[blocks in formation]

dan-nat E-SAG-ILA rubatu

hi-rat (il Mu-'ú-a-ti na-ram-ti (il)EN-[

ša ina bi-rit (il)ištarâte pl) (il)be-lit ilâni (pl) ú-kan-nu-ši

5 un- ši at- la- ki ka- rit- ti


i- la


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[blocks in formation]

ma-hu ir-šu ša ši-i la it

li sal-mu-ú-šu a-dal-lu ug šu[

a-zu-ú mu-du-ú ša ši-i la it-[

ma-har aš-ta-bi-ri ka- as- su ma-ag(?)[-ru (?)
e-la ša-a-ša man-nu mi-na-a ip- pu-
pu- uš (?)
10 ad(?)-ir (?)-ma dul-li-ha ta- nit- ta- ša ah-za
arku-ti ûmê (pl) arhu-ú kun-na-a rîm- ni- tu
mu-ša-aš-ra-a-at ka-ti-e mu-na-hi-ša-at la-ab-ni
ši-ma-a kib-ra-a-ti da-lil šar-ra-ti (il)Na-na-a
šur-ri-ha ba-ni-i-tu šur-ba-a ru- șu- un- tu
15 ul- la-a ša-ru-uh-tu kit- ra- ba
ba-a-lum ur- pi- tu
nu-hi ma-rat (il)Sin
kur-bi ana Šar-gi-na şa- bit ka- ni- ki
ri-'e- ú (mât)Áš- šur(ki) a-lik ar- ki- e- ki
20 ba-lat ûmê(me) arkuti pl) ši-i-me ši- ma- tuš
iš-di (iş kussê-šu ki-in-ni šul- bi- ri pale- šu
šul-li-me mur-ni-is-ki şi-in-da-at ni- ri- [šu

ga- šir- tu su- ud- di- ra- ši- ma ri-me-i šub- tuk

tuk- ki

lip-tu nu-šur-ru-ú šu-us-si-i zu-um-ru-šu-[nu
și- in- nu e-ri- bu mu-hal-lik aš- na- [an
25 lim-nu
si-ir-si-ru mu- ub- bil şip- pa- a- ti
pa-ri-su sat-tuk-ki šá ilu u (il)iš- ta- ri- [tu
še-me-e-ki (il)EN-LÍL ma-gir-ki (il) TU- TU
i- na ki-bi-ti-ki li-im-ma- ni za- ki- ki- eš
(il)AL]AD-AN-KAL man-za-az mah-ri-ki[
]şêru šade-e(pl) u[



Col. I.

An edged sword [

A sharp ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ .,

proper to the gods.

Right and left the battle is arranged.

5 Chieftainess of the gods, whose joy is the fight,
First of the Seven Companions.

Musicians in numbers before her bow,

With ZAG-SAL, šebitu, and kansabu,

With flute, sinnitu, and arka tu.

[blocks in formation]

Who?) gives rest to good lands [

Opponent(?) of him who destroys the house [

Col. II.

Mighty one of Esagila, exalted one [

Spouse of Muati, beloved of En-[

Who has exalted her among the goddesses, mistress of the gods.

5 Loosen thy atlu, thou heroine of the goddesses,

Thou strong one, who makest favorable the law of the brave,

] the heart of the god (?) who protects the warrior.

[blocks in formation]

The wise one, the knowing one whom she does not [
Towards servants his hand is gracious (?).
Except her, who does anything?

10 Fear (?), confound! her glory maintain!

Long days (and) months extol the gracious one!
Her that prospers the weak, that helps the fallen.

Establish the dominions of him that worships Queen Nanâ!
Magnify the kind one! extol the powerful one!

15 Exalt the mighty one! do homage to the strong one!

Let light(?) and darkness (?)


Be at peace! O daughter of Sin! Be gracious to thy dwelling!
Be gracious to Sargon, who holds thy staff,

The shepherd of Assyria, who followeth after thee.

20 A life of long days do thou appoint (as) his lot.

The foundation of his throne establish, let his reign be long.
Protect his horses, the span of his yoke.

The wasting disease do thou remove from their (?) bodies.
The stinging grasshopper, that destroys the grain,

25 The evil grasshopper, that wastes the fruit-trees,


Whatever holds back the tribute of god or goddess,

May Bel, who heareth thee, (and) Marduk, who favoreth thee,
At thy command destroy as a storm;

The bull-god, thy chief [

] the plain of the mountains and [


This text has been already published by CRAIG in his Assyrian and Babylonian Religious Texts, Vol. I, pp. 54. 55; and by WINCKLER in his Sammlung von Keilschrifttexten, II, pp. 2. 3. As my own copy however differs from these in several places, I venture to give it here. 30 The script is clear, but unfortunately the tablet has been badly preserved; the right-hand lower corner of Col. I was evidently crushed before the tablet was dry.

The text is a hymn in praise of the goddess Nanâ, and concludes with a prayer for Sargon, King of Assyria. Philologically 35 the text is quite interesting, but I cannot vouch for my translation in all particulars.

Col. I, 1. 2. namṣaru, doubtless to be so completed. — pitû 'sharp, edgeď; cf. kakkê petûti K. 2852, Col. I, 26 (WINCKLER, Forsch. VII, 30) and the use of n in P's. 37, 14; Ez. 21, 33 (Gött. Gel. Anzeigen, 40 1898, p. 823).

L. 3. ik-mu-u. This reading seems to me to best suit the fragments of the first sign. MUSS-ARNOLT, Dict. 683a reads ulmu zaķtu. L. 5. melulu, a masc. form to melultu. See REISNER, Hymnen, p. 122, Vorders. 12, me-lul-la-ša.

L. 7. palke numerous' seems to be the best translation.

L. 8. šu-ut I take as the genitive particle -ša. 'Musicians of ZAG-SAL,' i. e., playing on ZAG-SAL. Apparently we have in this and the next line the names of six musical instruments, only one of which has thus far been identified.

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L. 10. kurgarrê; see for this reading II R. 32, 23 e. f, also KB 10 VI, 377. The meaning is unknown. — palakki a form like adallu. The root palaku means 'to separate;' hence my translation in rows. L. 12. -'i-rat may be restored to za'irat.

Col. II, 1. 2. The sign NUN I have rendered as rubâtu, parallel to dannatu. The sign is however broken, and a sign may be missing 15 before it.

L. 4. ukannuši II, 1 from ; see at Col. IV, 11.
L. 5. unši, imp. fem. II, 1, from

. Compare putri at-la-ki IV R. 56, 15. The meaning of atlu (d, t?) is unknown but cf. adilanu ZK II, 327.

L. 6. I have given a literal translation. A similar phrase is (Ištar) ša paraş kardûte šuk-lu-lat (HWB 331a).

L. 7. The first part is doubtful.

L. 9. ipši, imp. of Es; or ibši, pret. of D.


Col. IV, 1. 4. tirhḥasu for tirḥatšu. In the Hammurabi Code tirḥatu 25 regularly means the groom's gift to his bride.

L. 6. There is probably a short sign lacking at the beginning, perhaps e. — sal-mu-ú-šu is but one of several possible readings. I am unable to suggest a plausible interpretation.

L. 7. a-su-ú, a noun from the Sumerian A-ZU, which is generally 30 rendered asû. ZU , whence is derived mûdû.

L. 8. In ma-ag-ru the sign ag is probably right; ru is only conjectural.

L. 9. The last sign of ip-pu-uš is not sure.

L. 10. The first sign may be ad, i, or și; the second, ir or sa. 35 If adir be correct, it may mean either 'fear' or 'want, need.' - dulliḥa and ahsa I have taken, as well as the following forms in a, as imp. plural.

L. II. kun-na-a, II, 1 from 7, which must have a similar meaning to šurriha, šurbâ; cf. kunnû (MEISSNER, Suppl. 48a) erhaben. Possible also, but not probable, is the rendering 'let long days (and) 40 months proclaim,' deriving kunna from = Suppl. 47b). arhu-ú may be read arhû, which may be a plural

to arhu.

,.MEISSN) کنی .Arab

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L. 12. For ka-ti-e 'weak' see MEISSN., Suppl. s. v.

L. 14. For ruşuntu, probably 'strong, powerful' cf. HWB 316b and MEISSN., Suppl. 89b.

L. 16. Any translation is very doubtful. For ba-a-lum I would 5 suggest a meaning 'brightness, light'; cf. ba'âlu in THOMPSON'S Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers; for urpitu with the meaning 'cloud, darkness, dimness, shade' cf. the derivatives of . -su-uddi-ra-ši-ma, obviously an imp. II, I from 70, cannot be 'order her, arrange her.'

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L. 19. For a-lik ar-ki-e-ki cf. alik urki, MEISSN., Suppl. 16.
L. 21. 22. both doubtless end with šu.

L. 23. lip-tu, a noun from . The meaning is evidently 'disease, pest.' MUSS-ARNOLT, Dict. 741 makes an amusing error: he reads in our line nartu which means 'singing woman.' But it is surely un15 warranted to think that these were so dreaded in the days of Sargon. zu-um-ru-šu-nu; there is room for the last sign nu. It may however be singular, 'his body.'

L. 24. și-in-nu is evidently parallel to limnu of the next line. I have translated 'stinging' on account of the Heb. 1; cf. also the 20 Talmudic stinging palm, stone-palm' (whose wood is very hard and thorny); and to sting,' of taste (so JASTROW, Dictionary of the Targumim &c.).

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L. 29. For ALAD-AN-KAL see HWB 646a. 25 is probably equivalent to manzas pâni.

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manzaz mahri

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] HA(?) A-SE-IR-bi gig-a-an

ah-ru gal-tu ta-ni-ih-šu ma-ru-uș
ud im gàl-lu ud im gàl-lu
ina ûmu(mu) me-hi-e ina YY
] kúr nam-tar-tar-ri

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