
vous n'auriez pas tant à souffrir, you would not have so much to suffer. Souffrir has the same irregularities as couvrir. Tant, adv. of quantity, is always construed with de before a noun. j'ai eu tant de peine, I have had so much trouble; tant de gens, so many people; tant de monde, so much company. Before a verb, it takes the particle à; elle a tant à faire, she has so much to do; il a tant à courir, he、 has so much running about.

je vous défendrois, I should defend you, protect you. Again the conditional, like vous n'auriez pas. Défendre, r. v. a. 4. to defend, to forbid, to prohibit: it takes de. Je vous défends de le faire, I forbid your doing it. Actively, défendre de, to protect against; de l'orage, m. of the storm; here, against the storm.

mais vous naissez le plus souvent, but you are born; here, you grow mostly. Souvent, often: le plus souvent, in the superlative, most part of the time.

sur les humides bords, on the damp shores. Sur, prep.. upon, which is easily distinguished from sûr, adj. sure, safe, sour. humide, adj. damp, wet; le bord, m. the edge, the shore, (the d is never heard.) As a sea-term, it is the English "on board.' All the words in ord are masculine.

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des royaumes du vent. Royaume, m. kingdom, dominion, realm, empire. All the words in aume are masc., except la paume de la main, the palm of the hand; jouer à la paume, to play at ball in a Tennis-court.

enters, prep. towards; l'envers, s. m. the wrong side of a stuff or cloth. bien injuste, very unjust, adj. The neg. in, at the head of adjectives derived from the Latin, is pronounced in (nasal,) as here, when there is a consonant following; but simply i, and the n is taken over to the vowel, when there is an inaspirate h, or vowel, following. Say indifférent, but i-nutile, useless i-nhumain, inhuman.

votre compassion, f.; lui répondit, preterperf. of répondre, r. v. 4. to answer; répondez-moi, answer me; je n'ai pas éu le tems de répondre à votre lettre, I had no time to reply to your letter. l'arbuste, masc, the shrub.

part, 3d pers. sing. of the present of the ind. of the irr.

n. v. partir, to go away, to set off; but part d'un bon naturel, means, proceeds from a good disposition. Le naturel, temper, disposition; les naturels du pays, the natives of the country. All the words in el are masculine.

mais quittez ce souci, but quit this care, don't make yourself uneasy about it. Quittez is the imperf. of quitter, v. a. 1; souci, m. care, sorrow. Hence the great Frederick of Prussia called his summer-palace near Potsdam, where he wished to be free from cares, Sans Souci.

Les vents me sont moins qu'à vous redoubtables, is a poëtical inversion; in prose it must be, me sont moins redoubtables qu'à vous, are less dreadful to me than to you. Je plie, I bend, ind. pres. of the r. a. v. 1. plier, to bend; et ne romps pas, and break not, from rompre, to break, a r. v. a. and n. 4.

vous avez jusqu'ici contre leur coups épouvantables résisté sans courber le dos, is again an inversion allowable in poëtry only; in prose you must say, jusqu'ici vous avez résisté contre leur coups, &c. hitherto you have resisted against, you have withstood, &c.; sans courber, without bending; sans, before a verb, requires the infinitive. Sans chanter, without singing; j'ai été toute la journée sans manger, I have been the whole day without eating.

le dos, m. the back; le dossier, the back of a chair. All the words in os are masc. Monter un cheval à dos, to ride a

horse without a saddle.

mais attendons la fin, but let us wait for the end. Attendons, imper. of the r. v. 4, attendre, to wait, to expect. La fin, the end, is the only word in in that is feminine.



Comme il disoit ces môts, as he said these words; comme, conj. as, like; il est grand comme vous, he is tall like you; but if you wish to make a strict comparison of equality, is as tall as you," it must be, il est aussi grand que vous. disoit, imperf. he did say, he was saying, he said, from dire. Ces, these, pron. dem. pl. of ce, m. cette, f. this; môts, words, pl. of môt, m. word. The t is not sounded, nor in any word

in ôt. They are all m.

except la dot, the marriage-portion,

in which the t is heard. Un bon môt, is a witticism.

Du bout de l'horison accourt avec furie le plus terrible des

enfans que le Nord eut portés jusques là dans ses flancs. This is a long poëtical inversion; in prose, it would be, le plus terrible des enfans que le Nord eut portés jusques là dans ses flancs accourt avec furie du bout de l'horison.

jusques là, prep. till there, till then. It may also be spelled jusque, and when it is construed with the dat. it makes jusqu'à cette heure, until now; jusqu'au matin, until the morning.

les flancs, pl. of flanc, m. side, flank, womb, like all the words in anc, which are but few. The c is never heard but in poëtry, when followed by a vowel. Accourt, 3d pers. sing. ind. present of accourir, to run up, derived from courir, to run, irr. n. v. Avec, prep. with. Furie, f. rage, fury. The words in ie are very numerous: they are fem. except le génie, genius, and un incendie, a conflagration.

L'arbre tient bon, the tree holds out. Tenir bon, to hold out, is one of those numerous expressions which are peculiar idiotisms, and which the French call phrases faites, readymade sentences, or expressions consacrées. Tenir is irr. and must be learnt in the Grammar.

redouble, from redoubler, r. v. a. 1. to double, to increase. It is always taken fig. whilst the primitive doubler is only used for doubling physically, "lining.”

Et fait si bien, and manages, contrives so well. An additional signification of faire. Qu'il déracine, that he roots up, from déraciner, v. a. 1. Celui de que la tête au ciel étoit voisine, would be in prose, celui dont la tête étoit voisine au ciel, him whose head was a neighbour to the skies. Le ciel, m. the sky, in the pl. les cieux, the heavens. All the words in el are masc.; and ciel has ciels in the pl. when it signifies the tester of a bed, or the top of a picture.

et dont les pieds, and whose feet; pied, m. foot: the d is never sounded. Touchoient, reached to, 3d pers. pl. imperf. indic. of toucher, r. v. a. and n. 1. to touch. As active, it governs the accus. ne le touchez pas, ne touchez pas cela; as neuter, the dat. ne touchez pas à cela.

à l'empire des morts, the empire of the dead. Empire is m. There are 8 or 10 fem. and double this number masc. Un mort, a dead man.

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The following vehicle for our German remarks was written by C. F. Weisse, who died at Leipzig in 1804.


Gütig hüllt in Finsternissen,

Gott die Zukunft ein;

Deutlich sie voraus zu wissen,

Würde Strafe seyn.

Säh ich Glück auf meinem Wege,
Würd'ich stolz mich blähn;

Und leichtsinnig oder träge,
Meinen Zweck versehn.

Säh'ich Unglück würd’ich zittern
Und die künftge Zeit

Würde mir das Glück verbittern
Das mich jetzt erfreut.

Was ich habe will ich nützen,

Fernen Gram nicht scheun;
Und soll ich ein Glück besitzen

Meines Glücks mich freun.


KINDLY does the De ty envelop the future in darkness; to know it distinctly beforehand would be a punishment. Should I see good fortune on my path, I should proudly be puffed up, and from levity or indolence miss my aim. If I saw misfortune, I should tremble, and the future would embitter the happiness which at present gladdens me. I will enjoy what I have, without fearing any distant harm, and if I am to be fortunate, I will rejoice in my good fortune.

Der Vorwitz das Künftige zu wissen, the indiscreet curiosity the future to know, to know the future. The German infinitive is always preceded by its government. Die Sprache zu lernen ist nicht schwer, aber sie richtig zu sprechen ist etwas schwerer, to learn the language is not difficult, but to speak it correctly is a little more difficult. The Germans have four words for curiosity. When it is a laudable curiosity, directed to the acquisition of knowledge, it is die Wiszbegierde, (the desire of knowing) from wissen, to know, "savoir," and die Begierde, the desire: when it is a rational wish to be informed of the events passing around us, it is die Neubegierde, (the desire of news) from new, "new," (pronounce noi, almost like oi in the English moist): when it is


an indiscreet inquisitiveness in matters that do not concern us at all, and proceeding from base passions, like envy, jealousy, calumny, and others, it is die Neugier, (the greediness of news) and lastly, when it pries into futurity, it is der Vorwitz, (foreknowledge). The four words will give you some idea of the creative power of the language in making compound words, which are immediately known by intuition. Its inexhaustible treasures must not frighten you; they are readily stored in the memory, being mostly derived from primitive words or particles in constant use; as here, Begierde, desire; gierig, greedy; neu, new; wissen, to know. Remember these well, and you will know a thousand others by their means. Das Künftige, the future; the adj. künftig, future, what is to come, is used here in the n., as an abstract substantive. It is also used adverbially, like most German adjectives: Ich werde künftig fleissiger seyn, I shall in future more diligent be, I shall be more diligent in future. The substantive is die Zukunft, futurity. You have it in the second line.

Gütig hüllt in Finsternissen Gott die Zukunft ein, kindly envelopes in darkness God futurity, God kindly envelopes futurity in darkness. Gütig, adj. kind, adv. kindly, stands nearly in the same relation to gut, good, as the English kind. It never means "without imperfection," but always inclined to benevolence: Sie sind sehr gütig, you are very kind. Hüllt ein, from the sep. r. comp. v. einhüllen, to envelop, made of hüllen, to wrap, to cover, and the particle ein, in, into; to wrap in. So we say, einsingen, to sing to sleep; einfallen, to fall in; einsenken, to sink in, act.; einschneiden, to cut into, like the Latin "incidere." The subst. die Hülle, a wrapper, a hull, a husk, a covering. Die Finsterniz, pl. isse, darkness, obscurity, eclipse. Hence we say, eine Mondfinsternisz, ein Sonnenfinsternisz, an eclipse of the moon, of the sun. The words in isz are mostly f. though there are several n., as das Gedächtnisz, the memory; das Begräbnisz, the funeral. Befugnisz, which Mr. Rowbotham makes n., is more generally f. We say, ich habe keine Befugnisz dazu, I have no right, no claim to it. Gott, m. God, es, e, pl. Götter, gods.

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