Multivariate Data Analysis: A Global Perspective

Pearson Education, 2010 - 800 ˹éÒ
For graduate and upper-level undergraduate marketing research courses. For over 30 years, this text has provided students with the information they need to understand and apply multivariate data analysis. Hair et. al provides an applications-oriented introduction to multivariate analysis for the non-statistician. By reducing heavy statistical research into fundamental concepts, the text explains to students how to understand and make use of the results of specific statistical techniques. In this seventh revision, the organization of the chapters has been greatly simplified. New chapters have been added on structural equations modeling, and all sections have been updated to reflect advances in technology, capability, and mathematical techniques

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Joseph F. Hair is a member of the American Marketing Association, Academy of Marketing Science, Southern Marketing Association and Southwestern Marketing Association. He has authored 30 books, monographs, and cases, and over 60 articles in scholarly journals. He serves on the editorial review boards of several journals and was the 2004 recipient of the Academy of Marketing Science Excellence in Teaching Award. Hair serves as a consultant to many businesses.
