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of Christians, throughout the world, to In closing his report, Mr. C. remarks. pray for the universal extension of the “I have witnessed some of the Redeemer's kingdom! Two or three sweetest consolations of religion afforil. dollars a year for such a luxury, ed to the sick and dying followers of would appear trifling. The good ac- the Lamb, in the lowest walks of life, complished by our missionary, then, that I have ever seen in any circumwe must account clear gain. Let us

And I have witnessed some keep in mind, too, that an important of the most distressing and appaling object of our meetings is, to pray for scenes I ever saw, in the afflictions of missionaries. And if we wish ours to those of an opposite character. be a faithful and successful laborer, “Surely there is a God. Surely we must pray much for him.

there is an eternity of rewards and Mr. Collier further remarks: punishments.”

As to my daily visits and conversa- We close by reminding you, that tion from house to house, among the many among us may sing with the poor, sick and well, there are no limits poet: to such services, excepting my time « 'Tis almost done, 'tis almost o'er, and ability.

We're following those who 're gone before; “ I have not kept a list of the fami

We soon shall reach the peaceful shore,

Where we shall meet to part no more." lies, cept where I have thought it might be useful to repeat my visits.

In behalf of the Board of Managers of such I have a list of nearly 300, of the Boston Baptist Female Society and if circumstances permitted, it might for Missionary Purposes, be greatly increased.

M. WEBB, Secr’y. « To children, and young persons, N. B. During many years, the SoI have given particular attention; en- ciety has enjoyed the pleasure of an couraged their joining Sabbath Schools, extensive correspondence with female and Bible Classes; and have succeeded benevolent societies. It will be pleasin some instances, where it has evi, ant to continue this. Letters may be dently been promotive of the cause of directed to the Secretary, to the care morality, in the observance of the of Messrs Lincoln & Edmands, No. 59 Lord's-day, and the interests of Bibli- Washington-Street. cal instruction. Have assisted in getting several children into week day schools. And here it is proper to acknowledge the timely and efficient aid The Baptist Board of Foreign Misof the “ Priscilla Society," established sions have the prospect of establishing for the express purpose of forwarding the benevolent design of your Society several new stations among the Indians by furnishing needsul articles of cloth- west of the Mississippi, and would, ing, to enable the poor to attend pub- therefore, be pleased to receive inforlic worship, and Sabbath Schools.

mation of suitable men to be employed “I have been induced to attempt the establishment of a Religious Reading in the undertaking. It will be readily Room, Lord's day mornings, where I perceived that the service is important, have heretofore preached in the after and will require intelligence—that it noon. In this I have been much assist. ed by the persevering efforts of brother is self-denying, and will demand well N. W. Bradstreet, as I also have by established piety in any minister who himself, and other christian brethren, may engage in it. No one should atin various other of my meetings. tempt it without having previously The value of this aid is inestimable. The presence of such, serves not only contemplated the sacrifices to be made, to strengthen the Missionary in his ar- and deliberately settled the question duous labors, but to encourage the that he is prepared to make them. attendance of other persons. Mr. Conant, my predecessor, justly observed, Satisfactory references will be requirthat he found the interest of the un. ed. Proposals rnay be addressed to the awakened to revive or decline, in pro- subscriber, at the Baptist Missionary portion as they were countenanced by Rooms, No. 52 Washington-St. Boston. the presence of the people of God. Ev.

L. BOLLES, Cor. Sec. ery private brother has an opportunity of thus becoming a city Missionary. Boston, Dec. 1830.



Moneys received by the Treasurer of the Newton Theological Institution,

from Oct. 1, to Nov. 20, 1830.
From Dea. Joseph White, West Boylston,

Ezra Newton,

Dea. Brown,

Jesse Curtis,

1,00 Amasa Lovel,

2,00 Estate of C.H. Snow, Do.

10,00 Interest on the above, being annual subcriptions, not paid when due, 1,96 69,96 From the First Baptist Church and Society in Cambridge,

50,94 Education Box at female prayer meeting, Do.

3,58 Female Bevevolent Society,


43,98 Dea. Josiah Bacun, Newton,


178,46 LEVI FARWELL, Treas.

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Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of the General Convention of

the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions,

from Oct. 15, to Nov. 25, 1830. From Mr. William Gault, Treasurer of the New Hampshire Bap. State Convention, 200,00

Amasa Brown, Treasurer of the Black River Baptist Missionary Society, per
hand of Mr. C. L. Roberts, for Burman Mission,




120,00 Less for exchanging money,

119,40 Mrs. Sally Vanderpool, Treasurer of the Newark Bap. Fem. Miss. Society,

50,00 Addison Miss. Suc. Aux. &c. (Maine) per hand of T. 'Coffin, Esq. For. Miss.

8,00 Miss. and Ed. Soc. connected with the Sturbridge Assoc. for Bur. Mission, per Rev. Z. L. Leonard, Treasurer,

47,17 Dea. N. Stowell, Treas. of the Massachusetts Baptist State Convention, having

been contributed as follows, viz.
By Ministers Meeting in Berkshire Association, for Burman Mission, 59,73
Collection at the monthly concert of prayer at Pittsfield,

Westfield Association, for Burman Mission,

Foreign Mission,

Mr. B. Taylor, of Lebanon Springs, for Burman Mission,


236,31 Dea. N. Stowell, Treas. of Mass. Bap. State Conv.contrib. as follows: By the church in Windsor,

42,92 Mr. Ira Hall, for Burman Bible,


46,92 1. Collamore, Tieas, of Old Colony Assoc. for Bur. Miss. per Lincoln & Edmands, 16,81 Miss P. Upham, Treas. of Fem. Miss. Soc. Foxboro', per Mr. H. Cain,

6,75 Nathan Alden, Esq.* of East Bridgewater, for Burman Mission,

5,00 Female Miss. Soc. of Lower Dublin, Penn. for Bur. Miss. per Rev. D. Jones 36,25 A donation from the Feinale Society of Holinesburg, per same,

Young Ladies Sewing Do.

per same,

By Rev. S. Huggens,

56,25 Rev. Daniel Haskell, Treas. of Madison For. Miss. Soc. Aux. &c. (N. Y.)

50,00 "A female friend to missions," for Burman Mission,

35,00 Fem. Juv. Soc. connected with the 2nd Baptist church and society, Boston, to aid

in the education of an Indian child, called Margaret B. Doyle at Carey Sta-
tion, per hand of Mr. Chorley,

23,45 Mrs. Hannah Carleto 1, of Boston, for printing the Bible in Burmah,

50,00 J. Billings, jr. Esq. Treas. of Vermont State Convention, por Rev. E. Thresher, 300,00 Essex Missionary Society, N. Y. per Rev. E. Thresher,

20,50 cash, being proceeds of four bushels 'of chestnuts, from Jonathan Whitney, of Conway, Mass. for Burian Mission,

5,00 From Mr. Jonas Evans, for translation of the Scriptures, per Mr. John B. Jones,

5,00 Mr. Amos Hyde, it having been collected at a missionary prayer meeting at Newton Upper Falls,

13,25 Mrs. P. Fisher, Dedhain, for Burman Bible, per Rev. Thomas Driver,

5,00 Mrs. Sarah Taft, Secretary of the Female Baptist Missionary Society of Heath, per Alr. T. S. Taft, for the Burman Mission,

5,37 Rev. C. D. Mallary, Augusta, Geo. being his annual payment towards Burman Translations, per Rev. W. T. Brantly,

10,00 Baptist Church in Horton, N. S. for printing Burman Bible, per Mr. A. Chapin, 11,17

HEMAN LINCOLN, Treas. * Five dollara which was sent with the above has been handed to Mr. E. Lincoln, for the Rock Spring Seminary.

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Education Department,

Education Society of Warren Association, 318
Effect of different modes of address in preacbing, 141
Efforts in India to spread the Gospel,

English Baptist Mission,

Enthusiasm in Devotion,

Encouragements to Missionary Efforts,

Exhilarating Effects of Missions,

Eve and Mary Compared,



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Babcock, Rev. Rufus, Jr. Review of his Sermon, 49
Baptist General Association of Virginia,

Baptist General Tract Society,

61, 191
Baptist General Convention, Donations to 63, 96, 128,

223, 288, 316, 352, 382
Baptist Missionary Rooms,

Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, Annual
Meeting of,

Baptist Board of Foreign Missions, Report of, 106
Bap. Miss. Soc. of Mass. Report of the Board, 216

of the Treas. 255
Baptist Youth's Missionary Society, N. Y. 212, 282
Bennett, Rev. Cephas, Letter from,

Bennett, Mrs. Letter from,

Bible for every fantily,

Bible Dictionary, Review of,

Boardman, Rev. G. D. Letters from, 21, 146, 147, 348

Journals of, 22, 51,87,

212, 246, 3 to, 345, 367
Boston Female Missionary Society,

Boston Baptist Association,

Boston Bap. For. Miss. Society, Report of, 376
British and Foreign Bible Society,

Brown, Miss Betsy, Memoir of,

Barman Mission, Intelligence from, 11, 51, 119,

143, 181, 209, 271, 310, 345, 367
Burmal, Good devised for,

125, 154
Burton, Rev. Mr. Letter from,

Bunyan, Rev. John, Review of his works, 364

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Carey, Rev. Dr. Letter from,
Charleston Baptist Association,
Charge to a young minister,
Charity Anniversary Sermons,



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Macedonian Cry,

Magistrates, their province,
M'Coy, Rev. Mr. Letter from,

Massachusetts Bible Society,

Meeker, Jotham, Letter from,

Meeting houses opened, 32, 90, 160, 255, 256
Memoir of Mrs. Judson,
Mercer, Rev. Jesse, Letters from,

54, 182
Mills, Rev. Samuel J. Review of his Memoir, 18
Middlesex and Norfolk Missionary Soclety, 192

Treas. Account, 223
Missionary Meetings in Maine,

Missionary Ships,

Missionaries Wanted,

Ministerial Uscfulness,

Monument to Mrs. Judson,


Sabbath, Mr. Train's Lettei on,

Sabbath Schools in the Valley of the Mississippi, 35I
Sabbath School Union,
Savannah River Association,

Secret of British Christian Munificence,

Sharp, Rev. Dr. Review of his sermon,

Slater, L. Letter from,

Someren, Mr. Letter from,

Spirits, on the use of ardent,

Staughton, Rev. Dr. Death of,
St. Salvador, Intelligence from,

Stow, Rev. Mr. Address of, on Intemperance,
State Conventions,

Summerfield, Rev. Joha, Review of his Memoirs,

78, 109
Systematic Benevolence,


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