
fitted deeply to humble the heart. And even yet the passion has not ceased. Even now, men high in office and in rank, leave the new testament and appeal to the fathers. Episcopacy is discarded, not principally because the new testament is a stranger to it, but because Jerome was not a prelatist; it is rejected, not because it cannot be made out from the bible, but because it is a matter of debate, whether the fathers teach it or not.

From this unprofitable and endless litigation, we are glad to turn to the true merits of the case. We rejoice sincerely that one man can be found who is willing to bring to this subject the great principle of the protestant reformation, that all religious opinions are to be tested by the scriptures. And we especially rejoice to see this principle so decisively advanced, by a man of the talents and official rank of Dr. Onderdonk; and that it is so prominently avowed by sending forth from the "Protestant Episcopal Press,' a tract defending this principle. It indicates a healthy state of things in the Episcopal church in this country. It will save endless disputes about words, and much useless toil in endeavoring to give consistency and sense to the fathers. This mode of reasoning, too, will soon decide the controversy. Long have we wished to see this matter brought to so obvious and so just an issue; and long have we expected that when this should be the case, the matter would be soon decided. Hereafter let it be held up as a great principle, from which, neither in spirit nor in form, we are ever to depart, that if the peculiar doctrines of Episcopacy are not found in the scriptures, they are to be honestly abandoned, or held, as Cranmer held them, as matters of mere expediency. Let this truth go forth, never to be recalled; and let every man who attempts to defend the claims of bishops, appeal to the bible alone. On this appeal, with confidence, we rest the issue of this case.

The great principle on which the argument in this tract is conducted, is indicated in its title; it is farther stated at length in the tract itself. Thus, in the opening sentence, "The claim of Episcopacy to be of divine institution, and therefore obligatory on the church, rests fundamentally on the one question,-Has it the authority of scripture? If it has not, it is not necessarily binding." Again, on the same page, "No argument is worth taking into the account, that has not a palpable bearing on the clear and naked topic, the scriptural evidence of Episcopacy." Having stated this principle, the writer proceeds to remark, that "the argument is obstructed with many extraneous and irrelevant difficulties, which, instead of aiding the mind in reaching the truth on that great subject, tend only to divert it and occupy it with questions not affecting the main issue." The first object of the "essay" is then stated to be, "to point out some of these extraneous questions and difficulties, and expose either their fallacy or their irrele

vancy." ment."

"The next object will be, to state the scriptural argu

In pursuing this plan, the writer introduces and discusses, as i one of these extraneous difficulties, the objection that Episcopacy is inimical to a free government. He next notices, as "another of these extraneous considerations, the comparative standing in piety, as evinced by the usual tokens of moral and spiritual character, of the members respectively of the Episcopal and non-Episcopal churches." A third "suggestion" noticed is, "that the external arrangements of religion are but of inferior importance, and that therefore all scruple concerning the subject before us may be dispensed with." p. 5. A fourth "apparently formidable, yet extraneous difficulty, often raised, is, that Episcopal claims unchurch all non-Episcopal denominations." p. 6. This consequence, the author of the tract says is not by him allowed. "But granting it to the fullest extent," it is asked, "what bearing has it on the truth of the single proposition that Episcopacy is of divine ordinance ?" A fifth among these extraneous points, is "the practice of adducing the authority of individuals, who, although eminent in learning and piety, seem at least to have contradicted themselves or these public standards on the subject of Episcopacy." p. 7. The last objection noticed, as not affecting the ultimate decision of the controversy, is, "that though the examples recorded in scripture should be allowed to favor Episcopacy, still that regimen is not there explicitly commanded." p. 9.

To most of the observations under these several heads, we give our hearty assent. And it will be perceived, that the controversy is thus reduced to very narrow limits; and that, if these principles are correct, numberless tomes which have been written on both sides of the question are totally useless. We are glad, that all this extraneous matter is struck off, and should rejoice if every consideration of this kind were hereafter to be laid out of view.

In discussing the second topic proposed, "the scriptural evidence relating to this controversy," (p. 11.) the first object of Dr. Onderdonk is to state the precise point in debate. It is then observed, that "parity declares that there is but one order of men authorized to minister in sacred things, all of this order being of equal grade, and having inherently equal spiritual rights. Episcopacy declares that the christian ministry was established in three orders, called ever since the apostolic age, bishops, presbyters, or elders, and deacons ; of which the highest only has a right to ordain and confirm, that of general supervision in a diocese, etc." p. 11. The main question is then stated, correctly, to be, that "concerning the superiority of bishops ;" and the object of the essay is to prove, that, according to the new testament, such an order existed, and was clothed with such peculiar powers. p. 11. Let it not be

forgotten, that this is the main point in the case; and that if this is not made out, so as to be binding on the church every where, the claims of Episcopacy fall to the ground.

In endeavoring to establish this point, the author maintains, "that the apostles ordained," and denies that elders (presbyters) ever did. p. 14. In supporting this position, the plan of argument is to show, that "the apostles and elders had not equal power and rights." p. 14. An attempt is, therefore, made to prove that the difference between the two orders is, that the former had the power of ordination, the latter not. In pursuing the reasoning, (p. 16.) the writer endeavors to show, that "there is no scriptural evidence that mere elders (presbyters) ordained." Under this branch of the argument, he examines the texts which have usually been adduced in favor of Presbyterian ordination. Having shown, as he supposes, that these passages do not prove that they did thus ordain, Dr. O. next proceeds to the last branch of the subject, viz., that "this distinction between elders and a grade superior to them, in regard especially to the power of ordaining, was so persevered in, as to indicate that it was a permanent arrangement, and not designed to be but temporary." p. 23.

This is the outline of the argument. It manifestly embraces the essential points of the case. And if these positions cannot be maintained, Episcopacy has no binding obligation on men, and such a claim should be at once abandoned. This argument we propose, with great respect, but with entire freedom, to examine. And we expect to show, that the point is not made out, that the new testament has designated a superior rank of church officers, intrusted with the sole power of ordination, and general superintendence of the church.

In entering on this discussion, we shall first endeavor to ascertain the real point of the controversy, and to show that the scripture authorities appealed to, do not establish the point maintained by Episcopalians. In pursuance of this, we remark, that the burden of proof lies wholly on the friends of Episcopacy. They set up a claim, a claim which they affirm to be binding on all the churches of every age. It is a claim which is specific, and which must be made out, or their whole pretensions fall. In what predicament it may leave other churches, is not the question. It would not prove Episcopacy to be of divine origin, could its friends show that Presbyterianism is unfounded in the scriptures; or that Congregationalism has no claims to support; or that Independency is unauthorized; or even that lay-ordination is destitute of direct support. The question after all might be, whether it was the design of the apostles to establish any particular form of church government, any more than to establish a fixed mode of civil administration? This question we do not intend to examine now, nei

ther do we design to express any opinion on it. We say only, that it is a question on which much may be said, and which should not be considered as settled in this controversy. The specific point to be made out is, that there is scriptural authority for that which is claimed for the bishops. And we may remark further, that this is not a claim which can be defended by any doubtful passages of scripture, or by any very circuitous mode of argumentation. As it is expected to affect the whole organization of the church; to constitute, in fact, the peculiarity of its organization; and to determine, to a great extent at least, the validity of all its ordinances, and its ministry; we have a right to demand that the proof should not be of a doubtful character, or of a nature which is not easily apprehended by the ordinary readers of the new testament.

We repeat, now, as of essential importance in this controversy, that the burden of proof lies on the friends of Episcopacy. It is theirs to make out this specific claim. To decide whether they can do so, is the object of this inquiry.

The first question then, is, What is the claim; or, what is the essential point which is to be made out in the defense of Episcopacy? This claim is stated in the following words: (p. 11.) "Episcopacy declares, that the christian ministry was established in three orders, called, ever since the apostolic age, bishops, presbyters, or elders, [if so, why do they now call the second order priests?] and deacons; of which the highest only has the right to ordain, and confirm, that of the chief administration in a diocese, and that of the chief administration of spiritual discipline, besides enjoying all the powers of the other grades." The main question, as thus stated, relates to the authority of bishops; and the writer adds, “If we cannot authenticate the claims of the Episcopal office, (the office of bishops,) we will surrender those of our deacons, and let all power be confined to the one office of presbyters." The same view of the main point of the controversy is given by Hooker, in his Ecclesiastical polity,-b. vii. § 2.

It will be seen that several claims are here set up in behalf of bishops. One is, the right of ordination; a second, that of confirmation; a third, that of general supervision; a fourth, that of the general administration of discipline. These are separate points to be made out; and a distinct argument might be entered into, to show that neither of them is founded on the authority of the scriptures. To enter on this discussion, would require more time and space than we can now spare. Nor is it necessary, for we presume the Episcopalian would be willing to stake the whole cause on his being able to make out the authority of ordination to lie solely in the bishop. For, obviously, if that cannot be made out, all the other pretensions are good for nothing; and, as the

writer of this tract limits his inquiries to this single point, we shall confine our remarks to this also.

The question, then, is, Has a bishop the sole power of ordaining? Is setting apart to a sacred office,-to the office of preaching, and administering the sacraments, confined in the new testament exclusively to this order of ministers? The Episcopalian claims that it is. We deny it, and ask him for the explicit proof of a point so simple as this, and one which we have a right to expect he will make out, with very great clearness, from the sacred scriptures.

The first proof adduced by the author is, that the apostles had the sole power of ordaining. This is a highly important point in the discussion, or rather, the very hinge of the controversy. We cannot, therefore, but express our surprise, that a writer who can see the value and bearing of an argument so clearly as Dr. Onder donk, should not have thought himself called upon to devote more than two pages to its direct defense; and that, without adducing any explicit passages of the new testament. The argument stated in these two pages, or these parts of three pages, (14, 15, 16.) rests on the assumption, that the apostles ordained. "That the apostles ordained, all agree." Now, if this means any thing to the purpose, it means that they ordained as apostles; or that they were set apart to the apostolic office for the purpose of ordaining. But this we shall take the liberty to deny, and to prove to be an unfounded claim. Having made this assumption, the writer adds, that a distinction is observed in the new testament between "the apostles and elders," " the apostles and elders, and brethren." He next attempts to show, that this distinction was not made because they "were appointed by Christ personally," nor because they had seen our Lord after his resurrection;" nor "because of this power of working miracles:" and then the writer adds, "It follows, therefore, or will not at least be questioned,”a qualification which, by the way, seems to look as if the writer had himself no great confidence in the consecutiveness of the demonstration," that the apostles were distinguished from the elders, because they were superior to them in ministerial power and rights." p. 15. This is the argument; and this is the whole of it. On the making out of this point, depends the stupendous fabric of Episcopacy. Here is the corner-stone, on which rests the claims of bishops; this the position on which the imposing and mighty superstructure has been reared. Our readers will join with us in our amazement, that this point has not been made out with a clearer deduction of arguments, than such as were fitted to lead to the ambiguous conclusion, "it follows, therefore, or-."

Now, the only way of ascertaining whether this claim be well founded, is to appeal at once to the new testament. The question, then, which we propose to settle now, is, Whether the apostles VOL. VI. 2

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