to see. Ich sehe wieder, ich sah wieder, ich habe wiedergesehn. Sahen Sie sie gestern wieder? did you see her again yesterday? in bess'rer

Welt, contr. for in besserer. Welt being fem. and the expression used without an article, the adj. has the termination of the dative fem. In familiar conversation we should say, in einer besseren Well, in a better world. Observe again, two s's where the English word has two t's "better," besser, like "water," wasser.

249. A song of Goethe's, called "The Fisher," forms the next vehicle for our remarks.


Das Wasser rauscht', das Wasser schwoll,
Ein Fischer sass daran,

Sah nach dem Angel ruhevoll

Kühl bis ans Herz hinan.

Und wie er sitzt und wie er lauscht,

Theilt sich die Fluth empor;

Aus dem bewegten Wasser rauscht
Ein feuchtes Weib hervor.

Sie sang zu ihm, sie sprach zu ihm:
Was lockst du meine Brut

Mit Menschenwitz und Menschenlis
Hinauf in Todesgluth?

Ach wüsstest du wie's Fischlein ist

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