
digne, adj. worthy, deserving, (pronounce di-nie, like "onion.") It applies to good and bad; digne d'éloges; digne de blâme; but the adverb dignement is used only in a good sense; ma sœur en a été dignement récompensée, my sister has been worthily rewarded for it. But you cannot say, le voleur a été dignement puni; you must say, le voleur a été puni comme il le méritoit, the robber has been deservedly punished.

mais Rome prise enfin, but Rome being taken at length. This is an elliptical expression, equivalent to the ablative absolute of the Latin; the part. étant, "being," is understood, and must be added in English. Prise is the part. past. f. of the verb prendre, to take, to which we have already incidentally directed your attention. There are many cases when the English "take" cannot be rendered by prendre. It is generally to lay hold of, or to accept; but has a great variety of meanings, according to the word with which it is construed. Guard only against saying, "My father took me to the play," mon père me prit à la comédie; it must be, mon père me mena à la comedie. And the part. pris, prise, which is also an adj. signifies besides "well-shaped." Elle est bien prise dans sa taille, she is of a fine shape. Pris also means "frozen over." La rivière est prise, the river is frozen. There are two or three basons in the gardens of the Tuileries at Paris like that of the Green Park, near Piccadilly. Hence a Frenchman coming from the Royal Garden, on a severe winter day, said: en traversant les Tuileries, j'ai été bien étonné de trouver les bassins pris, (which might mean "taken away.")

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Où courons nous ? whither are we running? the present is here employed for the future; when Rome is taken, where shall we then run to? to what place are we to go? courir, to run, being irr. and of frequent use, must be learnt in the Grammar. We had accourir, one of its derivatives, page 42, No. III. Où courez vous ? where are you going to so fast? J'ai tant à courir, I have so much running about. It also means to go on, in the sense of not being interrupted. les intérêts de mon capital courent depuis Pâques, my money bears interest ever since Easter, You will now understand the following witticism: "Un jeune François disoit à son

domestique, qui se plaignoit de n'être pas payé régulièrement, De quoi vous inquiétez vous? Vos gages (your wages) courent toujours. C'est donc pour cela que j'ai tant de peine à les attraper, répondit le domestique." Du reste des Latins là conquête est facile; this is a poetical inversion: in prose it would be, la conquête du reste des Latins est facile, the conquest of the rest of the Latins is easy; the remainder of the Latins are easily conquered. Le reste, m. the rest, residue, remainder, refuse, change, in speaking of money. Hence the expression, on l'a mal reçu, il n'a pas demandé son reste, he was badly received, he retired without saying a word; he did not stay for the change of his money; jouer de son reste, to use one's last resources, to be nearly ruined.

Sans doute on peut les vaincre, without doubt one can them vanquish; no doubt they may be vanquished. Again the general pron. on, instead of ils peuvent être vaincus. vaincre is an irr. v. which must be learnt in the grammar. Se laisser vaincre, to suffer one's self to be moved; mon père s'est laissé vaincre aux larmes de ma sœur plutôt qu'à ses raisons, my father has suffered himself to be moved by my sister's tears more than by her arguments.

Est-ce tout? Is that all? La Sicile de là nous tend les bras, Sicily from thence to us stretches the arms. Sicily then opens its arms to us; meaning, from thence the access to Sicily is easy. Tendre les bras à quelqu'un, to stretch out one's arms to a person, to embrace him, and fig. to assist him ; but tendre les mains à quelqu'un, always signifies to implore, to solicit one's assistance.

et bientôt, sans efforts, Syracuse reçoit nos vaisseaux dans ses ports, and soon, without any efforts (of ours, on our side,) Syracuse receives or admits our vessels in its harbours. Reçoit, 3d pers. sing. ind. pres. of the r. a. 3. recevoir, to receive.

Bornez-vous là vos pas? Do you limit there your steps? Do you intend to stop there, not to proceed farther? Is this to be the end of your exploits? Borner, r. a. 1. to border upon, to set bounds to refl. as here, se borner à, to confine one'sself to a thing; je me borne à vous dire, I content myself with telling you.

Dès que nous l'aurons prise il ne faut qu'un bon vent, as soon as we have taken it, we shall only want a good wind. The French, il faut, it is necessary, is, like the Latin


oportet," an impers. v. which may be construed with a subst. with an infinitive, and with the conj. que, that, and the following verb. in the subj. Here it is with a subst. : il faut du vent, it is necessary that we should have wind; we require wind. In this construction it generally means that the thing is wanting. Il faut cinq jours pour aller à Paris sans voyager de nuit, it takes five days to go to Paris without travelling by night; il vous faut un robe neuve, you want a new gown. The inf. is the obsolete verb, falloir, to be necessary. The expressions, tant s'en faut, so far from it; il s'en faut de beaucoup, far from it; are derived from the verb faillir, to fail.

et Carthage est conquise, and Carthage is conquered; conquis, quise, part. p. of the irr. conquérir, to conquer; which is conjugated like acquérir, page 71, No. V.

asservir en passant, subdue, enslave by the way, in passing by ; j'irai vous voir en passant, I shall call upon you as I pass by your house.

courir delà le Gange, run beyond the Ganges. We had delà above as an adv., thence, from thence. Here it is a prep. opposed to deça, on this side, meaning on the other side, beyond. Some writers spell the former in two words, de là, from there, and the latter in one word, delà, on the other side, the Latin "trans." But the distinction, though very desirable for beginners, is not generally attended to.

en de nouveaux pays, in new countries; pays, (pron. pé-is,) m. a country, is also vulgarly a native of the same country; il est mon pays, he is a countryman of mine; but better, mon compatriote. It is even used in the fem. elle est ma payse, but it is very low and vulgar. Avoir la maladie du pays, to be very anxious to return to one's native country.

mais de retour enfin, but being returned at length, is again an elliptical expression, in which étant, "being," must be understood. Le retour, m. return, requital, decline. All the words in our are m. except la cour, the court, the yard;

and la tour, the steeple, the tower. Mon père est de retour, father has returned, has gone home; ma tante est sur le retour, my aunt is beginning to grow old.


nous pourrons rire à l'aise, et prendre du bon tems, we shall be able to laugh at our ease, and take good time, (and be merry.) Pouvoir, to be able, is irr. and must be learned by heart; rire, to laugh, irr. also; à l'aise, adv. at one's ease, comfortably. Prendre du bon tems, to take good time, is an idiomatic expression, which means to pass the time merrily, to indulge one's self, to be merry; se donner du bon tems, is exactly the same. Le tems, and anciently temps, to show its coming from the Latin "tempus," is m. and signifies both the English "time" and "weather," also a tense in grammar. When you employ the word tems for weather, observe that you say il fait beau tems, il fait mauvaise tems, it is fine, it is bad weather; but if you begin your sentence with the weather, you must employ the verb être, and say, le tems est beau, the weather is fine.

dès ce jour, from this very day; sans sortir, without going out; sans sortir de la maison, without leaving the house. Sortir, n. to go out, but a. to take out. Je ne peux pas sortir ma robe de ma commode, I cannot get my gown out of my chest of drawers.

du matin jusqu'au soir, or simply du matin au soir, from morn to night; le soir, m. the evening, and that part of the night which is not passed in bed. Hence, last night is, in French, hier au soir. All the words in oir are m. without exception.

qui vous défend de rire? who forbids your laughing? See défendre, page 40, No. III.

We now select for our German lesson one of GOETHE'S Songs, which probably suggested the first line of Lord Byron's Childe Harold.

Kennst du das Land wo die Citronen blühn,
Im dunkeln Laub die Goldorangen glühn,
Ein sanfter Wind vom blauen Himmel weht,
Die Mirthe still, und hoch der Lorbeer steht?

Kennst du es wohl? Dahin-dahin

Möcht' ich mit dir, o mein Geliebter ziehn!

Kennst du das Haus? auf Säulen ruht sein Dach;
Es glänzt der Saal, es schimmert das Gemach,
Und Marmorbilder stehn und sehn mich an:
Was hat man dir, du armes Kind, gethan ?
Kennst du es wohl? Dahin-dahin
Möcht ich mit dir, o mein Beschützer, ziehn !
Kennst du den Berg und seinen Wolkensteg?
Das Maulthier sucht im Nebel seinen Weg;
In Höhlen wohnt der Drachen alte Brut;
Es stürzt der Fels und über ihn die Fluth.
Kennst du ihn wohl? Dahin-dahin

Geht unser Weg; o Vater, lasz uns ziehn!

KNOWEST thou the land where Citrons blossom; where in the dark foliage the golden oranges glow; where a soft wind from the blue Heaven blows; the myrtle still, and high the laurel stands? Thither, thither, O my beloved one! I should like to remove with thee! Knowest thou the house? on pillars rests its roof; its hall sparkles, its chambers glitter, and marble statues stand and look at me, (as if they were saying,) what have they done to thee, poor child? Knowest thou it well! Thither, thither, O my protector! I should like to remove with thee! Knowest thou the mountain and its cloudy path? The mule seeks its way in the mist; the old brood of Dragons dwell in its caves; the rock falls down, and the flood over it. Knowest thou it well? Thither, thither, leads our way. O Father, let us go!

Kennst du das Land, knowest thou the land, doest thou know the land? from the irr. Kennen, to know, (connoitre, "cognoscere,") ich kenne, ich kannte, ich habe gekannt. das land, n. the land, the country, the soil. auf dem lande, in the country, (à la campagne) des landes, dem lande; in the pl. die lande, collectively, and die länder, the individual lands. Luther says, alle Lande sind deiner Ehre voll! all countries (the whole earth,) are full of thy glory! and Ahasveros war König über hundert und sieben und zwanzig Länder, he reigned over 127 provinces. See worte and wörter, page 29, No. II. The words in and are generally neuter, except der Sand, the sand, der Rand, the edge, der Strand, the Strand; der Tand, tinsel, toy, idle-talk, and der Brand, the conflagration, which are masc.

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