
feel for her; and though I must finish my journey alone, yet it is a very short portion of my pilgrimage which remains to be accomplished." vol. ii. p. 300.

In the autumn of 1820, Mrs. More was violently seized with an obstruction upon the chest, and her death seemed inevitable. The expression of her feelings at this time, is that of a spirit well prepared for its departure, and evinces, that she was making rapid advances in the divine life. A single extract from one of her letters of this date, we cannot withhold :

In the worst of my illness, Cadell wrote to intreat me to preface a new edition of "Moral Sketches" with a short tribute to our lamented king. My friend wrote him word it was utterly impossible, that I might as well attempt to fly as to write A week after, supposing me to be better, he again renewed his intreaty. I was not better, but worse. I fancied, however, that what was difficult might not be impossible. So, having got every body out of the way, I furnished myself with pen, ink, and paper, which I concealed in my bed, and next morning in a high fever, with my pulse above a hundred, without having formed one thought, bolstered up, I began to scribble. I got on about seven pages, my hand being almost as incompetent as my head. I hid my scrawl, and said not a word, while my doctor and my friend wondered at my increased debility. After a strong opiate, I next morning returned to my task of seven pages more, and delivered my almost illegible papers to my friend to transcribe and send away. I got well scolded, but I loved the king, and was carried through by a sort of affectionate impulse; so it stands as a preface to the seventh edition. * The preface is such a meager performance as you would expect from the writer, and the strange circumstances of the writing." vol. ii. pp. 325, 326.


The preface, of which she here speaks so slightingly, is beautifully written, and shows, that the vigor of her mind was by no means gone. From this time she was subject to repeated attacks, which at last entirely undermined her health, and reduced her to a state of helplessness. Indeed, during her whole life, her labors had been in the midst of much suffering. She is said to have mentioned it, as a remarkable circumstance, that the year in which she wrote Moral Sketches,-her seventy-fifth, was the only one she could recollect of her life, during no part of which she had been confined to her bed. In 1824, she extracted from her later works, and combined into a small volume, her thoughts on prayer, which was published under the title of the Spirit of Prayer.

Of the next year, her biographer gives us the following record:

A longer interval of moderate health and spirits new succeeded than she had for many years enjoyed, or was considered possible by her friends. Bordering on the age of eighty-two, she was able to declare she could scarcely recollect any part of her life in which she had been so little confined to her bed as during the last two years.' vol. ii. p. 390.

The correspondence of this period is not less interesting than the preceding, and many, known as of sterling worth in the christian world, shared in it. In 1827, she was called to the trial of quitting her beloved Barley Wood. The circumstances and reasons of this event were painful; but we can only refer our readers to Mr. Roberts' account, vol. ii. p. 415.

We must hasten over the remaining years of her life, and a few extracts present all the necessary information:

Soon after her fixing her abode at Clifton, it was remarked by her more intimate friends, with that sadness of feeling with which we always see, in the case of an eminently gifted person, the approach of the great leveler, that her memory had begun to serve her less faithfully, and to betray her into repetitions and mistakes. Still her vi

vacity maintained a long contest with decaying nature; and though her powers were less uniform, they sparkled occasionally with their accustomed brilliance; and even her wit would sometimes resume its seat, to the surprise of those who were looking daily for the escape of her spirit.' vol. ii. p. 420.

A letter from Dr. Carrick, her physician, to Mr. Roberts, gives us the closing scene. We take from it a single extract :

Towards the end of the year 1832, a still more considerable falling off, both in her mental and bodily powers, was observed to take place. Whether the severe illness and death of her respected and excellent friend Mrs. Roberts, had a decided influence on Mrs. More's state of health, I would not venture to say, but it certainly was about the period of that melancholy event, the latter end of September, that a very marked deterioration of her faculties became observable; but it was not till about two months afterward, the 26th of November, that her intellectual powers sustained the last and greatest shock, upon the translation, as it seemed, of morbid action from the chest to the head. From that period her symptoms underwent but little alteration. *

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For the space of a week [before her death] she scarcely seemed to recognize those about her, with the exception of perhaps one or two individuals. The last day, the seventh of September, she did not speak, but without any painful or convulsive effort, quietly and placidly ceased to breathe.' vol. ii. pp. 426, 427.

To this we may add another, from a somewhat more particular account by Miss Frowd:

'On Friday the sixth of September, 1833, we offered up the morning family devotion by her bedside; she was silent and apparently attentive, with her hands devoutly lifted up. Her face was smooth and glowing. There was an unusual brightness in its expression. She smiled, and endeavoring to raise herself a little from her pillow, she reached out her arms as if catching at something, and while making this effort, she once called "Patty," (the name of her last and dearest sister,) very plainly, and exclaimed," Joy." In this state of quietness and inward peace she remained for about an hour. At half-past nine o'clock, Dr. Carrick


The pulse had become extremely quick and weak. At about

ten, the symptoms of speedy departure could not be doubted. She fell into a dosing sleep, and slight convulsions succeeded, which seemed to be attended with no pain. She breathed softly and looked serene. The pulse became fainter and fainter, and as quick as lightning. It was almost extinct from twelve o'clock, when the whole frame was very serene. With the exception of a sigh or groan, there was nothing but the gentle breathing of infant sleep. Contrary to expectation, she survived the night. At six o'clock on Saturday morning, I sent in for Miss Roberts. She lasted out till ten minutes after one, when I saw the last gentle breath escape; and one more was added to that multitude which no man can number, who sing the praises of God and the Lamb forever and ever." vol. ii. pp. 431, 432.

The volumes, from which we have drawn this sketch,-for we can term it nothing more,-are full of rich and beautiful thought, and well deserve the perusal of all who are desirous (and who, indeed, is not?) of becoming acquainted with Mrs. M's. opinions and feelings, and those of her friends and associates. Seldom are we called to notice the records of an authorship, protracted through so many years, ever receiving its appropriate meed of commendation, undisturbed by any jealousy of rival talent; and more rarely, still, has it been our privilege, to witness such a display of untiring industry, such an unbroken assiduousness of determination, to keep in view the high ends of life,--such an employment of time, springing from a deep consciousness of obligation to Heaven, and maintained amid seasons of illness and sorrow, till the failing powers compelled an almost unwilling release. Flattered as she was, in youth, by the great and the gay; drawn forth, to mingle in the circles of pleasure and fancy; it is strange to us, that she was not entirely spoiled and instead of wondering, that, now and then, vanity peeps out from the folds of her heart, we do wonder, that she so early learned to count all but loss, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ; and that she retired from the gayeties of London, to her cottage retreat, carrying with her no lingering regrets, at leaving a world of fashion,-the theater of her earliest fame, and having derived therefrom, no habits or opinions, which might injure her in that sphere of exalted usefulness, for which Heaven so clearly designed her. This, surely, is proof of a strong mind, a mind too, under the influence of grace, in no common degree. The lesson which it teaches, of the worth of religion, and its sources of enjoyment and consolation, and the example which it offers, to excite to imitation, should never be forgotten. These volumes are rich in materials for many an extended reflection. We must now break from them; but we hope, that our readers will not fail, by their own perusal, to learn their value. In a subsequent number, another hand, we trust, will resume the pen, and exhibit more fully, the constituent excellences of Hannah More's character and writings.






ABOLITION of Slavery, 332: meaning of terms, 333-339.

Academy, U. S. Military,-Report of the Board of Visitors of the, 345: its re-
lations, military, academical, moral, and religious, 346-380: its design, mili-
tary, 348 standard of scholarship high, 353: deficient in moral and religious
instruction, state of morals, 358: infidelity prevalent in, 361: duties re-
specting it, 362.

Adaptation of the body to the intelligence, instincts and wants of the indi-
vidual, 58.

Africans, Mrs. Child's appeal in favor of the, 445.

American Temperance Society,-Seventh Report of the, 593.

Animals, Cuvier's distinction of from plants, 298: his classification of, 301:
vertebrated, its four classes, 304, 305: orders of mammalia described, 306:
Animal body, its functions, 299.

Anti-Slavery Society,-their definition of slavery and emancipation, extracts, 333.
Apostles, not chosen for the distinctive and peculiar work of ordaining, 10:
but as original witnesses, 12.

Ardent Spirits, traffic in, sinful and immoral,-ought to be a penal offense,
606, 607.

Barham, Lord,-his regard for the sabbath, 440.

Bell, Sir Charles,-his Bridgewater Treatise on the Hand, 54.

Benevolence,-circumstances favorable or unfavorable to, at the West, 516, 517.
Biblical use of the word Son, 156-159.

Brain,-dependence of the mind upon it for its exercise, 506: a congeries of or-
gans, 525-528: size of its organs the measure of its power,-in what sense true,
529: difficulties in determining its organs, objections, 536-541.

Burke, Edmund,-character and writings of, 226: a serious man, 227: had a
sacred regard for his opinions, 228: his lamentation on the loss of his son, ex-
tract, 229: his intellect, philosophical, reflecting rather than speculative, 234,
237: not an orator for the people, 238: social and domestic character, 243:
value of his writings, 244–247.

Child, Mrs., Appeal in favor of the Africans, 445: unfair view of prejudices
against people of color exposed,446-450: statements respecting colonizationists
corrected, 451-456.

Christian ministry, power of holiness in the, 542.

religion, influence of, on poetry, 196–208.

Christians, excuses of, for neglecting the contemplation of eternity, etc. 77-80:
reasons of their remissness in this duty,-want of self-denial, of assurance of
hope, 80-83: mistaken views with regard to excited religious feeling, 139:
violations of the sabbath by, 588.

Church, instrumentality of the, in the conversion of the world, 559.

Claims of the West, 513-524

Combe, George and Andrew, works on phrenology, 497–501.
Colleges, needed at the West, 522, 523.

Coleridge, S. T.-his character as a poet, philosopher, etc. 617-629: demands
of his readers, a voluntary production of consciousness, 618: philosophical
opinions not derived from Plato, or the English Platonists, but from Kant, etc.
619, 620 his distinction between reason and understanding considered, 621-
624 his views on inductive reasoning, 626: obscurity of his philosophical
writings, 627, 628.

Competency of reason, how limited, 260.

Conscience,-Dymond's view of its nature and authority, 412.

Cornelius, Rev. Elias,-memoir of, 308-331: his early life, and his conversion in
college, 312: Agent of the A. B. C. F. M. at the south, his success, 315: col-

league with Dr. Worcester, 316: secretary of American Education Society,
intercourse with the beneficiaries, spirit and discharge of duty in this office,
316-319 secretary of Presbyterian Education Society, and corresponding
secretary of the A. B. C. F. M., 320: his character in social and domestic life,
321--323: as a public agent, 324, 325 : intellectual, religious and pastoral char-
acter, 326-328.

Cuvier, Baron,-memoir of, 291: his early life and proficiency, 292-295: honors
conferred upon him, 296: his great work, The Animal Kingdom, described,
299-308: sensation and motion the grounds of his system, 300: his Fossil
Anatomy described, 458-460: Eulogy on Priestly, and extracts, 463, 464:
Lectures on the progress and history of the natural sciences, 466-470: his
private history, loss of his daughter, his character in social life, etc. 470-474.
Cuyler, Rev. Dr.-his discourse on the death of Dr. G. R. Livingston, 187.
Depravity,--a state of the will itself, an inordinate love of self, 144.

Dick, Thomas, LL. D.-on the general improvement of society, 632: character
of his work, 638.

Divine Influence,--manly views of, 286.

Sovereignty and Election, 151-153.

Doctrinal Truths, of great practical importance, 141: the foundation of right af
fections, the reasons of precepts, 142: influence of, on the intellectual pow
ers, 143.

Drunkard, reason why his reformation is so difficult, 375.

Dymond, his Essay on Morality, etc. 406 his views of expediency, 410: of
conscience, 412: on insolvency and bankruptcy, 415, 416: of slavery, 418: of
litigation, 421 of promises, etc. 422.

Education, academical,--moral science as a branch of, 561.
Efficacious prayer, 250: idea of objections answered, 253-256.

Efforts of religion upon the advancement of knowledge, 649-654.

Emancipation, Immediate,-meaning of, by Anti-Slavery Convention, extract,
334 by Rev. A. A. Phelps, 338: by Anti-Slavery Society in Lane Seminary,
336: Dymond's views of, 418.

Emigrants to the West,-character of those needed, 524: number of, who have
landed at Quebec, etc.,-effect on this country, 583.

Episcopacy tested by scripture, 1-36: origin and character of this tract, 1: outline
of Dr. Onderdonk's argument, 5-7 : burden of proof lies on Episcopalians, 7:
their claims, 8, 9: the argument examined and refuted, 10–33.

Eternity Realized, 73-88: nature and importance of eternity and eternal things,
74-77: excuses of christians for neglecting them considered, 77-80: Reasons
of their remissness in this duty, 80-83.

Expediency, the doctrine of, Dymond's objection to, 410 may be a subordi-
nate rule, 411.

Fanaticism, 118-140: author's definition of, 121: the offspring of enthusiasm,
129 varieties, 131 : rise and progress of the malign emotions in, 121–126.
Female Character,-to be formed by a union of cultivated intellect and taste
with fervent piety, 393.

Fossil Anatomy,--Čuvier's, described, 458–460.

Graham, Miss Mary Jane,-memoirs of, 381: her early conversion, 2-2. apos-
tasy, 383-385: her return to God, 386: studies and pursuits, 388-391: illness
and death, 392, 393: her intellectual and spiritual character, 394–396.
Habit,-Philosophy and Influence of, with relation to intemperance, 370.
Hand,-Mechanism and Vital Endowments of the, 54--73.

Hart, Rev. Luther,-Sketch of his Life and Character, 470: early life, conver
sion, his college life, 475--479: his character as a man, an author, preacher,
pastor, and his success, 479: author of a Doctrinal tract on Presbyterian Ordi-
nation, 486: articles furnished by him to the Christian Spectator, 489: favors
New-Haven Theology, 492: his death, etc. 494.

Heaven, realizing views of,-how obtained, 83--87: an end of suffering, 83:
perfection in knowledge, 84: society of, and communion with, exalted beings
and with God, 85: eternal progress in blessedness, 86.

Hill, Rev. Rowland,--Life of, 426--445: his ancestry and family, early conver
sion, etc. 427 a lay preacher, 428: ordination and success in the ministry,
429, 430: his personal appearance, characteristics as a preacher, peculiarities,

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