Why Stomach Acid Is Good for You: Natural Relief from Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux and GERD

M. Evans, 2001 - 208 ˹éÒ
This groundbreaking book unleashes a brilliant new plan for permanently curing heartburn by relieving the root cause of the problem: low stomach acid. The fact is that heartburn is caused by too little stomach acid -- not too much, as many doctors profess. As explained in this book, the current practice of reducing stomach acid may be a temporary fix, but this fix comes at a cost to our long-term health that is being ignored by the pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, and the thousands of physicians that prescribe anti-acid drugs like Prilosec, Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid, and others.



The Myth of Acid Indigestion
Why Stomach Acid Is Your Friend
How the Upper GI Tract Works Basically

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