
great and deserved reputation about the time of the French revolution. Une Affiche, f. a bill posted up, and more particularly a play-bill.

un chien Caniche, a female water-spaniel. The male is called, un barbet. faire un Somme, to take a nap, m. But when Somme means a sum of money, a summary, a burthen, it is f. Après avoir touché cette somme d'argent, j'ai fait un bon Somme.

sur l'éternel Moniteur. The Moniteur was the first Newspaper printed on a whole sheet in folio at the beginning of the Revolution. The Poët calls it éternel, partly on account of its being the Ministerial paper, and containing all Royal ordinances, court circulars, and other tedious matters, and partly on account of its size.

Sans moi, without me, here means without my being present. je suis des enterremens, I am of funerals, I attend funerals; if it meant I follow funerals, the expression would be, je suis les enterremens. But être de, denotes to be one of a company. j'ai été deux fois de noces cette semaine, I have been at two weddings this week. See 16 lines below.

au Palais is an ellipsis for au Palais de Justice. It is the Westminster-hall of Paris. It is a very large and beautiful building, and generally called le Palais simply. Debout, adv. standing upright. It is also used as an interjection for up, up with you. Se tenir debout, to be standing. être debout, to be up, to be risen from bed. étre encore debout, to be still on one's legs. Ce Négociant, malgré ses pertes, est encore debout, that merchant, in spite of all his losses, is still above water.

Cours d'Assises are criminal Courts of Justice introduced in France since the Revolution; the expression tenir les Assises, is exactly the English, to hold the assizes.

Une Caillette, f. (pron. Kal-yette) a gossip; but it also applies to empty, gossipping men. Je suis tous les grands procès. Here je suis means to follow, because it has a government in the acc. with the definite article. I attend all great trials. It can never be construed with an article partitive, because it is so like a geni

tive, unless it be followed by a pron. relative, which does away with the ambiguity of the expression. Je suis des processions, would signify, I am one of the persons in the processions: but je suis des processions qui avancent si víte qu'elles me font courir, I follow processions which move so fast that I am obliged to run. See page 55, No. IV.

De l'antre des procédures, from the den of law proceedings. un antre, m. a natural cave or cavern, a den.

l'Institut, m. the National Institute of France, which after the restoration of the Bourbons was dissolved, and the learned societies of which it was composed resumed their former names of distinct academies. The song of le Flâneur was written before the restoration, by M. Casimir Ménestrier.

Siéger, r. n. 1. to hold a see as a Bishop; to sit in a court of justice as a judge; simply to have a seat, to sit in the Heralds' Office. Le Conseil du Sceau. Un sceau, m. is a great seal; le garde des sceaux, the keeper of the great seal. This word, and un sot, a silly tool; un seau, a bucket, a pail, are all three pronounced "so." A Frenchman was apologizing for having kept a company waiting, by saying J'étois avec le Garde des Sceaux, upon which a wag observed, en ce cas, le Garde des Sceaux (meaning des Sots) vous a garde bien longtems.

une manne, f. a large flat basket with a handle at each end. It is in such baskets that old books are offered for sale on the Quays in Paris; therefore it denotes here a bookstall. Manne is also a basket-cradle, and manna in Pharmacy. en plein vent, standing in the open air, so that the wind may approach on all sides. un arbre en plein vent, a standard, a standing tree, in opposition to wall trees.

faire une lecture, to read; aimer la lecture, to be fond of reading; avoir beaucoup de lecture, to be well read, to be very learned. Lecture also means reading in general. La lecture des mauvais romans n'est bonne qu'à gâter le gout, the reading of bad novels is only calculated to spoil the taste. faire une corne à la page, to turn a leaf down, as a mark in a book.

pour ne point payer de chaise, not to pay for a chair. It is the custom, in the public walks at and about Paris, to have a great number of straw-bottomed chairs kept on purpose to be let on hire for any length of time, as the few public benches would not be sufficient for the great number of walkers. étaler, r. a. 1. to spread goods out for sale, to display. S'étaler, refl. to spread one's-self out, to stretch one's-self out. un étal, m. is a butcher's stall: but the word in French, from which the English "stall" is evidently derived, is not applied to any other trade in the open air. un banc, m. a bench, seat, form, pew, a shelf in the sea or rivers. un banc de Sable, a sand-bank, a shoal. Coblentz is the name of a public garden at Paris. aux Tuileries, in the Tuileries, a garden near the Royal Palace at Paris, on the banks of the Seine, called Tuileries, because there were anciently tile-kilns on the spot. une tuilerie, f. is a tile-kiln. combien de femmes jolies, in prose, combien de jolies femmes.

Me passent devant le né, pass before my nose. The word nez, m. the nose, though pron. né, is always spelt with an z; it is here without the z, by a poëtical license, to make it rhyme even to the eye with fortuné. The expression, passer devant le nez, denotes a disappointment. The Poët insinuates here that many pretty females pass by him, but that none speak to him. Thus the French say, il s'attendoit à cette place, mais elle lui a passé devant le nez, he was confidently expecting the situation, but it has been given to another; he has been disappointed. Page 21, No. II. ; 68, No. V.; 115, 118, No VIII.

No. IX.

en gai parasite, like a merry parasite. En is often employed for the conj. like, as. We had before, en flâneur malin, as, or like a cunning loiterer. Il a agi en honnête homme, he acted like an honest man. diner en ville, diner par cœur, page 136, un étourneau, m. a starling. It is also called Sansonnet. But étourneau here means an affected dandy, who fancies himself very clever. house which I usually frequent. billiard-ball, a rolling-pin. There are 73 words in ille, f. and only 14 m. Domino, m. a kind of black cloak worn by ca

à mon Café, at the coffeeune bille, f. (pron. bil-ye) a

tholic clergymen in the winter, during divine service; a cloak or dress worn at masked balls; a kind of marbled paper; and here, a game played with little ivory squares, marked on one side with a certain number of dots, from one to six, and even from one to nine. It is very much played at in the coffeehouses in France. un nigaud (m. like all the words in aud) a silly fool. un cruchon, m. a small pitcher; it is the diminutive of une cruche, f. a pitcher. sabler, r. a. 1. to cover with sand, to quaff, to swallow a glass of wine at one draught, hence it is chiefly said of champagne, nous avons sablé trois ou quatre verres de champagne. raisonner comme un pot, to argue like a pot, like a fool. aller au spectacle, to go to the play. Le Théatre François, or les François, an ellipsis for les Acteurs du Théatre François, the first or National Theatre at Paris, in which the classical plays of Molière, Corneille, Racine, Voltaire, &c. are performed. It is situated in the Rue de Richelieu, near the Palais Royal, the residence of the Duke of Orleans. donner gratis, is to give a theatrical performance to which the public is admitted without paying. Gratis, as a subst. m. denotes what is done for nothing: the s is always sounded in this word.

One of GELLERT'S Fables, the last two lines of which are almost become proverbial in Germany, will serve us for a text to our practical remarks on the German language.


EIN Vater hinterliesz zween Erben,

Christophen, der war klug, und Görgen der war dumm.
Sein Ende kam, und kurz vor seinem Sterben

Sah er sich ganz betrübt nach seinem Christoph um.
Sohn, fing er an, mich quält ein trauriger Gedanke ;
Du hast Verstand, wie wird dirs künftig gehn ?
Hör an, ich hab in meinem Schranke

Ein Kästchen mit Juwelen stehn;

Die sollen dein. Nimm sie, mein Sohn,
Und gieb dem Bruder nichts davon.

Der Sohn erschrak und stutze lange.

Ach Vater! hub er an, wenn ich so viel empfange,

Wie kömmt alsdann mein Bruder fort?

Ey! fiel der Vater ihm ins Wort,

Für Görgen ist mir gar nicht bange,

Der kömmt gewisz durch seine Dummheit fort.


A FATHER left behind two heirs; Christopher, who was clever, and George, who was silly. His end drew near, and a short time before his death he sadly looked round for his Christopher. My son, he began, a sorrowful thought troubles me. You have much sense, how will it go with you in future? Hark, I have in my closet a small casket with jewels, they shall be yours. Take them, my son, and give none of them to your brother.

The son was astonished, and startled for a long time. But, alas! my father, he began, (at last) if I am to receive so much, how is my brother to get on? Oh! said the father, interrupting him, I have no fears whatever for George, he will certainly get forward through his silliness.

Der sterbende Vater, the dying father. See page 29, No. II. All German participles, active and passive, follow the rules of the adjectives. A dying father would be Ein sterbender Vater.

hinterliesz. imp. of the insep. irr. comp. hinterlassen, to leave behind in general, and more particularly te leave behind after death. ich hinterlasse, ich hinterliesz, ich habe hinterlassen; in zurücklassen, a sep. irr. comp. which also means to leave behind the word zurück, "behind," denotes in a situation to be yet able to come after or to get at a thing again, whilst hinter, "behind," gives the idea of an absolute leaving or remaining behind, without any possibility of recovery or coming up again with a thing.


"Tiberius verliesz die Stadt Rom, welche der Ort war, wo er sich bis dahin aufgehalten hatte, und begab sich nach Caprea. Er hinterliesz den Befehl dasz niemand in seiner Abwesenheit zu ihm kommen sollte; er liesz auch den gröszten Theil seiner Bedienten zurück, und nahm nur ein kleines Gefolge mit;""Tiberius left Rome, the place where he had till then resided, and went to Caprea. He left word behind that no one should come to him during his absence; he also left most of

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