¤é¹ËÒ ¤é¹ÃÙ» Maps Play YouTube ¢èÒÇ Gmail ä´Ã¿ì Í×è¹æ »
" The precision of the features, focusing even on the less attractive details... "
The Uffizi: The Official Guide : All of the Works - ˹éÒ 46
â´Â Gloria Fossi - 1999 - 191 ˹éÒ
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Paul Blanchard - 2004 - 202 ˹éÒ
...figures are immersed in an atmosphere of crystalline purity and bathed in a diffuse morning light. The precision of the features, focusing even on the less attractive details (Federigo's nose was chipped in a tournament], and of the meticulously rendered landscape background...
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