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AT a moment when many Englishmen are hastening to France to witness the coronation of Charles X. or to partake of the festivities with which Paris is to be enlivened at the crowned monarch's return from Rheims, the following song may be deemed of some interest, as it alludes to a few of the localities and usages of the French metropolis. It also contains several familiar turns of expression which require a particular explanation, and it even has some words which are not to be met with in any Dictionary. The verb flâner, for instance, is of modern Parisian creation; it denotes both loitering and spunging combined; and it is from this verb that the title of the Song is derived.


Moi, je flâne

Qu'on m'approuve ou me condamne ;

Moi, je flâne,

Je vois tout,

Je suis partout.

Dès sept heures de matin

Je demande à la laitière

Des nouvelles de NANTERRE,
Ou bien du marché voisin;

Ensuite au Caffé je flute
Un verre d'eau pectoral;

Puis tout en mangeant ma flute

Je dévore le Journal.

Moi, je flâne, &c.


J'ai des soins très assidus
J'y cherche les Chiens caniches
Que l'on peut avoir perdus.
Des GAZETTES qu'on renomme
Je suis le premier lecteur;
Après je fais un bon Somme

Sur l'éternel MONITEUR.

Moi, je flâne, &c.

Pressant ma digestion

Je cours à la promenade;

Sans moi, jamais de parade,

Jamais de procession.

Joignant aux mœurs les plus sages

La gaîté, les sentimens,

Je m'invite aux marriages,

Je suis des enterremens.

Moi, je flâne, &c.

J'inspecte le Quai nouveau
Qu'on a bâti vers la Seine ;
J'aime à voir d'une fontaine
Tranquillement couler l'eau.
Quelquefois une heure entière
Appuyé sur l'un des ponts
Je crache dans la rivière

Pour faire de petits ronds.

Moi, je flâne, &c.

Il faut me voir au Palais
Près des Caillettes assises,
Je suis tous les grands procès.
De l'antre des procédures

Je vole chez MARTINET,

Et dans ses Caricatures

Je vois souvent mon portrait.

Moi, je flâne, &c.

Almanach Royal vivant
Je connois chaque livrée,
Chaque personne titrée,
Et tout l'Institut savant.
Chaque Généalogie

Se logeant dans mon cerveau,
Je pourrois, par mon génie,
Siéger au Conseil du Sceau.

Moi, je flâne, &c.

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I AM a loiterer; let me be approved or condemned, I am loitering about, I see every thing, I am every where. As early as seven in the morning I inquire of the milkwoman what news they have at Nanterre, or in the neighbouring market. Afterwards I swallow a glass of pectoral water at the Coffee-house, and then, whilst eating my roll, I hastily peruse the Newspaper. I am particularly careful to read the Daily Advertiser; I look for the Water-spaniels which may have been lost. I am the first to read the most renowned papers, and afterwards I take a nap over the everlasting MONITEUR. To promote digestion, I hasten to the public walks. There never is any military parade or procession at which I do not assist. And as I combine cheerfulness and feeling with the most regular conduct, I invite myself to weddings, and attend funerals. I examine the New Quay which has been built on the Seine; I like to behold the water quietly flowing from a fountain; and sometimes leaning for a whole hour over one of the bridges, I spit into the river to make little circles. You should see me at Justice-hall, standing, during the assizes, near some seated gossips; I attend all great trials; but from the den of law proceedings 1 fly to Martinet, and in his caricatures I often behold my own portrait. A true living Royal Almanack, I know every livery, every titled individual, and all the fellows of the learned Institute. As every genealogy fixes itself in my head, I might, by my genius, have a seat at the Heralds' Office. Like a learned and prudent lover of books, I read at a book-stall on the Quays, standing in the open air, and if I meet with an interesting work, I, a cunning loiterer, turn the leaf down, to know where to continue the next day. Whenever the Sun is burning hot, that I may not have a chair to pay for, and yet rest at my ease, I stretch myself upon a bench. A fortunate observer in the Gardens of Coblentz, and of the Tuileries, how many pretty females pass before my nose! Tired with walking, I, a merry parasite, call at my friends towards dinner-time, and if it unfortunately happens that they very uncivilly are dining out, then I dine, alas! with Duke Humphreys. In the evening I chat with the Dandies at the Coffeehouse, about the consequences of a stroke at Billiards, or at Domino. I treat of peace or war with some old blockhead, who quaffs a small pitcher of beer whilst he is arguing like a fool. Lastly, I must inform you that I never go to the play, but when, by a great miracle, there is a general free admission at the National Theatre. Thus, without a mistress, without envy, and drinking water for my support, I lead the life of a merry Epicure. I am a loiterer, &c.

qu'on m'approuve ou me condamne. Again the general

pron. indeterminate, on. Let people approve or condemn me, let me be approved or condemned; it is indifferent to me whether I am approved or not, I will loiter.

Dès sept heures du matin, as early as seven in the morning: the prep. dès, since, from; but it very often denotes not later than, as early as. dès demain, not later than tomorrow. Nanterre is a small market-town about six miles west of Paris, famous for its dairy-fed pork. It has a very fine bridge. Ensuite au Café, afterwards at the coffeehouse. Be careful never to say "maison de Café;" but un Café. Il y a un Café au coin de la rue, there is a coffeehouse at the corner of the street. je flute is a popular word for both to play on the flute, and to drink, to tope. It is rather vulgar.

un verre d'eau pectoral, would be in prose un verre d'eau pectorale. The poët makes the adj. agree with un verre, a glass, which is masc. for the sake of the rhyme with Journal.

Puis, and then. Remember that the English word "THEN" has three significations, which require to be differently rendered in French. Whenever THEN is an adv. of time, meaning at that time, you must say alors. I was then at Paris, j'étois alors à Paris. When it is the conj. afterwards, it is in French either ensuite or puis, as here. But when it means consequently, "THEN" in French is rendered by donc, page 70, No. V. tout en mangeant, see page 70, No. V. ma flute, my roll. Une flute, (f. like all the words in ute, except un parachute, a machine adapted to air-balloons, to slacken the rapidity of the descent, and guard against a fall) a flute, a pink or small ship, a long and narrow glass, and in Paris, a long and narrow French roll for breakfast, and particularly suited to be dipped into coffee. je dévore le Journal; dévorer un livre, is a fig. expression for peruse a book greedily, as it were with eagerness. le Journal is an ellipsis for le Journal de Paris, a daily newspaper of long standing at Paris.

les petites Affiches is also a very old newspaper printed in 8vo. and containing nothing but advertisements and criticisms on theatrical performances. In this respect it enjoyed a very

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