
speaker; emmener, to lead away, to take away; and ramener, to lead back, to bring back. The two English verbs, "to bring," and "to take," are used indiscriminately, without considering whether the object may be brought or taken in the hands or not. You say indifferently," bring the child to me," whether the child can walk or not; in French you must say, in the first case, amenez moi cet enfant; in the second, apportez; and the same with carrying any thing away. You say to your servant, emportez ces verres, take these glasses away, because they are carried in the hand; but emmenes ces enfants qui font tant de bruit, take (lead) those children away who make so much noise, because they are not carried in the hand.

L'hiver de nos ans, the winter of our years, is a figurative expression for old age. Remember that when you speak of the age of a person, you must use the word an, m. not année, f. a year, though both denote the same thing. There is, however, this difference: un an, is a year, or nearly so, a few days more or less not being considered of any importance when you speak of the age of individuals, or of time past. You say, ma sœur a vingt ans, my sister is twenty years old, though she may be between nineteen and twenty, or between twenty and twenty-one. Il y a neuf ans, it is nine years ago, though it may be near ten, or less than nine. But to denote two whole years, you make the word feminine, and say, j'ai passé deux années consécutives à Paris, I spent two succes sive years at Paris. The termination, or end syllable, ée, acts a conspicuous part in the French language. Tacked to several words it answers to the English syllable ful, in “ handful,” pocketful," &c. It denotes that the object mentioned holds in its capacity as much as it can hold. Une cuillérée, a spoonful; une poignée, a handful, from le poing, the fist; une chambrée, a roomful of soldiers, a tentful of soldiers. It is also used for the English "house," speaking of a Theatre; une bonne chambrée, a full house; une foible chambrée, a thin house; une potée, a potful; une charretée, a cartful; une bouchée, a mouthful, &c. But the French language being a closed one, and much fettered in its march, you are not at li

berty to form new combinations according to the same analogy. The English syllable ful, derived from the German voll, may be tacked to any new object, the name of which has but recently been introduced into the language. An Englishman would freely say, " a balconyful," "a pavilionful," "a ridiculeful," but a Frenchman must first consult the Dictionary of the Academy to know whether the word which he intended to use, is admissible. Instead of a thimbleful, the French say un doigt, a finger, (contentum pro continente,) un doigt de pin, a thimbleful of wine, a very small glass of wine. In other cases, where the termination ée is not admissible, they help themselves by using the adj. plein, full, with the preposition "de," followed by the name of the thing with which the object is filled, as, une cave pleine de vin, a cellarful of wine; un grenier plein blé, a granaryful of corn; une poche pleine de noisettes, a pocketful of small nuts; or the adj. must refer to the thing mentioned before, in which case the object which holds it must be employed with the article definite. On m'a donné tant de noisettes, j'en ai la poche pleine, they gave me so many small nuts, I have my pocketful. How short-sighted were Dr. Johnson, and his imitators, in point of language, when they attempted to latinize, as it were, the English language, instead of improving the advantages which it derives from the German, its basis, to which alone it is indebted for the creative power of forming compound words according to a constant and uniform analogy! This same French termination in ée, adds the idea of completeness to the words an, jour, matin, soir, après diné, après soupé ; it constantly makes the word to which it is tacked, of the feminine gender. Une année, a whole year; une journée, a whole day; la matinée, the whole morning; la soirée, the whole evening; une après dinée, a whole afternoon; une après soupée, a whole evening after supper. Hence you never say in French, venez passer le jour chez nous, but always, venez passer la journée chez nous, come and spend the day with us, because you are supposed to be anxious to have the company your friend for the whole day, or at all events it is more complimentary. There are besides other words to which the


syllable ée annexes the idea of completeness, as une ânée, all that an ass can carry, an ass's load; une couvée, all the eggs a hen sits on, &c.

De sa table entêté, from his table plagued with the headache, is an elliptical expression for having got the headache in consequence of a plentiful and luxurious dinner. Entêté, adj. properly signifies, obstinate, stubborn; c'est un entêté, he is an obstinate fellow; c'est une entétée, she is an obstinate female. But the verb entêter, r. a. 1. always denotes "to to give the head-ache." Ce vin entête, this wine is heady, it is apt to give the head-ache.

Le son, perdu pour lui, frappe en vain ses oreilles, the sound, which is lost to him, meaning upon him, because he does not attend to it, vainly strikes his ears. Frapper, r. a. 1. to strike, is one of those verbs, the participle active of which is a verbal adjective. The French say like the English, c'est une ressemblance frappante, it is a striking likeness.

Quelques traits sans force et sans lumière, a few sallies or sparks of wit, devoid of energy and brilliancy. Lumière, f. is properly" light." La lumière du jour, the light of day. De la lumière, or des lumières, in the pl. candles. Apportez nous des lumières, bring us candles, but in the pl. it often is used figuratively, and then it means "knowledge." Il a de grandes lumiéres, he is uncommonly well informed.

We hope we are gratifying our readers by continuing Bürger's interesting Ballad, for our German lesson. It will be concluded in the next number.

ACH! leise hört die Mitternacht,

Kein Wörtchen ging verloren ;
Im nächsten Bett war aufgewacht
Ein Paar Verrätherohren.

Des Fräuleins Sittenmeisterinn,
Voll Gier nach schnödem Goldgewinn,
Sprang hurtig auf, die Thaten
Dem Alten zu verrathen.

"Halloh! Halloh! Herr Reichsbaron!
Hervor aus Bett und Kammer!
Eur Fräulein Trudchen ist entflohn,'
Entflohn zu Schand' und Jammer;

Schon reitet Karl von Eichenhorst

Und jagt mit ihr durch Feld und Forst;
Geschwind! Ihr dürft nicht weilen,
Wollt' ihr sie noch ereilen."

Hui! auf der Freiherr, hui! heraus,
Bewehrte sich zum Streite,

Und donnerte durch Hof und Haus

Und weckte seine Leute.

"Heraus, mein Sohn von Pommerland!

Sitz' auf! Nimm Lanz' und Schwert zur Hand!

Die Braut ist dir gestohlen;

Fort, fort! sie einzuhohlen!"

Rasch ritt das Paar im Zwielicht schon

Da horch!-ein dumpfes Rufen,—

Und horch!-erscholl ein Donnerton

Von Hochburg's Pferdehufen;

Und wild kam Plump, den Zaum verhängt,
Weit weit voran daher gesprengt,

Und liesz, zu Trudchen's Grausen,
Vorbei die Lanze sausen.-

"Halt' an! halt' an! du Ehrendieb!

Mit deiner losen Beute.

Herbei vor meinen Klingenhieb !
Dann raube wieder Bräute!

Halt'an, verlaufne Buhlerin,

Dasz neben deinen Schurken him

Dich meine Rache strecke

Und Schimpf und Schand euch decke!"

"Das leugst du, Plump von Pommerland,

Bei Gott und Ritter ehre !

Herab! herab! dasz Schwert und Hand

Dich andre Sitte lehre.

Halt', Trudchen, halt' den Dänen an!

Herunter, Junker Grobian,

Herunter von der Mähre

Dasz ich dich Sitte lehre !"

Ach! Trudchen, wie voll Angst und Noth!

Sah hoch die Säbel schwingen.

Hell funkelten im Morgenroth

Die Damascener Klingen.

Von Kling und Klang, von Ach und Krach

Ward rund umher das Echo wach ;

Von ihrer Fersen Stampfen

Begann der Grund zu dampfen.

Wie Wetter schlug des Liebsten Schwert
Den Ungeschliffnen nieder.

Gertruden's Held blieb unversehrt
Und Plump erstand nicht wieder.-
Nun weh, o weh! Erbarm' es Gott!
Kam fürchterlich, Galopp und Trott,
Als Karl kaum ausgestritten,
Der Nachtrab angeritten.-

Trarah! trarah! durch Flur und Wald
Liesz Karl sein Horn nun schallen.
Sieh da! hervor vom Hinterhalt

Hop hop! sein Heer Vasallen.

"Nun halt', Baron, und hör' ein Wort!

Schau' auf! Erblickst du jene dort?
Die sind zum Schlagen fertig,

Und meines Winks gewärtig.

Halt' an! halt' an! und hör' ein Wort

Damit dich's nicht gereue!

Dein Kind gab längst mir Treu' und Wort,

Und ich ihm Wort und Treue.

Willst du zerreissen Herz und Herz?

Soll dich ihr Blut, soll dich ihr Schmerz
Vor Gott und Welt verklagen?
Wohlan! solasz uns schlagen!

ALAS! midnight is quick of hearing; not a single little word was lost; a pair of treacherous ears awoke in the adjoining bed. The young Lady's Governess, greedy of a vile gain of gold, jumped hastily up to betray the deed to the old Baron. "Holla! Holla! my Lord Baron! Come out of bed and chamber, your Lady Gertrude is run away, a prey to disgrace and infamy; Charles of Eichenhorst is riding with her, gallopping through fields and woods. Quick! quick! you must not tarry if you wish to overtake them. Up was the Baron in the twinkling of an eye; he armed himself for the contest, and thundering through the court-yard and the house, he awakened his people. "Come, come, my Son of Pomerania! mount your steed! Take your lance and your sword; your Bride has been stolen from you; away! away! to overtake her!"-Our couple were already riding in the morning twilight, when, hạrk! a hollow calling—and, hark! a thundering noise of the feet of Hochburg's horses resounded to their ears. Plump came wildly gallopping, tantivy, a long, long

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