
taining a ship manned of Henry VII. the course he ered, ib.

.flv, 1. 160.

2, Mr. ii. 218, 254, 255.

zien, prior of Trinity in France, his speech to the counof Henry VII. i. 753, disperses a libel in Latin verse ainst the king at his going home, 756.

a, i. 262, 273, 321, was thought fit for government till had power, 269.

n, his cure for the scirrhus of the liver, i. 140.

ot slain, i. 747.

æus, or Galileo, ii. 170, 211, his opinion of the ebbing d flowing of the sea, i. 174.

ey-slaves, why generally fleshy, i. 166.

delivery, the course of executing it, i. 574, the office gaolers, 651.

e, destroying of it, how to be punished, i. 677.

ing, a motion of imitation, i. 48.

tions of a trial, 121, 122, several properties of gold, 122 Gold hath in it the least volatile of any metal, 175, the making gold scarcely possible, 241, will incorporate with quicksilver, lead, copper, brass, iron, 243. Gondomar, count de, his resentment against Sir Walter Raleigh, ii. 106, insulted by the apprentices of London, ib. note, sends his compliments to the lord chancellor, 219, letters to him from lord St. Alban, 233, 252, a great friend of his lordship, in no credit with the prince of Wales or duke of Buckingham, 255.

Gondomar, his tale when our author was advanced to the great seal, i. 317. Vide 330.

Gonsalvo, his character of a soldier, i. 315.

Goodere, Sir Henry, ii. 170, 178.

Goodness of nature, i. 270, has no excess but error, ib. tne several signs or symptoms of it, 270, 271.

Goods stolen, if forfeited to the crown by felony, &c. cannot be recovered by the owner, i. 586.

cilazzo de Viega, descended of the race of the Incas, Gordon, Catherine, married to Perkin, i. 771, her commen528.

dens, i. 298, for all months in the year, ib.

diner, bishop, i. 318, a saying of his, 667.

diner, Sir Robert, a commendation of him, i. 714.

ments, of what plants they may be made, i. 151.

dations, 779, taken and sent to the queen, and had an
honourable allowance, ib.

Gorge, his confession, relating to lord Essex's treason i.
426, another confession, ib.
Gorgias, i. 194.

ners under-ground, the best preservatives of corn, i. 123. Goths, &c. their descent upon Rome, i. 467.

ter, order of, i. 760.

ton de Fois, i. 295.

hering of wind for freshness, i. 172.

elkind, a custom in Kent, i. 577. Gavelkind land is ot escheatable for felony, 580.

al, nation of, made capable of bearing offices, &c. in Come, i. 451.

mt, the honourable retreat there by Sir John Norris, 537.

[blocks in formation]

man mines having vegetables in the bottom, i. 146. many, its state considered, i. 382.

mination of plants accelerated by several means, i. 131,
32, retarded by several means, 132.

rard, Sir Thomas, ii. 198, recommended by the mar-
uis of Buckingham to the lord chancellor, 223.
idiness, why after long sitting, i. 166.

t, property gained thereby, when valid, and when void,

iss, why pressure upon the lip of it makes the water risk, i. 83.

iss, the materials thereof in Venice, i. 171. Glass out of he sand, 172. Glass, whether remolten it keepeth veight, 175.

iss, how to be improved, i. 172.

›bes at distance appearing flat, i. 187.

Ducester, statute of, relating to wastes of timber-trees,
and property in them explained, i. 617, 620.
Ow-worms shine longer than they live, i. 124. Glow-
vorm, its nature and properties, 163. Glow-worms put
n glasses under the water, their use, 170.

d, how many ways he is dishonoured in his church, i.
374, he only is eternal, 337, is Father, Son, and Spirit,
b. his design of uniting his Son to man, and the wonder-
fulness of that dispensation, ib. resolved to create the
world, ib. created all things good at first, ib. governs all
things by his providence, 338, revealed his will, in dif-
ferent degrees and manners, at different times, ib.
dfrey, bishop of Luca, ii. 166.
dfrey's case, ii. 269.

old, the making of it, i. 121, a work if possible, yet not
rightly pursued, ib. discourse of a stranger touching the
making of it, ib. directions for the making of it, ib. direc-

[blocks in formation]

Government, its four pillars, i, 272, its charter of founda-
tion, 527, they who cannot govern themselves not fit to
govern others, 516.

Government, four original causes thereof, i. 653, hereditary,
655, good ones compared to fair crystals, 713, that ob-
servable in the great universe, a proper pattern for go-
vernment in state, 450, all kinds of it lawful, 353.
Gout, order in curing it in twenty-four hours, i. 91, mine-
ral bath prescribed for its cure, 174.


Grafting of roses, i. 133, a late coming fruit upon an early
fruit tree, 132, 133. Grafts in great plenty, 134.
Grafting, whence it meliorateth the fruit, i. 135, some trees
come better from the kernel than the graft, ib.
of trees that bear no fruit enlargeth the leaves, 137.
Grafting of several kinds maketh not compound fruits,
ib. doubleth flowers, but maketh not a new kind, ib.
Grafting vine upon vine, 156.

Grains of youth, i. 250.

Grammar-schools, the inconveniences of a great number of them, i. 495, 496.

Granada, almost recovered from the Moors, i. 754, the final conquest of it, 758, had been in possession of the Moors 700 years, 759.

Grandison, viscount, ii. 257.
Granicum, battle of, i. 323.

Grants of the king are not to be construed and taken to a
special intent, i. 558, of a common person, how far to be
extended, ib. a distinction made between them and de-
clarations, 560, does not prove the lessee's property in
any but timber-trees, 559, some rules concerning the
staying them, as proper or not so, 710.

Grapes, how they may be kept long, i. 152.
Gravity, its increase and decrease, i. 87, motion of gravity
within or at distance from the earth, ib. Vide 170. Opi-
nion of moving to the centre a vanity, 87.

Gray, lord, takes the Spaniards' fort in Ireland, i. 357.
Graziers, why they remove their cattle from mean to better
pastures, í. 134.

Great Britain, the beginning of a history thereof, i. 796.
Great offices and officers, i. 514.

Greatness comparative of living creatures, i. 183.
Greatness of kingdoms, i. 284, how advanced, ib.
Green, the general colour of plants, i. 141.
Greencloth, court of, ordained for the provision of the
king's household, i. 448, 520.

Greenness in some plants all winter, whence, i. 148.
Gregory the Great, why traduced by Machiavel, i. 306.
Grenvil, Sir Richard, his memorable action in the Revenge,
against the Spanish fleet, i. 540.

Greville, Sir Fulke, an account of him, ii. 57 note†, chan-
cellor of the exchequer, ib. See Brooke.

Grief and pain, the impressions thereof, i. 163, 164.
Grindal, his censure of physicians, i. 320.

Groves of bays hinder pestilent airs, i. 193, the cause of
the wholesome air of Antiochia, ib.

Growing of certain fruits and herbs after they are gathered, whence, i. 120, trial whether they increase in weight, ib. Growing or multiplying of metals, 175.

Growth of hair, nails, hedges, and herbs, in the moon's increase, i. 188.

Guinea-pepper causeth sneezing, i. 192.

Guise, family of, many troubles in England and Scotland owing to them, i. 390. England assists France several times against the faction of this house, ib. duke of, is beheaded by Henry III. of France, ib, a saying concerning the duke of Guise's liberality, 434.

Guise, Henry, duke of, in what sense the greatest usurer in
France, i. 321.

Gum dissolves both by fire and water, i. 181.
Gum-dragon, i. 173.

Gum of trees, the cause of its shining, i. 83.

Gunpowder, the cause of the great noise it yieldeth, i. 86, white, whether it giveth no sound, 101.


HACKET, a fanatical disturber of the church, i. 383, his execution, ib.

Hair coloured black by the Turks, i. 167. Hairs of beasts not so fresh colours as birds' feathers, 83, how the colour of them may be changed, 96. Hair on the head of children new-born, whence, 158, standing erect in a fright, whence, 163. Hair changing colour, 183. Hair of the party beloved worn, exciteth love, 200.

Hanaper of the chancery, what it included, i. 589.
Hands have a sympathy with the head and other parts,
i. 97.

Hannibal's character of Fabius and Marcellus, i. 325.
Hanno and Hannibal, i. 325.

Hansbeys, their cause in chancery, ii 204 note §§.
Hard substances in the bodies of living creatures, most
about the head, i. 168, some of them stand at a stay,
some continually grow, ib. all of them without sense but
the teeth, ib.

Hard bodies, their cause, i. 181.

Harper, Sir John, ii. 198.

Hatching of eggs, i. 169.

veral effects of heat in the sun, fire, and living tures, 184. Heat and cold have a virtual tr without communication of substance, 185. Heat the earth, 187, greater in winter than summer, i of drawing it forth by the moon-beams, 188. Hest der the equinoctial less than under the torrid zones, “ causes thereof, 130.

Heath, Robert, made solicitor-general, ii. 228, 23. Heathen opinion touching generation of creatures pe by concretion, refelled, i. 189.

Heavenly bodies, their influences, i. 188, 191.
Hebrews, i. 208.

Hector, Dr. his prescription to the dames of Let 259.

Hedgehog's flesh, its virtue, i. 199.

Heirs are bound by the acts of their ancestors, if i. 577, charged for false plea, ib. the great favour ci law towards them, 606.

Helena, her lover quitted Juno and Pallas, i. 268. Heliotropia, the causes of its opening and shutting, or ba ing towards the sun, i. 139.

Helwisse, Sir Gervase, his declaration concerning Sir mas Overbury's death, i. 700, ii. 175, lieutenant &a Tower, 175 note +, i. 700 note +, discovered to be cerned in the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, i. 7 ii. 175.

Hemlock causeth easy death, i. 154.

Hemp and flax, the great use of planting them, i. 517. Henry II. of England, i. 276.

Henry III. of France is stabbed before the walls of Pr by a jacobin friar, i. 687, is murdered, ib. the revea his death, 264.

Henry IV. of France, his question to the count of 1 sons, i. 312, is called the king of faith, ib. the best mander of his time, 538, much praised, 687, is ed, ib.

Henry II. and III of England, some troubles of ther mentioned, i. 379.

Henry IV. of England extolled by the prior of Tri 754. Story of the first year of his reign publishe dedicated to lord Essex, which offends the queer is deposed and murdered, 422.

Hatton, lady, removes her daughter, to prevent her being Henry V. of England, his remarkable success, i. 509 married to Sir John Villiers, ii. 193 note *.

Haughton, Sir Richard, ii. 198.

Henry VI. of England, slain by the hands of Richard i. 731.

Hawkins, Sir John, his unfortunate death by sickness in Henry VII. of England, his history, i. 276, in his gre the West Indies, i. 541.

Haws and hips in store, portend cold winters, i. 166.

Hay, Sir Alexander, his queries about the office of constables, with answers, i. 648.

Hayward, Dr. committed to the Tower, for the history of the deposition of king Richard II. i. 312, stolen from Cornelius Tacitus, ib.

Head, its sympathy with the feet, i. 97, local motion continued after the head struck off, whence, 130. Health, regimen of it, i. 287, interrupted by sudden change of diet, ib. cheerfulness a great preservative of it, ib. how consulted by the situation of buildings, 289. Health of the nation remarkable in queen Elizabeth's time, i. 379.

Healthful airs oft-times without scent, i. 191. Hearing hath more immediate operation upon the manners and spirits of men than the other senses, whence, i. 100, its hinderances and helps, i. 116, why hindered by yawning, ib. helped by holding the breath, ib. instruments to help hearing, ib. Hearing causeth horror, 161. Hearing more offended by some objects, than the eye by ungrateful sights, 115.

Heart of an ape worn increaseth audacity, as reported, &c. i. 198.

Heat and cold, i. 236.

Heat and cold, Nature's two hands, i. 93. Heat the chiefest power in nature, 97, how to make trial of the highest operation of it. 98. Heat and time work the like effects, 98, 117, their different operations in many things, 117, 158. Heat more tolerable under the line than on the skirts of the torrid zone, 130. Heat, being qualified by moisture, the effect, 158. Heat causeth the differences of male and female, 183, other differences thereupon, ib. tempered with moisture, ib. the se

business imparted to few, 277, his device to iz England, 285, what Henry VI. said of him, 793, 5) earl of Richmond before his accession to the crow caused "Te Deum" to be sung on the place of his tory, ib. his three titles to the crown, 732, depresses title of the house of York, ib. disperses the fears of people by his peaceable march to London, 73, 770 of creations when crowned, 734, institutes yeonES C guard, ib. summons a parliament, ib. his attainder: mentioned by the judges, 735, his marriage more ized than his entry or coronation, ib. successful at cure, ib. punishes the rebels by fines and ransoms. obtains from the pope the qualifying of sanctuaries, his conduct in the affair of Britany, ib. his schemes the in too fine to be fortunate, 745, great affairs being stubborn to be wrought upon by points of wit, parliament, ib. recommends laws against riots, 747 to encourage trade and manufactures, ib. passes se good laws, 748, retrenches the privileges of the ib. serves himself by intimacy with Adrian de Cas the pope's legate, 750, barters laws for treasure. Io one of the best lawgivers, ib. improves the military 751, demands the title and tribute from France, 7 speech to his parliament, 756, proposes to try hist for the crown of France, ib. receives from the ki queen of Spain letters containing particulars of th conquest of Granada, 758, draws together a pe army, and lands at Calais, 759, invests Boloign and 5. peace, 760, notifies his gainful peace to the may aldermen of London, 761, general clamour ag king, 763, his diligence in tracing Perkin's history. has his own spies cursed publicly at St. Pans probable reasons of his distaste against Sir " Stanley, 766, the king pestered with swarms of


females of sedition, 767, crushes money from his subs by his penal laws, ib. enters into a league in defence taly, 768, a reward promised for killing or taking the g by Perkin's proclamation, 772, the king's wars were ays a mine of treasure to him, 773, creates bannerets r the victory at Blackheath, 775, demands of the ts to have Perkin delivered, 776, 777, constantly hed in the Italian league before Ferdinando, 768, exhis utmost force to secure Perkin, when he had got on English ground, 778, enters the city of Exeter ully, and gives them his sword, 779, takes Perkin out anctuary, on promise of life, ib. rebuilds the palace of ne, 780, assigns a ship manned to Gabato, to discover nown parts, ib. how the king missed the first disery, ib. makes peace with the king of Scots, 781, has hird son born, named Edmund, who soon died, ib. ses over to Calais, and has an interview with the aduke, 783, summoned by the pope to the holy war, creates Henry prince of Wales, 785, his barbarous ge of the earl of Oxford, one of his principal servants var and peace, 786, had scarce any parliament withan act against riots and retainers, 788, subsidy and evolence in one year without war or fear of any, ib. treatment of the king of Castile, forced to put in at ymouth, 789, 790, solicitous to have Henry VI. caized, 791, marries his second daughter, Mary, to rles prince of Castile, afterwards emperor, ib. his th, 792, his character and benefactions, ib. laws and ice prevailed in his time, except where he was party, is reputation abroad greater than at home, 793, born Pembroke castle, 795.

VIII. of England, his birth, i. 756, his eminent disquishing qualities, 795, learned, but short of his brother hur, ib. his felicity upon his succession, ib. his conracy with Francis 1. and Charles V. 535.

', prince, insolence of Sir Thomas Overbury to him, 72. his death imputed to the earl of Somerset, ib. Bacon's Latin eulogium on him, and its translation, ,160.

II. last king of France of value, except Henry IV.


litus, Socrates' opinion of, i. 315, styled the obscure, ,325, a dark saying of his, 283.

made tenderer, i. 136, removed from beds into pots sper better, ib. grow sweeter by cutting off the first out, whence, ib. inquiry whether they can be made licinable, and how, 148, four designations of it, ib. ir ordinary colours, 141. Herbs growing out of the er without foots, 146, growing out of the top of the without roots, ib. growing out of snow, ib. growing of stone, ib. growing in the bottoms of mines, ib.| e growing out of the sea-sands, ib. Herbs dying rly, 147, that last many years, ib. the largest last not zest, as the largest trees do, why, ib. fable of an herb he likeness of a lamb, 151. Herbs which show the ure of the ground, 155. Herbs which like to be ered with salt water, 157. Herbs that foreshow

), 178.

[blocks in formation]

ocras, clarified with milk, i. 83, 120.

flesh, i. 90, his aphorism touching diseases contrary to complexion, age, &c. 92, his prognostics upon the seasons of the year, 128, says, Athens is mad, and Democritus only sober, 525. Hippocrates' sleeve, i. 83.

Hippophagi, the Scythians so called, i. 84.

History, general division of, i. 28. Natural history, ib. Civil history, 29. Appendices to history, 32. History of England, observation on the defects, &c. thereof, ii. 33 note, of Henry VII. commended, ib. Hobart, Sir Henry, ii. 163 note 1, 167, 213, 202, likely to die, 227.

Holland cheese, i. 188.

Homage, vowed to the king by every tenant by knight's service, i. 578, how performed, ib. importeth continuance in the blood, 618.

Homicide, how many ways it may be committed, i. 644, thought justifiable only in one case by the Romans, 681, how distinguished by the law of God, ib. law about it,


Honesty of life, breaches of it how presentable, and of what kind, 676.

Honey, i. 151, 152, 182, several ways how it is used, ib. a wine of honey, 182. Honey of the box-tree, 182. Honey-dews upon certain leaves and flowers, i. 139, 151. Honour, the place of virtue, i. 269. Honour and reputation, i. 304. vantages, 292, the degrees of sovereign honour, 304, of honour in subjects, ib. the spur to virtue, 255.

Honour hath three ad

of the judge is the king's honour, 512. Honour, Consalvo's saying upon it, i. 306, 682. Hops, broom, poculent herbs, i. 152.


Horns, i. 168. Horned beasts have no upper teeth, ib.
Hornsby, Francis, ii. 207.

Horse, every tenant by knight's service is obliged to keep one for the king's use, i. 578.

Horses, English, excel in strength and swiftness, i. 517. Horse's flesh eaten, i. 184. Horses' tooth has the mark of their age, 168. Sea-horse tooth ring good for the cramp. 197.

Hortensius, his character to the life, i. 295, 296. Hospitals, how frequently they are abused to ill purposes, i. 494, ill effects of very large ones, 495, are best managed in London, and why they are so, ib. the good effects of them in preventing beggars, ib. are not an adequate remedy for supporting the poor, ii. 107.

Hostility, how many ways hindered from being put in execution, when it is between nations, i. 442. Hot bread, its odour nourishing, i. 193. Houghton, Sir Robert, some account of him, ii. 50. Houghton, Sir Gilbert, his patent stayed at the seal, ii. 167. Household expenses, king James's way of retrenching them, ii. 101, letter of king James relating to them, ib. a draught of the sub-commission relating thereto, 102.

House of Peers a court of judicature, i. 513, of Commons cannot administer an oath, ib.

Howard, Henry, earl of Northampton, lord privy seal, &c. i. 313, his answer to the Dutch minister, ib. Howard, earl of Nottingham, some account of him, ii. 94 note *.

Huddy, John and Richard, ii. 202.

Hukely, Thomas, his cause recommended by the earl of
Buckingham to the lord keeper Bacon, ii. 198.
Human knowledge, general distribution of, i. 25, 26, 27.
Humours, ill lodged, very dangerous, i. 92.

Hundred, division of the counties into them, and the occasion thereof, i. 572. Hundred courts, to whom granted at the first, ib. lord of the hundred is to appoint two high-constables and a petty one, ib.

Hunsdon, John, baron of, ii. 167.

Hunt, John, ii. 203.

Huntingdon, earl of, ii. 198.

Husbandry in many particulars, i. 517.

Husbands affected by their wives' breeding, i. 199, who make good ones, 260.

Hutton, is made judge of the common pleas, i. 716, ii. 202.
Hutton, Luke, personated by lady Roos, ii. 218.
Hydraulics, i. 98.

Hylas, Hercules's page, the fable of him, i. 104.

ocrates, his rule about the garment worn next the Hypocrites, the greatest atheists, i. 274.

I and J.

JAIL, a most pernicious smell, and next to the plague, i. 192, judges and others died by that pernicious infection, ib.

James I. compares his speech to a mirror, i. 310, compares himself and parliament to husband and wife, where jealousy is pernicious, ib. desires that country gentlemen should not live long in London, 330, is calumniated by Mr. Oliver St. John, in some papers, 691, 692, a short character of him, 691, his great clemency, 693, his book to his son, touching the office of a king, commended, 713, his book very seasonably wrote, ii. 29 note *, commendation of his reign in several instances, i. 680, a farther account of the king, ii. 29, erects a monument to queen Elizabeth, 33, farther commendation of his reign, 109, he moderates in the dispute between the bishops and dissenters, at Hampton-court, 34, he keeps the fifth of August as a holy-day, on account of his delivery from Gowry's conspiracy, 106, is censured by Le Clerc for neglecting to take care of lord Bacon, while he preferred other worthless persons, 130 note +, apprehensive of being taxed by the earl of Somerset, on his trial, 171 note †, his apostiles on the heads of the charge against the earl of Somerset, 172, inquires into the poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury, 175, goes to Scotland, 185 note †, holds a parliament in Scotland, 189, his answer to a letter of the lord keeper, 192, angry with his lordship and the attorney-general, 194, 195, promises to forgive his lordship, 196, his remark on lord Bacon's "Novum Organum," 222 note §. looks over the manuscript of his lordship's history of the reign of king Henry VII. 238, memorial of lord Bacon's access to his majesty, 247, letters to him from lord viscount St. Alban, 265, his letter to the judges of England about Sir Edward Coke's Reports in prejudice of his prerogative, 272.

James III. of Scotland, slain at Bannocksburn, i. 750.
James IV. wholly at the devotion of France, i. 757, married
to Margaret, eldest daughter of Henry VII. 785.
Jason of Thessaly, i. 326.

Jasper, earl of Pembroke, uncle to Henry VII. i. 734, made duke of Bedford at the coronation, ib. commands the army against the lord Lovel, 736, made general again, 740, for the French expedition, 759.

Jaundice, whence the difficulty of curing it proceeds, i. 201. Idolatry, degrees of it, i. 524, doth not dissolve government, 527.

Idols, four sorts of, i. 227.

[blocks in formation]

Imagination, the force of it, i. 174. Imagination exalted, 190, force of it upon the body of the imagination, by inspiring industry, ib. three cautions about the same, 191, worketh most upon weak persons, 190. Imagination, the kinds of it, 195, the force of it upon another body, ib. several instances of it, ib. et in seq. an instance thereof by a pair of cards, ib. three means to impose a thought, ib. designations for trial of the operations in this kind, 196, to work by one that hath a good opinion of you, ib. to work by many, ib. means to preserve imagination in the strength, ib. it worketh more at some times than others, ib. it hath most force upon the lightest motions, 197, effect of the senses, 174. Imagination imitating the imitations of nature, 112.

Imbezzling of the king's plate, &c. strictly to be punished, i. 676.

Imitation in men and other creatures, a thing to be wondered at, i. 112, several motions in men of imitation, 118. Imitation a globe of precepts, i. 269.

Impeachment must be upon oath and presentment, "Impetitio," what is meant by it, i. 621, is disting from "impedimentum," ib.

Impostors and pirates not to be protected, i. 765.
Imposture by counterfeiting the distance of voices, i
Impotency of men towards their wives procured in
and Gascony, i. 188, 197.
Impressible and not impressible, i. 182.
Impression, doctrine of, i. 41.
Imprisonment upon contempt of orders in chancery,
to be discharged, i. 721.

Impropriations should be returned to the church the impossibility of it, ib. should contribute large relief of the clergy, ib. the value of them in the above ten subsidies, ib.

Improvement, reasons why men do not improve many things, ii. 46.

Impulsion and percussion of bodies, i. 170. Impast a body unequal, ib.

Inanimate and animate, wherein they differ, i. 150 Incense thought to dispose to devotion by the opera the smell, i. 193.

Inceptions, i. 259.

Incorporating or drowning of metals, i. 175. Incorporating of iron and stone, i. 240, of silver 241.

Incubus, its cause and cure, i. 198.

Indian earth, brought over, hath produced Indian 4 i. 146.

Indian fig, its surprising way of growing, i. 151, its of great dimensions without stalks, ib. the Indian s of quietly burning themselves, 293, had something ordnance in the time of Alexander, 307. Indictment, ancient forms thereof not to be altered. i Induration, or lapidification of bodies, i. 95, by cold. r heat, ib. by assimilation, 96, by snow or ice, 94. talline water, ib. in some natural spring-waters. metals, by heating and quenching, ib. by fire, coctions within water, the water not touching, # duration by sympathy, 182.

Industry, what we reap from it makes the fruition= pleasant, i. 259.

Infant in the womb subject to the mother's imaginat 195, suffering from the mother's diet, 198 Infantry, the principal strength of an army, i. 751. Infectious diseases, i. 118, less generally precede greater, 176, received many ways, 190. Influences of the moon, i. 188.

Influences of the heavenly bodies, i. 179, 191.
Informers, i. 481.

Infusion maketh liquors thicker, but decoction c whence, i. 119.

Infusions in liquors, i. 84, a short stay best, ib. It to be iterated, ib. useful for medicinal operati

trial, which parts issue soonest, which slowest, NA porations of the finer spirits sometimes useful, 9. Infusions in air, i. 85, the several odours issue at times, ib.

Infusions in earth, the effects of it, i. 128, cautions used in it, ib. several instances thereof, ib. Ingram, Sir Arthur, ii. 236, 242, 243, 248. Inheritance by fee-simple binds the heir with all b acts of his ancestors, i. 577, the nature of ore and explained, 616. Inheritance movable, petuity is of the essence of inheritance, 617, what belong to the owner of inheritance, and what to ticular tenant, in letting estates, ib, what things inheritance as soon as severed, ib. is well dist by particular estates by our laws, ib. Injunctions for staying of suits, in what cases to b ed, i. 718, are to be enrolled, 721, some rules in g them, 710.

Injury, several degrees thereof as held by our laws, - -
Innocent VIII. pope, i. 734, 758.
Innovations, i. 280, what sort are to be condemse
668, faulty to condemn all sorts in church matt
objection that there would be no end when "
were begun, answered, 352.

Inns, letter to lord Villiers about them, ii. 88.
Inquination, or inconcoction, i. 180.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

cta," i. 160, held by physicians to clarify the blood, the name communicated to all creatures bred of puaction, ib. the difference of them according to the eral matters they are bred of, ib. several properties in m. 161, they have voluntary motion, ib. other senses ides taste, ib.

ictions to great officers, like garments, grow loose in wearing, i. 311.

ectual powers, a discourse concerning the helps which ght be given them, ii. 46, some further indigested coltions relating thereto, 47.

tate, how his goods were formerly disposed of who d, i. 587.

ils of beasts, whether more nourishing than the outrd flesh, i. 89.

ion, procured by any from foreign enemies, how to punished, i. 675.

ive war, not made by the first blow, but by the first ovocation, i. 743.

tives designed often against the prince, though preided only against his ministers, i. 393, instance of this queen Elizabeth and lord Burleigh, ib.

tion, art of, i. 46.

tors, a catalogue of them, i. 215.

cible Armada, a minute account of it, i. 538, 539. ibles in bodies ought to be better inquired, because ey govern nature principally, i. 97.

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queen of Castile, distracted on the death of Philip r husband, i. 790.

3 afflictions more laboured in description than Soloon's felicities, i. 264.

, earl of Lincoln, i. 739. See Lincoln.

1 of Austria buries his reputation, i. 537.

ison, Dr. his three material things in sickness, i. 320. ts in some plants, i. 148, their cause, ib.

es, Dr. Thomas, archbishop of Dublin, letter to him om the lord chancellor Bacon, ii. 204.

28, Sir William, made lord chief justice of Ireland, i. 4, ii. 204, speech to him thereupon, i. 714, four exames proposed to his imitation, ib. directions what he is iefly to regard in the affairs of that nation, ib. letter him from the lord chancellor Bacon, ii. 204.

ph, Michael, the Cornish blacksmith, i. 773, executed, 75.

inianus, emperor, his death, i. 192.

rnals, i. 31.

gives vigour in the eyes, and sometimes tears, i. 164, idden joy, the impressions thereof have caused present eath, ib.

crates, the Athenian, says there is no sure league but capacity to hurt, i. 315, 383, 534.

and affected the house of York, i. 737, proclaims Lamert Simnel, 738, how they receive Perkin from Portual, 762, twice attacked by the Spaniards, 536, 537. 'Aquila says the devil reserved this kingdom for himelf when he proffered Christ all the world, 541.

and not well with England, i. 442, account of it in the eginning of its reduction, 714, directions to Sir William ones in the managing that work, ib. rebellion there aused by the king of Spain, 392, considerations proosed to king James I. about the plantation of it, 470, he great excellency, in several instances, of such a work, 70, 471, plantation of it would prevent seditions here, y employing a vast surcharge of people therein, 471, nd would discharge all hostile attempts upon the place, b. it would bring great profit and strength to the crown of England, ib. a short character of it and the inhabitnts, ib. concerning the means of accomplishing the plantation of it, ib. this work to be urged on from pariament and pulpit, 472, men of estate the fittest perons to be engaged in this work, ib. they are to be spurred on by pleasure, honour, and profit, ib. the charge of it must not lie wholly on the undertakers, ib. a commision necessary for it, 473, their buildings to be in towns, nd not scattered up and down upon each portion, with

reasons for it, ib. undertakers hereof to be restrained alienating or demising any part, 474, charges of this plantation should be considered first by experienced men, ib. considerations touching the reducing thereof to peace and government, ii. 23, all relics of the war there to be extinguished, ib. the hearts of the people to be won over, and by what methods, ib. occasion of new troubles to be removed, 24, farther considerations touching the management of the plantations and buildings there, 24, 25, safety of it recommended, 257.

Irish rebel, his petition to be hanged in a with, i. 293.
Iron, hot, sounds less than cold, i. 105. Iron sharpens

iron, how applied, 303.

Iron instruments hurtful for wounds, i. 173, whether it can be incorporated with flint, 240, may be dissolved by common water, if calcified with sulphur, 246.

Isabella, queen, what she said of good forms, i. 302, see 758, an honour to her sex and times, dies, 788. Ferdinando.

Islanders' bodies, i. 128. Isocrates long-lived, i. 194.


Israel and Judah united under David, i. 452, they again separate, and so continue, ib.

Italy, the state of affairs there considered, i. 382. Judges of assize, their origin, i. 574, they succeed the ancient judges in eyre, ib.

Judges of the circuits sit by five commissions, which are reckoned up, with the authority they each give, i. 574. Judges of gaol delivery, their manner of proceeding, i. 574, several excellent rules relating to the duty of judges, 716, some directions to them in their circuits, 712, 713, the portraiture and duty of a good judge, 716, the nature of their authority, 647.

Judges to interpret, not make or give law. i. 304, should be more learned than witty, 304, their office extends to their parties, advocates, clerks, and sovereign, ib. four branches of their office. 305, essential qualifications of judges, 304.

Judgment of the last day, i. 339, no change of things after that, ib.

Judicature, i. 304, sour and bitter, ib.

Jugglers, i. 139, their binding in the imagination, and enforcing a thought, i. 195.

Juices of fruit, fit for drinks, i. 153, unfit for them, ib. the cause of each, ib.

Julius III. i. 318.

Julius II. summons Henry VII. to the holy war, i. 783. Jura, how many kinds thereof among the Romans, i. 452. Jurisdictions of courts without jarring, i. 512.

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Juris placita, et juris regulæ," their difference, i. 559, the Juris regulæ " are never to be violated, 560, the "placita " are to be often, ib.

Jury, may supply the defect of evidence out of their own knowledge, but are not compellable thereto, i. 553, the care of our laws about them, 606, of the verge, their duty, 673.

"Jus connubii, civitatis, suffragii, et petitionis," how these correspond to our freedoms, i. 452.

"Jus in re, et jus in rem," the difference between them stated, i. 598.

Justice, king James's administration of it commended, i. 691, employs the three other cardinal virtues in her service, 695, lord Bacon's saying upon the perverting of it, ii. 73.

Justices of assize, their authority lessened by the court of common pleas, i. 574. Justices in eyre, dealt in private matters only, i. 574, their authority translated to justices of assize, ib. Justices of the peace, their origin, i. 573, they succeed the conservators, and are delegated to the chancellor, ib. their authority, ib. are to attend the judges in their county, 575, 576, their office farther declared, 651, itiner.ants in Wales, their jurisdiction, 650, of the quorum, who are so, 651, how called so, ib. are appointed by the lord keeper, ib.

Justinian, by commissioners forms the civil law, i. 668, his saying upon that work, 671. Justs and tourneys, i. 292.

Ivy growing out of a stag's horn, scarce credible, i. 144.

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