

KOCHLER, F. (EDITOR). Frei und gewiss im Glauben. Beiträge zur Vertiefung in das Wesen der christlichen Religion. 35 Referate aus der Arbeit der "Religiösen Diskussionsabende." Pfarrer in Berlin. Berlin: Arthur Glaue Verlag, 1909. vii+204 pages. M. 2.

This collection of papers represents an effort to correlate freedom in religious thinking with that demand for certitude which is essential to all religion. The discussions are grouped under five headings which consider themes relating to the introduction to the study of the Christian religion, questions of philosophy, of New Testament interpretation, of the problems of faith and morality, of church practice and present religious sentiment. It is inevitable that in so small a volume so wide a field of discussion can only be outlined. The papers by Harnack and Kaftan particularly are given in barest outline. Yet the collection as a whole presents effectively the views of those who, while demanding emancipation from all theological traditions, insist upon the power of "the historically given gospel." A few papers are of very limited interest because they deal with church problems of a national type.

HUCKEL, OLIVER. Mental Medicine. Some Practical Suggestions from a Spiritual Standpoint. Five Conferences with Students at the Johns Hopkins Medical School. With an Introduction by Llewellys F. Barker, M.D. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. xxxii+219 pages.

These addresses were given "as an illustration of the new suggestive thought of the physical aspects of spiritual work." A psychotherapy is advocated "which makes the very least possible use of hypnotism, and which depends largely on methods of absolute sincerity with the patient, and the re-education of the mentality with the conscious co-operation of the patient." The discussion is popular rather than scientific. The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson, D.D., LL.D. (editor-in chief), with the assistance of Charles Colebrook Sherman, and George William Gilmore, M.A. (associate editors). Vol. IV, Draeseke-Goa; Vol. V, Goar-Innocent. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1909. xv+500 and xvi+508 pages. $5.00 per volume.

The volumes of this work are appearing with pleasing rapidity. The general character of the encyclopedia as indicated by the previous volumes continues unchanged. The large German element, the conservative attitude on biblical and theological matters, and the disproportionate emphasis upon biographies are still evident. But, notwithstanding, the volume constitutes a valuable work of reference. The more important articles in the fourth volume are "Easter," "Eastern Church," "Egypt," "Church of England," "Enlightenment" (by Troeltsch), "Ethics," "Evolution," "Exegesis," "Faith," "Francis of Assisi," and "French Revolution." The bibliographies attached to the larger articles are fairly full and fresh, and constitute one of the best elements in the encyclopedia.

Among items of theological interest in the fifth volume are articles on "God" and "Immortality," each giving in the main merely a survey of past and present opinions. Several topics of special interest to Bible students come up for treatment. There is a

good descriptive article on "Hammurabi and His Code," closing with a few cautious remarks about the Babylonian antecedents of the Hebrew laws. There is also a lengthy article upon "Hebrew Language and Literature," two-thirds of which describes the Hebrew language and poetry. One of the American editors has added a brief and very general discussion of Old Testament literature. A wholly fresh treatment of the subject might better have served the needs of the readers for whom this work is intended. In the article "Hexateuch" one looks for a more thorough discussion of some of the vital problems of Old Testament study. Space enough has been appropriated for a substantial contribution, but the subject-matter proves disappointing. The first five pages, condensing the original article of Strack, gives a none too lucid summary of the documentary method of explaining the origin of the Hexateuch, and an equal amount of space is taken by Davis to present the traditional view of the Mosaic authorship of the entire Pentateuch. The first part of the article is scarcely more than a general survey of critical opinion, while the writer of the second part seems to assume that the reader has no critical interest in the subject.

In the New Testament field, Nash writes briefly but illuminatingly upon "Gospel and Gospels." He fittingly remarks upon the need of attention to the historical situation in which the gospels arose if one would understand these writings, but the literary problem in connection with their origin is largely neglected. Moderately critical results as to date are advocated. Mark is placed shortly before 70 A. D., Luke between 70 and 80, Matthew between 75 and 90. The authorship of the first three gospels is not discussed, but the Fourth Gospel, in essentially its present form, is thought to come from the apostle John while at Ephesus during the last decade of the first century. The summary of Zahn's article on "Hebrews" is the other principal contribution in the field of New Testament introduction.

Several topics of more general interest, e. g., "Missions to the North American Indians," add to the usefulness of the work.


The more important books in this list will be reviewed at length.


Clarke, William Newton. Sixty Years with the Bible. A Record of Experience. New York: Scribner, 1909. 259 pages. $1.25.

Picton, J. Allanson. Man and the Bible. A Review of the Place of the Bible in Human History. New York: Henry Holt; London: Williams & Norgate, 1909. 334 pages.



Mosesagen in Israel und Juda. Die Entwicklung des Gilgameschepos. Mit zwei Abbildungen. (Leipziger Semitistische Studien V, 1.) Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1909. 84 pages. M. 1.80.


Bacon, Benjamin W. Commentary on
the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians.
(The Bible for Home and School.)
New York: Macmillan, 1909. 135
pages. $0.50.

Bacon, Benjamin W. The Founding of the Church. (Modern Religious Problems, edited by Ambrose White Vernon.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. 90 pages. $0.50. Carus, Paul. The Pleroma. Kautzsch.

Die Heilige Schrift des Alten Testaments in Verbindung mit Professoren Budde, Guthe, Hölscher, Holzinger, Kamphausen, Kittel, Löhr, Marti, Rothstein und Steuernagel übersetzt und herausgegeben von E.

Dritte, völlig neu gearbeitete, mit Einleitungen und Erklarungen zu den einzelnen Büchern versehene Auflage. Dreizehnte bis fünfzehnte Lieferung. Tübingen: Mohr, 1909. 769-952 pages. M. 2.40. Eiselen, Frederick C. Prophecy and the Prophets, New York: Eaton & Mains, 1909. 331 pages. $1.50. Kropat, Arno. Die Syntax des Autors der Chronik verglichen mit der seiner Quellen. Ein Beitrag zur historischen Syntax des Hebräischen. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, XVI.) Giessen: Töpelmann, 1909. viii+94 pages. M.


Merx, A. Der Messias oder Te'eb der Samaritaner, nach bisher unbekannten Quellen. Mit einem Gedächtniswort von K. Marti. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft XVII.) Giessen: Töpelmann, 1909. 92 pages. M. 5. Mitchell, H. G. Genesis. (The Bible for Home and School.) New York: Macmillan, 1909. vii+379 pages.

$0.90. Schneider, H. Zwei Aufsätze zur Religionsgeschichte Vorderasiens: Die Entwicklung der Jahureligion und der

An essay

on the origin of Christianity. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1909. 164 pages. $1.00.

Dibelius, Martin. Die Geisterwelt im Glauben des Paulus. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 1909. 250 pages. M. 7.

Dobschütz, Ernst von. Die Thessalonicher-Briefe, völlig neu bearbeitet. (Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament. 10 Abteilung. 7 Auflage. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck u. Ruprecht, 1909. x+320 pages. M. 6.40.

Granbery, John Cowper. Outline of New Testament Christology. (Historical and Linguistic Studies in Literature Related to the New Testament. Second Series. Linguistic and Exegetical Studies, Vol. II, Part I.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1909. $0.56. 127 pages. Hautsch, Ernst. Die Evangelienzitate des Origenes. (Texte und Unter suchungen zur Geschichte der alt christlichen Literatur, 34. Band, Heft 20.) Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1909. 169 pages. M. 5.50.

Hemmer, Hippolyte. Les Pères Apostoliques, II: Clement de Rome. Epître aux Corinthiens, homélie du iie siècle.

(Textes et documents pour l'étude historique du Christianisme.) Paris: Picard et Fils, 1909. lxxvii +204 pages. F 3.

Hughes, H. Maldwyn. The Ethics of Jewish Apocryphal Literature.


don: Culley, 1909. 340 pages. 55. Pick, Bernhard. The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1909. 376 pages. $1.25.

Plummer, Alfred. An Exegetical Com

mentary on the Gospel according to St. Matthew. New York: Scribner, 1909. xiii+451 pages. $3.00. Preuschen, Erwin. Vollständiges

Griechisch-Deutsches Handwörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der übrigen urchristlichen Literatur. Sechste Lieferung. Giessen: Töpelmann, 1909. Pages 801-960. M. 1.80.

Scott, Ernest F. The Historical and Religious Value of the Fourth Gospel. (Modern Religious Problems, edited by Ambrose White Vernon.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. 83 pages. $0.50.

Soden, Hans von. Das lateinische Neue Testament in Afrika zur Zeit Cyprians, nach Bibelhandschriften und Väterzeugnissen. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, Band 33.) Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1909. 663 pages. M. 21. Stalker, James. The Ethic of Jesus according to the Synoptic Gospels. New York: Armstrong, 1909. xii+402 pages. $1.75.

Tyson, Stuart Lawrence. The Teaching of Our Lord as to the Indissolubility of Marriage. Sewanee, Tenn: University Press, 1909. 90 pages. $0.75. Zahn, Theodor. Introduction to the New Testament. Translated from the third German edition by J. M. Trout, W. A. Mather, L. Hodous, E. S. Worcester, W. H. Worrell, and R. B. Dodge under the direction of Melancthon W. Jacobus. In three volumes. New York: Scribner, 1909.

CHURCH HISTORY Braasch, D. A. H. Die religiösen Strömmungen der Gegenwart. Zweite Auflage. (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt. 66. Bändchen.) Leipzig: Teubner, 140 pages. M. 1.25.



Etudes de critique et d'histoire religieuse. Deuxième série: L'institution formelle de l'église par le Christ, les origines de la confession sacramentelle, question du service militaire chez les premiers chrétiens, la question de l'âme des femmes au concile de Mâcon, l'hérésie albigeoise au temps d'Innocent III, la nature du pouvoir coercitif de l'église, par l'abbé E. Vacandard. Paris: Gabalda et Cie, 1909. 308 pages. Fr. 3.50.

Feret, P. La Faculté de Théologie de Paris et ses docteurs les plus célèbres. Epoque moderne. Tome septième. xviiie siècle. Revue litteraire. Paris:

Picard et Fils, 1910. vi + 563



Jordan, Louis, H. Modernism in Italy. Its Origin, Its Incentive, Its Leaders and Its Aims. London: Frowde, 1909. 48 pages. Jordan, Louis Henry and Labanca, Baldassare. The Study of Religion in the Italian Universities. London: Frowde, 1909. xxviii+324 pages. $2.00. Krehbiel. Edward B. The Interdict: Its History and Its Operation. With especial attention to the time of Pope Innocent III, 1198-1216. Washington, D. C.: American Historical Assn., 1909. 192 pages. $1.50. Pisani, P. L'église de Paris et la révolution. II, 1792-1796. (Bibliothèque d'histoire religieuse.) Paris: Picard, et Fils, 1909. 424 pages. Fr. 3.50. Schwartz, Eduard and Mommsen, Theodor. Eusebius Werke. Zweiter Band. Die Kirchengeschichte mit der lateinischen Uebersetzung des Rufinus. Dritter Teil. Einleitungen, Uebersichten und Register. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1909. cclxxii +216 pages. M. 12.


Burton, Ernest DeWitt; Smith, John Merlin Powis; and Smith, Gerald Birney. Biblical Ideas of Atonement. Their History and Significance. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1909. 335 pages. $1.11. Burton, Marion Le Roy. The Problem of Evil. A criticism of the Augustinian point of view. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Co., 1909. 234 pages. $1.25.

Dykes, J. Oswald. The Divine Worker in Creation and Providence. The twenty-first series of Cunningham

Lectures. New York: Scribner, 1909. xvi+336 pages. $2.25. Gardeil, A. Le Donne Revèle et la théologie. (Bibliothèque théologique.) Paris: Gabalda et Cie, 1910. xxvii+ 372 pages. Fr. 3.50.

Hyde, William DeW. Sin and Its Forgiveness. (Modern Religious Problems, edited by Ambrose White Vernon.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. 116 pages. $0.50. Knox, George William. The Gospel of Jesus the Son of God. An interpretation for the modern man. (Modern Religious Problems. Edited by Ambrose White Vernon.) Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. 119 pages. $0.50.

Leckie, H. H. Authority in Religion. New York: Scribner, 1909. vi+237 pages. $2.00.

Scholz, Heinrich. Christentum


Wissenschaft in Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre. Berlin: Arthur Glaue, 1909. ix+208 pages. M. 3.25.

Walker, W. C. The Gospel of Reconciliation or At-one-ment. New York: Scribner, 1909. vi+245 pages. $2.00.


Ballard, Frank. The People's Religious Difficulties. A selection from more than 3,000 questions asked and answered at open conferences following_lectures upon Christian foundations. London: Culley, 1909. xxxvi+ 604 pages. 35.6d. Ballard, Frank. Social Questions and Socialism. Being Part V of The People's Religious Difficulties. London: Culley, 1909. xi+115 pages. 6d. Hilbert, Gerhard, Christentum und Wissenschaft. Zweite, verbesserte Auflage. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1909. 176 pages. M. 3. Mignot, Mgr. L'église et la critique. Paris: Gabalda et Cie, 1910. xi+315 pages. Fr. 3.50.


Leuba, James H. The Psychological Origin and the Nature of Religion. (Religions Ancient and Modern.) Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1909. 95 pages. $0.40.

Louis, M. Doctrines religieuses des philosophes grecs. (Bibliothèque d'histoire des religions.) Paris: Lethielleux, 1909. vii+374 pages. Fr. 4.


Abbott, Lyman. The Temple. New York: Macmillan, 1909. 171 pages. $1.25.

Briggs, Charles Augustus. Church Unity. Studies of its most important problems. New York: Scribner, 1909. 459 pages. $2.50.

Burrell, David James. The Cloister Book, for Shut-in Worshipers and Pastorless Congregations. New York: American Tract Society, 1909. 340 pages. $1.00.

Corlett, J. Shimmin. Christ and the Churches. (The Methodist Pulpit Library.) London: Culley, 1909. 208 pages.

2s. 6d.

Haupt, Hans. Staat und Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. (Studien zur praktischen Theologie, 3. Band, Heft 3.) Giessen: Töpelmann, 1909. 76 pages. M. 1.75. Heaton, Ellis W. The Problems of Poverty in the Light of Christian Principles. London: Culley, 1909. 64 pages. 16d.

Keppel, David. That Ye May Know. The question, How may I know that I have eternal life? answered from the First Epistle of St. John. New York: Eaton & Mains, 1909. 101 pages. $0.35.

MacFarland, Charles S. The Christian Ministry and the Social Order. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 1909. 303 pages. Pattee, Fred L. Elements of Religious Pedagogy. A course in teachertraining. New York: Eaton & Mains, 1909. 224 pages. $0.75.

Spence, Frank. Christian Reunion, A Plea for the restoration of "The Ecclesia of God." London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1908. 352 pages.


Carus, Paul. Philosophy as a Science. A synopsis of the writings of Dr. Paul Carus. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Co., 1909. ix+213 pages. Emerson, Edward Waldo and Forbes, Waldo Emerson, editors. Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson. With annotations. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. Volumes I and II. Xxv+394 and xvi + 542 pages. $1.75 per vloume. Gladden, Washington. Recollections. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1909. 445 pages. $2.00.

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