Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, Volume 2

Ishi Press International, 2010 - 322 pages
This is "The Kinsey Report," the famous work that almost everybody has heard of, but almost nobody has read. The Kinsey Reports together sold three-quarters of a million copies and were translated in thirteen languages. They may be considered as part of the most successful and influential scientific books of the 20th century. However, almost all sales were in the first year of publication. Since then, the books have been reprinted only once, that being by Indiana University Press in 1998. There are actually two Kinsey reports, one for the human male and human female. The Report on the human female addresses the hot topic of what percentage of all married women commit adultery. (The surprising answer is: About the same as the percentage of married men who commit adultery.) Because the Kinsey reports are lengthy, they have each been divided into two volumes here. Volume one of this book, "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male," is about the history and method of this study and the Factors of Sexual Outlet, such as age, marital status and religion. Volume two is about sources of Sexual Outlet, including masturbation, pre-marital intercourse, marital intercourse, extra-marital intercourse, sex with animals and homosexuality. It includes the most famous and much disputed finding of this book, which is that 10% of all men are exclusively homosexual.

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