Die heilige Sage der Polynesier: Kosmogonie und Theologie

F.A. Brockhaus, 1881 - 302 หน้า



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หน้า 207 - Fremdling, dem man auf einige Zeit einen Aufenthalt vergönnt, bis er in einer ausführlichen Anthropologie, (dem Pendant zu der empirischen Naturlehre) seine eigene Behausung wird beziehen können.
หน้า 234 - The word became fruitful; It dwelt with the feeble glimmering; It brought forth night; The great night, the long night. The lowest night, the loftiest night, The thick night, to be felt, The night to be touched, the night unseen, The night following on, The night ending in death.
หน้า 207 - I was two years among the Ahts, with my mind constantly directed towards the subject of their religious beliefs, before I could discover that they possessed any ideas as to an overruling power or a future state of existence. The traders on the coast, and other persons well acquainted with the people, told me that they had no such ideas, and this opinion was confirmed by conversation with many of the less intelligent savages ; but at last I succeeded in getting a satisfactory clue.
หน้า 207 - ... had begotten were ever thinking amongst themselves what might be the difference between darkness and light; they knew that beings had multiplied and increased, and yet light had never broken upon them, but it ever continued dark. Hence these sayings are found in our ancient religious services : " There was darkness from the first division of time, unto the tenth, to the hundredth, to the thousandth...
หน้า 207 - Der erste Anfang zur Schöpfung ist die Sehnsucht des einen, sich selbst zu gebären, oder der Wille des Grundes. Der zweite ist der Wille der Liebe, wodurch das Wort in die Natur ausgesprochen wird, und durch den Gott sich erst persönlich macht.
หน้า 207 - Tiki took red clay and kneaded it with his own blood and so formed the eyes and limbs and then gave the image breath (s. Taylor). Von Samoa das Wasser nach Rotumah überschreitend, bildet Raho (von Iva begleitet) die Inseln durch Sandausstreuen (wie es in Yoruba geschieht). Aus Tangaroa's umgekehrtem Körper bildeten die Götter die Welt als Tempel und die Chaldäer stellten sich (nach Diod. Sie.) die Erde als ein umgestürztes Boot vor.
หน้า 38 - He it is who separated night from day. Immediately on the separation of Heaven from Earth, the people2 became visible, who had hitherto been concealed between the hollows of their parents' breasts. So now Tawhiri-Matea (the wind) thought he would make war against his brethren, because they had separated their parents; for he only had not consented to divide the wife from the husband. It was his brothers who resolved to separate them, and to leave but one — Earthas a parent.
หน้า 234 - Forthwith was produced the sun, They were thrown up above as the chief eyes of Heaven: Then the Heavens became light, The early dawn, the early day, the mid-day. The blaze of...
หน้า 207 - ... intolerably heavy, so he put forth all his hidden strength, and up came the entire island of Manihiki. As the island neared the surface, the canoe in which the three brothers were, broke in two with the mighty straining of Maui the Younger. His two brothers were precipitated in the ocean and drowned.
หน้า 230 - Ante mare et terras et, quod tegit omnia, caelum unus erat toto naturae vultus in orbe, quem dixere Chaos, rudis indigestaque moles nec quicquam nisi pondus iners congestaque eodem non bene iunctarum discordia semina rerum.
