
required great modification of the fore-leg and foot of the Lizard, to fit it for such cetaceous habits. The extremities were to be converted into fins instead of feet, and as such we shall find them to combine even a still greater union of elasticity with strength, than is presented by the fin or paddle of the Whale. Plate 12, Fig. 1, shows the short and strong bones of the arm (e), and those of the fore arm (f, g); and beyond these the series of polygonal bones that made up the phalanges of the fingers. These polygonal bones vary in number in different species, in some exceeding one hundred; they differ also in form from the phalanges both of Lizards and Whales; and derive, from their increase of number, and change of dimensions, an increase of elasticity and power. The arm and hand thus converted into an elastic oar or paddle, when covered with skin, must have much resembled externally the undivided paddle of a Porpoise or Whale. The position also of the paddles on the anterior part of the body was nearly the same; to these were superadded posterior extremities, or hind fins, which are wanting in the cetacea, and which possibly make compensation for the absence of their flat horizontal tail: these hind paddles in the Ichthyosaurus are nearly by one half smaller than the anterior paddles.*

In the Ornithorhynchus, also, the membranous expansion, or web of the hind feet, is very much less than that on the fore foot.

Mr. Conybeare remarks, with his usual acumen, that "the reasons of this variation from the proportions of the posterior extremities of quadrupeds in general, are the same which lead to a similar diminution of the analogous parts in Seals, and their total disappearance in the cetacea, namely, the necessity of placing the centre of the organs of motion, when acting laterally, before the centre of gravity. For the same reason, the wings of birds are placed in the fore part of their body, and the centre of the moving forces given to ships by their sails, and to steamboats by their paddles, is similarly placed. The great organ of motion in fishes, the tail, is indeed posteriorly placed, but this by its mode of action generates a vis a tergo, which impels the animal straight forwards, and does not therefore operate under the same conditions with organs laterally applied." G. T. V. 5, p. 579.

I shall conclude this detailed review of the peculiarities of one of the most curious, as well as the most ancient, among the many genera of extinct reptiles presented to us by Geology, with a few remarks on the final causes of those deviations from the normal structure of its proper type, the Lizard; under which the Ichthyosaurus combines in itself the additional characters of the fish, the Whale, and Ornithorhynchus. As the form of vertebræ by which it is associated with the class of fishes, seems to have been

introduced for the purpose of giving rapid motion in the water to a Lizard inhabiting the element of fishes; so the further adoption of a structure in the legs, resembling the paddles of a Whale, was superadded in order to convert these extremities into powerful fins. The still further addition of a furcula and clavicles, like those of the Ornithorhynchus, offers a third and not less striking example of selection of contrivances, to enable animals of one class to live in the element of another class.

If the laws of co-existence are less rigidly maintained in the Ichthyosaurus, than in other extinct creatures which we discover amid the wreck of former creations, still these deviations are so far from being fortuitous, or evidencing imperfection; that they present examples of perfect appointment and judicious choice, pervading and regulating even the most apparently anomalous aberrations.

Having the vertebræ of a fish, as instruments of rapid progression; and the paddles of a Whale, and sternum of an Ornithorhynchus, as instruments of elevation and depression; the reptile Ichthyosaurus united in itself a combination of mechanical contrivances, which are now distributed among three distinct classes of the animal kingdom. If, for the purpose of producing vertical movements in the water, the sternum of the living Ornithorhynchus assumes

forms and combinations that occur but in one other genus of Mammalia, they are the same that co-existed in the sternum of the Ichthyosaurus of the ancient world; and thus, at points of time, separated from each other by the intervention of incalculable ages, we find an identity of objects effected by instruments so similar, as to leave no doubt of the unity of the design in which they all originated.

It was a necessary and peculiar function in the economy of the fish-like Lizard of the ancient seas, to ascend continually to the surface of the water in order to breathe air, and to descend again in search of food; it is a no less peculiar function in the Duck-billed Ornithorhynchus of our own days, to perform a series of similar movements in the lakes and rivers of New Holland.

The introduction to these animals, of such aberrations from the type of their respective orders, to accommodate deviations from the usual habits of these orders, exhibits an union of compensative contrivances, so similar in their relations, so identical in their objects, and so perfect in the adaptation of each subordinate part, to the harmony and perfection of the whole; that we cannot but recognize throughout them all, the workings of one and the same eternal principle of Wisdom and Intelligence, presiding from first to last over the total fabric of Creation.




FROM the teeth and organs of locomotion, we come next to consider those of digestion in the Ichthyosaurus. If there be any point in the structure of extinct fossil animals, as to which it should have seemed hopeless to discover any kind of evidence, it is the form and arrangement of the intestinal organs; since these soft parts, though of prime importance in the animal economy, yet being suspended freely within the cavity of the body, and unconnected with the skeleton, would leave no traces whatever upon the fossil bones.

It is impossible to have seen the large apparatus of teeth, and strength of jaws, which we have been examining in the Ichthyosauri, without concluding that animals furnished with such powerful instruments of destruction, must have used them freely in restraining the excessive population of the ancient seas. This inference has been fully confirmed by the recent discovery within their skeletons, of the half digested remains of fishes and reptiles, which they had devoured, (see Pl. 13, 14,), and by the further

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